Ak falls off the face of the world.

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New Member
May 28, 2000
Okay, so I'm back at college. And hooked up to some crack-smoking monkeyass limpdicked multishared 33.6 LANnetworked modem with 18 or so other people. the amount of bandwith I get is more or less nonexistant, and trying to download anything is like trying to crap out 18 pounds of semi-digested powerbar. In a word, fukking painfull. (It took me 18 hours to download SF 140 patch, and it timedropped 5 times) At least I don't have to pay for my net time...
To add insult to injury, the aformentioned pussnutted assrag of a server will not allow me to access fully half of my regular sites, inclusive of which are Unreality.org (where I have to post reviews) and planetunreal (ie. this site here.) In addition, I can't reach my normal ISP to check my pop3 account. I have 5 messages backed up, 2 or which are probably job offers.
Oh, and I can't update my site, either.
I am currently writing this from one of the public lab computers, where the person next to me kept looking over at the gun pictures posted here and then looking at me like I'm about to snap and start killing people. (Which is entirely possible at this point) (un)fortunatly all I have at my disposal at the moment are 2 four inch folding knives and the thick half of a poolcue. So anyway, if anybody was wondering where the raging fuck I've been these last few weeks (doubtful, but hey, I can hope) the answer is smack-fukkin-dab in the middle of the Inland Empire (yes, it's actually called this) Redlands, Ca.

My life is a dark pit of darkness.
P.S. should, by any miracle, 2.8 come out in the near future, will somebody please mail me so I can pick it up from fileplanet? kooreya@hotmail.com

"We're a peace loving people...And we'll KILL anyone who tries to take that peace away!"

Torque Wrench

New Member
Jun 23, 2000
Midland, Ontario, Canada
Visit site
You poor bastard. I feel for ya man, I was once in a situation something like that (though not as bad) and I went completely off my rocker and started chain smokin.

We'll let ya know when 2.8 comes out /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

"If fishes were wishes, we would all cast nets" - Gurney Halleck, Dune
Tele-dodging! Coool!