An Army UT2k4 Mod!

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New Member
Jun 9, 2004
I've thought about creating a mod for UT2k4 like the game America's Army. I think it would be cool to have hummers and Stryker vehichles that move. I have some good ideas, but I would like to have people that are good at modeling, scripting, and anything else. If anyone is interested e-mail me at [email protected]


New Member
Jun 9, 2004
I've been thinkin' off and on about this idea cuz there are some things i don't like in America's Army lol. I would like the maps to be bigger with less lag. We could also not make this a UT2k4 mod, but a game within itself built off of UT2k4. My AIM s/n is SlickyRyan, so if you'd like to talk i'm available to.


[SAS Mod]
Oct 16, 2001
The Sanitarium
Do some research before embarking on a project like this.

Just a few small points.

1. You cant make a stand alone game (i assume thats what you meant) with 2k4, unless you pay Epic squillions of dollars for a license.

2. There are other simmilar realism mods allready.

3. You will never be able to make a mod that is near the quality of AA, so anyone who was interested in that kind of theme, would just play AA.

4. I take it by less lag, you mean better frame rate. In which case, bigger maps = worse frames. You cant have it both ways.


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
I would have to say that it would probably wouldn't be that hard to make a realism mod better then AA. AA has a number of problems all ready with thier code. While I am sure alot of people like AA its not the end be all of realism based warfare.


[SAS Mod]
Oct 16, 2001
The Sanitarium
Prophet_Dark said:
I would have to say that it would probably wouldn't be that hard to make a realism mod better then AA. AA has a number of problems all ready with thier code. While I am sure alot of people like AA its not the end be all of realism based warfare.

If you were an experienced modder, you would know it is a HELL of a lot of work. And for a volountary team.

@Fireslash: Indeed.


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
JackReacher said:
If you were an experienced modder, you would know it is a HELL of a lot of work. And for a volountary team.

@Fireslash: Indeed.

Just to point a couple things out. Ease of creation is a relative thing. I think it would be easy because well there is a number of people all ready making realism modifications. I say easy because of the LARGE holes in AA. Holes that are fixed with the basic functionality of UT2k4, and some features present in the current realism mods that exist for UT2k4 all ready.

Ease is a relative term that is based upon the task at hand. Say its easier to make a realism mod that is better then AA because UT2k4 and the current modding community has all ready or is currently programming most of the features in use in AA, and have come up with or all ready exists many features that AA lacks.
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[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Prophet_Dark: I think he was more on the terms that it's hardwork to create all of the content, not so much as theoritical ideas. I doubt many of the realism code is going to give out their source code or share a lot of their ideas on how they did things. Recognizing lack of features is one things, but actually coding them is another.

BTW Prophet_Dark, what is your skill set composed of?


Jun 10, 2004
Solid Snake's point is a valid one. Even if you know how to do everything in advance, it still takes time to write the whole thing and create the content. Figuring out how something can be done is often the most mentally challenging, but the least time consuming part. Realizing that in order to implement X, you're going to have to rewrite Y, which is going to require Z other modifications to accomodate the new Y is the time consuming part.

If writing it wasn't the time consuming part, you'd think everyone and their brother would be absolutely churning out commercial games, since all the concepts behind a "by the numbers" FPS have already been thoroughly figured out and documented.


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
I would really like to find out were you guys think I say modding was easy. I said making an AA mod would be relatively easy. As I stated in the last post this was not a discussion about how HARD modding in general was. PLEASE for the love of god who the hell said I thought modding was easy? Shoot them and hang them by thier privates for a month with no food only a saleen drip.


I personally think that the talent that is in the modding community could easily outshine the current AA gameplay a hundred fold. Simply put its basic and not very well thought out, and NOTHING LIKE ACTUAL COMBAT. Unless you are in a clan or with a group of friends close or in voice I would really like to see a game of AA that uses real squad tactics. Oh and WHY THE HELL doesn't AA have voice communication that is the DUMBEST thing in that mod.

Rant off. I hope you return to your regularly schedule comments, and STOP STATING THE FREAKING OBVIOUS WE KNOW MODDING IS NOT EASY.

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Jun 10, 2004
Prophet_Dark said:
I personally think that the talent that is in the modding community could easily outshine the current AA gameplay a hundred fold. Simply put its basic and not very well thought out, and NOTHING LIKE ACTUAL COMBAT. Unless you are in a clan or with a group of friends close or in voice I would really like to see a game of AA that uses real squad tactics. Oh and WHY THE HELL doesn't AA have voice communication that is the DUMBEST thing in that mod.

I haven't played the "Special Operations" one, only the original "Operations" so I might be a bit off here, but.. the combat in Operations seemed pretty realistic. I don't mean to be rude, but have you ever been in "actual combat?" It sounds as though you were expecting something more along the lines of a SWAT team, which is very different from military tactics.

Also, it's possible that voice communication was left out on purpose. Generally in combat you don't want to say anything, because if you do, the enemy will hear you, at which point he or she will shoot you. Radios can be used if you're quiet, but that requires you to take at least one hand off your weapon, almost like, say, typing a message on a keyboard requires you to take at least one hand off your mouse.


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
BinarySystem said:
I haven't played the "Special Operations" one, only the original "Operations" so I might be a bit off here, but.. the combat in Operations seemed pretty realistic. I don't mean to be rude, but have you ever been in "actual combat?" It sounds as though you were expecting something more along the lines of a SWAT team, which is very different from military tactics.

Also, it's possible that voice communication was left out on purpose. Generally in combat you don't want to say anything, because if you do, the enemy will hear you, at which point he or she will shoot you. Radios can be used if you're quiet, but that requires you to take at least one hand off your weapon, almost like, say, typing a message on a keyboard requires you to take at least one hand off your mouse.

While I agree that AA does have realistic combat items such as sway, breathing, and similar devices. It does not behave at all like a proper military squad when in game play unless you are a preorganized group with alternative communication methods.

As for voice. IT is the only reliable means of communication in these games. Radios were used in the military and most of all commands were issued from a squad leader either through voice or sign language. This is what creates a cohesive unit. Unfortunately none of that organization is available ala stock AA play.


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
To specific modding skills I am most limited to my mapping capabilities though I have not seriously sat down and designed anything in many many years. I have had some contact with mod teams through other work I do, and I know how much goes into each mod. Which is why I get angry at people who actually get paid to do this and release drivel compared to what modders do on thier own time. I also personally really enjoy the UT2k4 platform and what it offers to the gametype.


New Member
May 6, 2002
If you make one, just make sure it's fun.. even if there are a lot of realism mods out there already, IMHO most of them look maybe great but the gameplay just isn't the one I like.. That's why it's possible to have a lot of the same themed mods, each has his own gameplay.. (ex. I like the graphix of Red Orchestra, but I really don't like the gameplay, I'd rather see a gameplay which is way more arcade like, I'm just don't like real realism, and I'm ofcourse not the only one who thinks that way..)
Just make sure you like to play your own mod, if you like your mod then there are bound to be other people who will also like it, and also a bunch who will hate it..