About that M249 (Gryphon!!!)

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Master of the Unviverse!! .....Or something..
Apr 14, 2000
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About that M249:
Kulsprutan är ett yttäckande understödsvapen, ej avsett för prickskytte. Den skjuter från öppet slutstycke, vilket inte
ökar precisionen vid enkelskott.

The above is swedish and translates into something like:

The MG is a "groundcovering" supportweapon, not intended for sniping. It fires from an open bolt, wich does not improve precision with singelshots.

From Delivery and acceptance specifikation MINIMI:


When fired at a range of 50 m, 9 impacts out of a 10 round burst realize a figure of merit H + L (height + length) not exeeding 38 cm.

I got this info from Mikael Leimu at FMV. I'm not sure if I should put up his e-mail but......


Some say that "If you run you only die tired". Well not in INF(yet anyway)