open the console and just type addbots # (number of bots to be added)
DOnt you go adding too much bots cause they slow down the game alot.
I can play with 100 bots in ctf_face (normal UT,not infiltration cause is a little slower) but in 320x240 and with no voices (no one talks) Its damn hard to spawn in most levels cause everyone explodes.
[This message was edited by Ultrakiller on Jul 08, 2000 at 22:48.]
DOnt you go adding too much bots cause they slow down the game alot.
I can play with 100 bots in ctf_face (normal UT,not infiltration cause is a little slower) but in 320x240 and with no voices (no one talks) Its damn hard to spawn in most levels cause everyone explodes.
[This message was edited by Ultrakiller on Jul 08, 2000 at 22:48.]