Hello cruel world!
I'm a newbie who ACTUALLY read the roadmap. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I'm also a refugee from HL and CS, and I realized that UT has a FAR superior net-code than HL (it lets me still play on a 33.6 connection).
Now, one of the things I like more about Inf. is it's premise: a Realistic Military Experience. CS was hostage rescue, and you can't just get people to be good CT's and rescue hos's intead of going for the kill... Ugh. That and morons/egomaniacs in the development and gameplayer communities turned me away. I think that Inf. has a real chance to be something special, because you can make it more realistic than CS 'might' have been.
One of the problems, however, are the movement and animations of players/bots in the game. Flipping sideways over a cliff while firing your Robar at the hip and getting an instant headshot at 50m (happened to me in CTF_Lavamap) kinda makes you think if it's realistic or not....
What needs to be done is to fix the movement and animations of charecters from a 3rd-person view. I don't know how hard animations are to do in UT, but i think that at least having the model shouldering it's weapon at all times would be bad-ass looking. The stuff from RS would be a great example, even if it's a so-so game. Also, jumping needs to be toned-down a hell of alot, even setting air control to 20% won't cut it online. Jumping should have a significant delay in interval, say .5 secs between jumps. I remember being able to escape snipers in CS and Inf. by jumping repeatedly while strafing out of their view, not very realistic at all.
Jumpboots also need to be removed, but I think they should perhaps be replaced with another 'item', like binoculars are an item. Jumpboots need to have a good replacement, and i think it should be a grapple/rappel device. It would be realistic, for instance only one hand for rappeling (Aussie style) and none for climbing. It would have a ballistic path similar to the translocator's, but much faster. This would be a great addition on a bridge-type map.
Well, I've left a few ideas, so post back if ya want, to tell me how feasible the ideas are. I think the grapple/rappel would'nt be terribly hard, but the animations would be from what i've heard...
If ignorance is bliss, why are'nt more people happy?
[This message has been edited by FabulousRex (edited 02-18-2000).]
I'm a newbie who ACTUALLY read the roadmap. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I'm also a refugee from HL and CS, and I realized that UT has a FAR superior net-code than HL (it lets me still play on a 33.6 connection).
Now, one of the things I like more about Inf. is it's premise: a Realistic Military Experience. CS was hostage rescue, and you can't just get people to be good CT's and rescue hos's intead of going for the kill... Ugh. That and morons/egomaniacs in the development and gameplayer communities turned me away. I think that Inf. has a real chance to be something special, because you can make it more realistic than CS 'might' have been.
One of the problems, however, are the movement and animations of players/bots in the game. Flipping sideways over a cliff while firing your Robar at the hip and getting an instant headshot at 50m (happened to me in CTF_Lavamap) kinda makes you think if it's realistic or not....
What needs to be done is to fix the movement and animations of charecters from a 3rd-person view. I don't know how hard animations are to do in UT, but i think that at least having the model shouldering it's weapon at all times would be bad-ass looking. The stuff from RS would be a great example, even if it's a so-so game. Also, jumping needs to be toned-down a hell of alot, even setting air control to 20% won't cut it online. Jumping should have a significant delay in interval, say .5 secs between jumps. I remember being able to escape snipers in CS and Inf. by jumping repeatedly while strafing out of their view, not very realistic at all.
Jumpboots also need to be removed, but I think they should perhaps be replaced with another 'item', like binoculars are an item. Jumpboots need to have a good replacement, and i think it should be a grapple/rappel device. It would be realistic, for instance only one hand for rappeling (Aussie style) and none for climbing. It would have a ballistic path similar to the translocator's, but much faster. This would be a great addition on a bridge-type map.
Well, I've left a few ideas, so post back if ya want, to tell me how feasible the ideas are. I think the grapple/rappel would'nt be terribly hard, but the animations would be from what i've heard...
If ignorance is bliss, why are'nt more people happy?
[This message has been edited by FabulousRex (edited 02-18-2000).]