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New Member
Dec 7, 1999
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After I start a game , minimize it , and enter the end program menu,there seem's to be two unreal tournaments running.Can anyone tell me why this happens and how to stop it?


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
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Yes, as a matter of fact I have to close the second one every time I start the game. A friend of mine is having the same problem, so it's not just my computer.Strange eh?


New Member
Sounds like an OS issue. Is your friend running the same OS type and build as yourself? I use WIN2K RC2 with np, I'm very happy with it.

Now let me ask the obvious, have you tried restoring the game from min. then exit gracefully? Does the second UT instance still exist?

If not let me suggest a Hee Haw remiedy:
If you experience pain in your eye when you poke your finger into your eye. THEN DON'T POKE YOUR FINGER IN YOUR EYE! get it?


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
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os is win 98 ,Rage Fury with latest drivers,dx7,128 ram,350 pentium.Buddy has a 300 celeron,voodoo banshee,same ram,same os.
I can't believe we are the only people with this problem.
P.S.-when i exit the game , they both terminate
P.P.S-what is win2k rc2 with np?


New Member
WIN2K RC2: means Windows 2000 Release Candidate 2

np: means No Problem /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

I had a similar problem with Half-Life. I was using Win98SE. I'd click the HL icon and the game might start, 50% of the time. If it didn't pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del would show the HL program was running but nutten on my screen. I'd kill it and restart it again. Still 50/50 chance it might work.

After upgrading to Win2K my system is solid, not a single hiccup of any type for 2 months now.

You could reinstall WIN98 after a FDISK and try again. If you choose to do so consider the following if you have a large HD and can secure a copy of Boot Commander.

A friend of mine runs 2 partions on his HD. One for games and the other for his personal/business stuff. Both are WIN98. But on the game partition WIN98 is stripped down, with no extra trash. So when a game blows up he simply reloads a new copy of the OS on that partition and reinstalls his game. Doesn't affect his other daily partion but is a pain to switch between the two (reboot).