Alpha layers in .utx?

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Rocket Spammer
Feb 23, 2005
For some reason I can't get textures that I made to work right with pieces missing in them. Like for instance, I would grab a skin and alpha an ammo box or spike or something I dont want and when I go to import the file in UnrealEd the utx replaces the texture that I deleted like i never did anything. This isn't a file problem, since it works when I open the texture in an image editor the alpha is still there.

Please Help!



Jun 17, 2001
Cape Suzette
Well, I get the impression that you're trying to overwrite Epic packages. If not, n/m, but if so, don't!

Did you save the package before testing?
If this is for a character, did you change the texture in the upl file?


Rocket Spammer
Feb 23, 2005
Yeah, I'm tweaking a previously made texture for a model I have but I'm importing them like any other custom one. The skin I'm making is for my own use so its not like I'm breaking any rules or anything. There might be problems in the upl like the what happened when I named the skin "Seeker" and it appeared as the Rapier model for some strange reason.

It could also be the filetype I'm using but I have tried all the kinds UnrealEd accepts that can use an alpha layer and they do the same thing.


New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Are you checking either the Alpha or Mask box when you're importing the texture? UE won't use your alpha channel if neither of the above are checked. If you didn't check either one of those on import, you can always enable them in the Properties editor of the texture under Surface.


sex boobs nude
Feb 7, 2004
So I get it this way:
1. You have a texture with an Alpha channel
2. It works in UnrealED but not ingame
3. You want help

Well I'll try to make you a guide to get through this.
First take your texture with the alpha channel in photoshop and save it as DDS format with DXT1 + Alpha.
Import it into UnrealED with the import button in the texture browser.
Select you placement and name for the file and press ok. (You don't need to hack off anything it can be done later)
Rightclick you texture you've just imported and selevt properties.
Click on the "Surface" undermenu and set "Alpha Texture" to "True" and/or "bMasked" to "True"

Woila now you have a working Alpha/Masking texture. It will work ingame as lon as you save your altered texture package before closing down UnrealED. To get other effects you'll need to create shaders and finalblends.

For the UPL file read this tutorial here