Well, It's been a while since I've posted here, but what can ya do...I figure its time I did. With that rant about how people need to be open for XMP change, and how hey lets add in new player classes, or lets have customizable classes, new weapons..and just so that the "purists" are okay its a mutator will make everything all better, well guess what....IT WON'T. Sure change is okay, but when the main purpose of a mod is to CONVERT another game type over to a new engine, drastic new ideas such as adding in player classes, or new game types, should only be concidered after the conversion is complete.
You think Epic started thinking about mods for their game before UT2004 was almost completed...NO. XMP is only having a beta December 10th, and I'm willing to be things will still have to be fine tuned. Now while I have no problem with mods, or changes to the gameplay, XMP is being cconverted over to UT2004 so that fans of the original XMP can enjoy the original XMP, and people who were never exposed to it can be.
One of the things the Unreal engine is good for is its modibility, but that's also something that at times makes it far too wide spread. Introducing mutators like this so early into a mods release will only divide a community when that's the last thing it wants. Look at UT, UT2003, UT2004...with instagib. Perhaps the biggest dividor ever within one game. Now sure you may not want to intduce instagib, but its the same concept, with bringing in new classes. If its brought in early, all it will do is have the game start with a divided community.
XMP was, in my opinion a virtually perfected game type. Class balancing is by far no simple task. You can't expect to add in say customizable classes, while keeping the current ones the same, no matter how you do it, be it by point system or what not. Or even realizm mods...soemthing as simple as adding a prone ability can change alot. Why, because maps weren't designed for that ability. Therefore, every map would have to be re tested, to make sure that there's no place where some idiot can prone in a wall.
I think the biggest problem is alot of peole don't seem to realize that while a little addition may seem so simple, it can DRASTICLY alter game play. Even the abilty to see body gore, as discussed by Free Monkey poses a major problem with reviving. Changing the circumstances when one can be revived changes alot. I personally in XMP was 99% of the time an offenive ranger. When ever in a battle, and someone goes down, I almost immideatly jet over to revive them.Now if its all of a sudden changed to oh if you're hit by a rocket with x force then you can't be revived, well that changes stuff. Where do you draw a line on what can and can't be brought back. Gut Blowing, is a different topic, seeing as how its a completely unique circumstance in the game, and only when you're run over do you gib like that.
Locational damage changes things even mroe, cause its a concept that I think doesn't work. IMO if that's brought in I believe locational damage is only useful if it impairs you to hit someone in the leg, ie: slow speed, but yet again, drastic change in gameplay.
I'm not trying to say that XMP should stay the same forever, but first lets perfect itself originally. Then once its established bring stuff in, weapons, classes, gameplay changes wait a bit. Hell the mod isn't even out and still its being heard.
I know this could have been posted elsewhere, in another thread, but ther'es too many of them, and sure I guess its a waste of forum space, and this might even divide people mroe, but who knows. Lets atleast wait till XMP is out before we start requesting things
You think Epic started thinking about mods for their game before UT2004 was almost completed...NO. XMP is only having a beta December 10th, and I'm willing to be things will still have to be fine tuned. Now while I have no problem with mods, or changes to the gameplay, XMP is being cconverted over to UT2004 so that fans of the original XMP can enjoy the original XMP, and people who were never exposed to it can be.
One of the things the Unreal engine is good for is its modibility, but that's also something that at times makes it far too wide spread. Introducing mutators like this so early into a mods release will only divide a community when that's the last thing it wants. Look at UT, UT2003, UT2004...with instagib. Perhaps the biggest dividor ever within one game. Now sure you may not want to intduce instagib, but its the same concept, with bringing in new classes. If its brought in early, all it will do is have the game start with a divided community.
XMP was, in my opinion a virtually perfected game type. Class balancing is by far no simple task. You can't expect to add in say customizable classes, while keeping the current ones the same, no matter how you do it, be it by point system or what not. Or even realizm mods...soemthing as simple as adding a prone ability can change alot. Why, because maps weren't designed for that ability. Therefore, every map would have to be re tested, to make sure that there's no place where some idiot can prone in a wall.
I think the biggest problem is alot of peole don't seem to realize that while a little addition may seem so simple, it can DRASTICLY alter game play. Even the abilty to see body gore, as discussed by Free Monkey poses a major problem with reviving. Changing the circumstances when one can be revived changes alot. I personally in XMP was 99% of the time an offenive ranger. When ever in a battle, and someone goes down, I almost immideatly jet over to revive them.Now if its all of a sudden changed to oh if you're hit by a rocket with x force then you can't be revived, well that changes stuff. Where do you draw a line on what can and can't be brought back. Gut Blowing, is a different topic, seeing as how its a completely unique circumstance in the game, and only when you're run over do you gib like that.
Locational damage changes things even mroe, cause its a concept that I think doesn't work. IMO if that's brought in I believe locational damage is only useful if it impairs you to hit someone in the leg, ie: slow speed, but yet again, drastic change in gameplay.
I'm not trying to say that XMP should stay the same forever, but first lets perfect itself originally. Then once its established bring stuff in, weapons, classes, gameplay changes wait a bit. Hell the mod isn't even out and still its being heard.
I know this could have been posted elsewhere, in another thread, but ther'es too many of them, and sure I guess its a waste of forum space, and this might even divide people mroe, but who knows. Lets atleast wait till XMP is out before we start requesting things