Ammo count

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New Member
Mar 3, 2000
Is it possible (im sure it is /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif) to show how many rounds is left in the magazine? If this is suggested before pls, excuse me.



Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
It has been suggested before, but it detracts from the realism. It'll keep you from spending too much time out in the open and more time close to cover in case you loose count past 6 /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Project Coordinator
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New Member
Mar 3, 2000
Hmm, I get the point about realism, but is it like that in the real world? Is there really no way to see if the magazine only has one round left?

Hmm, math you say. How does that work when you use a weapon with a magazine?


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
There are transparent clips available for some weapons, but this would take a lot of time to make work right in Inf. A lot of animated textures.

I don't know how other people do it, but like for the MP5, I usually switch it to 3 round burst for many reasons- easier to control, count apprx how many rounds I've used, but -hehe- most importantly, I'm using windows 2000 and a TNT2 Ultra- the drivers are beta and so with some scenes in UT, the ROF is ungodly and I could expend a whole clip when in a normal situation, only 15 rounds should have been fired.

Anyway, you gotta mentally train yourself to be responsible for your ammo. Especially in future versions where you've got a weight limit, so that means limited clips available..

Project Coordinator
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Dec 23, 1999
Visit site
For the pistols i find that i'll just reload after every dance, 15 rounds is usually enough to put someone down, if your not lucky enough to pop one in the head, if 15 rds cant do it, your prolly outgunned anyhow. I'm not really a big fan of the 92fs so if it comes down to that i run for cover, and ask for help.

As for the M16 and MP5. Both have 30 round clips. Simply take note of your total ammo count when your sure you have a full clip in weapon. So if you pick up one with 55rds reload it if possible, and then you know that round #26 is the last round in that clip.

Personally i'd rather see a percentage bar with a lable for that clip's full ammo potential. That way i wouldn't be able to know the exact number of rounds in the clip.

Either that or have icons representing your clips, and then have them dim out as the ammo is spent. Only problem with that is there would have to be some way of tracking how much ammo is in each clip you have. You wouldn't be able to fire 3 bursts reload, fire 3 bursts reload, fire 3 bursts reload, and always have a full clip if you needed to go full auto as i always do. heheheh.


Old Guard Infantryman
Feb 15, 2000
Ft. Myer, VA USA
I think that the only counter that you should get is the amount of clips you currently carry for your active weapon. That way you don't know at ALL how much total ammo you have later in the fight. When picking up clips from dead men, it should say 'full' for 30-20 rounds in it, 'less full' for 20-10 rnds, and 'near empty' for 9-1 left. That way you can get a _rough_ estimate of what your picking up, if only by how much it feels like they weigh...

Evil Joe

I Will Kill You
Feb 13, 2000
suck it up people. In RL you have no real way of knowing other then counting.. course you could always drop the mag and look... but that's stupid and like warren said would take alot of work especially when most people wouldn't use it... I don't even count but I can feel when I'm getting low, I mean if you play inf for more then an hour you get a sense of how much you have left... sure I go click click click every now and again but that adds to the tension.