An official prefab library?

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I have come up with this thing to prevent file mismatch, strengthening the feel of Infiltration, and to place 1st class textures - brushes - sounds and decorations in the hand of our mappers.

If the creative part of the community sent there candidates for textures, brushes, sounds and decorations to a qualified person, she would then chose the prefabs to be included in theme packs. The quality would be higher, the size of the map zips would fall*, and the maps play faster (textures in a pack forced to use the same palet).
It would put the least pressure on the quality controller, since he would only have to bundle it properly.

Is this realistic?

* The packs would have to be downloaded separately from a common site. Also unfinished packs could be updated once per month.
PS. If it is realistic, do you know a more qualified person to do this than Warren? (Do somebody in the biz now you?)


That's actually a pretty good idea- I'd like to create a ton of great prefab military objects in max to be imported into Ued. Problem is, until 3.0 is released, we gots too much to do.


If this pre-fab thing gets off the ground, it would be really cool if furniture and such are made to scale. One of my biggest peeves (along with maps that SHOULD have sky-boxes and cloud layers, and *.utx files with the same name but different content...) is a chair that towers 3 feet above the player models head(exceptions: DMBreakfast, DMNoddy,etc.).
Is it possible to import Half-Life Prefabs into Unreal???

Adam C.
Oh Christ... another Mac