A Sad Day...

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New Member
Feb 16, 2000
...for all gamers.

It's been announced today (yesterday actually, it's 2:30 am now) that Looking Glass Studios has shut its doors permanently due to lack of funding.

I for one, am very sad that a company and talent responsible for *ALWAYS* delivering original, intelligent, inmersive and fun games such as the System Shock and Thief series will be no more. These games and all of their work actually, always stood up from the rest in a field full of imitation and mediocrity.

I hope the people and their talent finds a way back to the industry. Judging from the latest batch of games, they're in dire need.

Wish you luck in your new endeavours and thanks for everything, all these years

This is your brain...
THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON INF... (bold /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif)


New Member
Jan 15, 2000
Visit site
that friggin' sucks

dammit, WHY do all of the cool developers have to close, why can't the bad ones close (Wizardworks, ION storm, Headgames).

oh well, next chance I get I'm gonna grab a copy of Thief or System Shock 2.


New Member
Mar 10, 2000
Visit site
What?? Noooooooooo *agonized scream*

There will never be a Thief III? Damn, and I loved TII so DAMN much. *cry*

Btw, WHY, get Thief II instead - it's much better /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif




New Member
Jan 15, 2000
Visit site
I would...

but I don't exactly have a lot of money at the moment.

besides, the demo should hold me for a couple of days.


Aug 14, 1999

I say: keep Ion Storm around because of Deus Ex. They just had a bad idea and a bad team carring out that idea. This game shall be different.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!!
Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough
attention when you were a child?!!!


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
Better yet...

Execute the guys who killed Looking Glass, but keep thier brains so that some time in the future, maybe we can sort through thier minds and figure out what the hell they were thinking. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm breaking with my normally scheduled boycott to bring you all a serious reply, even though the forum will cut off half my sig, as per usual.

Eidos was set to pick up LG studios, and provide them with funding. Unfortunately, having spent all their spare reserves paying a team of monkeys to go through the Daikatana screenshots and trying to find all the ones that only looked like 20 percent horse feces instead of the normal 152 percent, they seem to have exhausted all their money, as well as all the money in the federal gold reserve.

Of course, Eidos has never been one to think much past visceral carnage or hideously disproportioned breasts, the very delightful Commandos aside.

To anybody that thinks Deus Ex or Anachronox will be... uh... "entertaining", I offer you two titles from previous ION Storm work: The laughably pathetic Daikatana, which would have been a load of embarrasing crap had it been released two years BEFORE they actually started work on it, as well as Gift3 or whatever that load of horse shit was called. As well, enjoy an actual paraphrased quote from Warren Specter... "...but my favorite maps to design are large warehouses with crates and outdoor areas..."

Large Warehouses with Crates will apparently touch on all our retro gaming roots. Hopefully, Mr. Specter will throw in some Cacodemons and Zombie Sargeants, just to make sure we know that "we've seen this a billion times before".

Outdoor areas will remind us that immensely long, narrow corridors can be made with space station *AND* rock/sky textures. I can wait until I get to see MY bullets ricocheting off some nimbus clouds miles above me.

The sad fact is, Eidos is pumping more money into ION Storm than a G.I. feeding it to a Saighon whore, and that just gets my panties in a bunch. And consider the fact that these panties are a Victoria's Secret silky satin line of G-Strings, and you'll understand just how hard they are to bunch.

Next Eidos will release a game wherein you play a naked, living Barbie Doll that goes around killing other naked, living Barbie Dolls and dyking it out with even more naked, living Barbie Dolls. I think they'll call it Dykeatana.

I suppose the reason Eidos couldv'e never picked up LG is because where LG makes games that involve you thinking with your brain, Eidos publishes games that involve thinking with your penis. And unless you're some sort of necrophiliac (much as is John Romero) the excitement of sneaking around in a graveyard and shooting arrows at the Undead will have absolutely no phallic overtones whatsoever.

Just as a side not, LG didn't develop SS2.

Chew on that, you little pukes.

We now return you to the regularly scheduled boycott.

Check tha high tech terror/Of tha new order athletes/Peering into tha eyes of tha child already on trial/These armies rippin' families apart/Get 'em on file
Convictions fit tha stock profile/All tha while/films of dogs/Ripping through homes/Rippi


Aug 14, 1999

that was worthy of being posted...

The quality of a product depends on the quality of the team creating it. Romero and his team is
. Warren S actually has some brains to him and I feel confident that Dues Ex will live up fairly close to the hype that it has made with people besides Ion Storm.

That's all

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!!
Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough
attention when you were a child?!!!

