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Nov 12, 2014
If you haven't, please read my thread on ADR Items first! It contains more detail behind all this.

This isn't really ready for release, but I put it up any way for a better testing experience with the Items and Weapons Packs. As such, you'll see more of "what I want to do here" than what I've actually done here. :D

Read over what I have below, and if you have any ideas, I want them!

ADR Core, as Dagger has set it up, is the gametype housing. It's also where the default health values, lack of self damage, health regeneration, other gametype support, HUDs, Killing Spree Messages/Rewards, periodic UDamage and the UDamage messages come from. Also, Dagger incorporated Pinata and Lifesteal mods into ADR Core! So, when you kill someone you get some health back and they drop certain items they were carrying. I may tweak those values some.

I've made it spawn you with a pickup called ADR Core that you will always carry activated on you. Think of it like a government tracking chip, with super android modifications. :!panic!: I can do all kinds of things with this little chip.

Movement Adjustments

This is something I've wanted to do with EO for a long time. EO has incredibly cranked up weapons, now incredibly cranked up items, but still the same movement everything in reg UT. A dodge isn't going to save you from a Shock Combo here. Until now.

I've played with the default speed/mass/jump/swim values and decided to leave them alone. Keep the UT feel. Well, except for the swim value. So, I've made a very hasty attempt at incorporating new movement techniques with inspiration from a little known mod called Kakutou. Whether you guys like these, whether I like them, let's find out! Tap crouch before dodging or jumping to greatly increase their effectiveness. Also, tap crouch when against a wall in the air to bounce back from it. As it is, the effectiveness depends on how fast you can do it, and it's got a very small window of opportunity. And, it can feel jumpy (no pun intended lol), not smooth. So, I've got some things to tweak, or I may just scrap the whole crouch premise and just buff regular dodge values. The problem with doing that, is that for most UT maps the dodge strength is perfect for navigating them.

The rest, what's below, I've not attempted to implement yet.


I really, REALLY want to improve ADR/EO's bots. They don't get around worth a damn, aren't as smart, and just generally are useless for anything except their aim here on limited weapons. I'm going to turn our bots SUUUUUPER SAIY- *cough* into something really awesome, if I can.

Never drive a man into a corner with no way out....

I want to do something, like a buff you get for 5 seconds when you dip below 100 health, that gives you double the firing rate and a berserky aura. I have an example to go by as a way to give something to you based on your health value, so ideas appreciated....

Flag Effects

I want to come up with a buff/debuff for flag carriers that people think "heh, cool" instead of "WTF!" and get angry about. :crazydance: I also want to increase the noticability of dropped flags because Osk is going colorblind. :lol:

Killing Sprees

Yes, the rewards are going to come back. ;) But they're going to be balanced, and cool!

Special Effects

The sound of wind in your ears as you are flying, a better landing effect, a heartbeat sound when really low health. Little stuff that can give you a better experience!

I'm sure I'll add more to this post as previous ideas come back to me and I of course as I get these implemented. If you have something like I listed that you'd like added, or if this gave you any ideas you'd like to share then tell me about it. :)


Nov 12, 2014

Maybe contact Higor regarding the bots. He's the developer of the "Ferbotz" mod. Maybe he could lend a hand with updating that or incorporating that. I've seen him post recently on (Link to his profile) and here is his original release of Ferbotz

Not sure if he'd help. Just a thought.


Nov 12, 2014

Maybe contact Higor regarding the bots. He's the developer of the "Ferbotz" mod. Maybe he could lend a hand with updating that or incorporating that. I've seen him post recently on (Link to his profile) and here is his original release of Ferbotz

Not sure if he'd help. Just a thought.

Thanks Sparky! Yeah, I've had that in mind, once I start. I've tried Ferbotz with EO and they don't function well. I'm afraid it would take more work than just redoing the reg bots. Be nice if not though! And I would have to have his permission.


Nov 12, 2014
Well, I am not wild about my addition of the crouch dodging. I thought it was just my ping before (which appears to be better now), since it was fine offline, but because it checks for factors before calling the increased speed, it does not kick in right away, making it seem like you "blink" forward when online. It's hitchy and not smooth at all. I think the crouch jump and wall jumping are okay, though. The crouch jump is like a Star Wars Force Jump if you have the Boots heheh. Feedback, please! :)


Nov 12, 2014
I don't have this on the server yet, but wanted to share what I'm working on. I'm going to keep the crouch jump, but I'm going to incorporate double jumping and wall jumping from the UT2K4 Movement mutator instead of the crouch moves I had before. I've never been a fan of double jumping, or wall jumping, but feel like they could both be cool additions to EO, and better solutions than what I had before. I'm going to try to change the dodge jumping so that instead of jumping again in the middle of a dodge, your speed is increased, then reset. So far it's a lot smoother than the crouch moves I had, and easier to do, since not everyone can be as skilled as me. :cool:

The highlight is going to be the new class of pickup I eventually add. Something like red vials scattered across the map, that increase your speed, health and ammo regen by a small increment with a tight cap to keep it from anything crazy. Speed not only increases ground speed, but fly speed and dodge speed as well.

To balance health, I am thinking of increasing your firing rate by a small amount scaling to your health below 300, and doing the opposite for your health above 300.

Ah, and I'm working on my own gore adjustments built-in to ADR. The next Core I put on the server will be a lot messier. :chainsaw: Blood footprints, blood splatters, more blood, more gore. I'm assuming that what people didn't like about the NW gore was the blood fog. In any case, the NWGore is off on ADR gametypes and my work in progress is on. I'm using other small goremods to compliment it, for the footprints, the nice splatters, etc. Eventually I'll get around to incorporating some of the new gore models and textures in NW, but that can be on the backburner.


Nov 12, 2014
Youre killing my FPS man :p

I'm off getting the wife some ice cream. I might hop on for a bit when i get back home. I need to put this stuff through the ringer.


Nov 12, 2014
Youre killing my FPS man :p

I'm off getting the wife some ice cream. I might hop on for a bit when i get back home. I need to put this stuff through the ringer.
Heheheh. The highlight of my hightlight is actually.... I could give bots double the values from that new pickup I'm planning. :) Then they don't need to RJ to kick your ass in CTF! Who knows. Maybe. :) CTF4 with bots is a different, better experience, and I plan on improving it a lot.


Nov 12, 2014
!!! I've perfected the movement formulas and anyone will find it much preferable to before! Dagger, rejoice! And give yourself some credit because I probably would not have gone back to it to do this heh! No more tapping jump multiple times after rocket jumping. No more having it actually effect you negatively the first jump. 1 jump, always a boost, always a flip. :2thumb: And with boots....! Finally the effect it deserves with boots. Sparky is going to love this. *smooooch* <*gag*>