Christopher Webb

Overtly Serious Chappy.
Oy, I don't see how Deus Ex or Anachronox could be THAT bad. I mean, considering that one of those (I've forgotten which, but I believe it was Deus Ex) is being made by a former Looking Glass employee...

I honestly don't see the point of Daikatana. Even the demo's interface/menu system was crap(with several buttons that haven't been seen since Wolfenstein). All the maps proved was that the mappers know how to map well technically. Emphasis on the word technically, as versus creatively.

<insert cute/ interesting/ bizarre signature here>


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I'd actually put more influence on Killcreek's tits than anything else that will sell this game.

"Look... kinda attractive chick in Playboy. Hey, she made a game... maybe the game will have tits in it too!"

Redneck/Pre-pubescent "Jeff K."-esque h4xX0r kid runs out and buys Daikatana.

Anybody remember Wasteland for the Apple ][? That game kicked Daikatana's ass.

I actually played the Daikatana demo, because I have a curious/suicidal streak, and I found that self-termination via sulfuric acid administered through the rectum would be only slightly less enjoyable than playing this game.

Frogs, Black Men named Superfly, Time Travelling to Save the Future, Bad Graphics, Horrible Cheesy Acting and Plot, Swamps with Bugs and Reptiles, and Cheap Whores.

Hmm. I could get the equivalent by walking to the local video store and renting Frogs, Shaft, Time Cop, Feeders, Feeders 2, Gator!, and Porky's, respectively. All that and the fact that the video store clerk would be a skinny white kid with a greasy hair cut that would just look at me funny, instead of a chubby geek with ugly ass hair resembling more of an overweight mexican librarian than the "Supa-P1mp/Gaming God" he believes himself to be. And rather than compare these titles to say, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (okay, he'd more likely compare them to a movie, say, Apocalypse Now or A Clockwork Orange), he'd just shoot me a funny look.

John Romero said it best when he said he'd been working in the industry for 20 years. He's right. Even though DooM and Quake were absolute crap only bought up because everything else was crap and Epic Megagames still thought side scrolling rabbits were cool, and the boys at Valve were just discovering that if you touch your own penis it feels good, they revolutionized how we feel about games, and immersed us deeply into them. But now its time for him to retire and collect that fat-ass pension of his, while telling us all li-- uh, great and wonderful stories of how he got laid "by the hottest chick that just dug my pudge" last night.

In case anybody wants to know why I think DooM is crap, it was drug on. That and truly, Wolfenstein was the father of the 3D revolution. And about Quake, if anybody was wondering, the original premise was a massively multiplayer online game, where "dragons could hear you in their caves as you spoke over the microphone with a friend just outside the village so you could trade items in the field and you'd all roleplay guys like Thor and Odin". It was called Quake: The Quest for Justice. I shit you not. When I read that I remember seeing John Romero's name, and hating him. I pictured him as some sort of sick cross between Caesar Romero (The Joker from the original Batman series) and some Dungeons and Dragons playing goof. THE GAMER! WATCH AS HE SHOOTS HIS FRIENDS IN THE WOODS WITH A CROSSBOW! LAUGH AS HE WEARS WHITE MAKEUP AND DYES HIS HAIR GREEN! WHAT HAS THE DYNAMIC DUO GOTTEN THEMSELVES INTO THIS TIME? FIND OUT NEXT WEEK, SAME BAT-TIME, SAME BAT-CHANNEL.

Honest to God, I'll give Romero one thing to his credit in Daikatana. The hero of the game (amusingly enough named Hiro...) is *NOT*... I REPEAT... *NOT* a lone space marine saving everybody from demons from Hell or another planet! (ever notice the aliens in the Quake series are absolutely obsessed with human Judaio-Christian religious iconography? Odd, isn't it... hmmm... they're so untalented and uncreative, they rip off their own games...)

And in case anybody doubts that id isn't a pile of steaming rip-off shit-o-rama, take a look at their new bonus pack for Quake III. As far as I know, its a free bonus pack with new features, which include some sort of pickups that enhance speed, damage, etc. (Relics, anybody) add team play games much like UT's... the list goes on and on.

Frankly, writing this post, I realize how FFFFFF UUUUUUU CCCCCCC KKKKKKKing (heh, censor THAT one) sick of id and ION Storm I am. Superb rip-off artists and other wise no talent hacks. As I right this, it is quarter after noon on Sunday, May the 28th. I hope that in exactly one week's time from now, every employee at those two pathetic companies have learned the unfortunate news that their entire family has been brutally and painfully killed (with much suffering) in a terrible car accident (that they intentionally caused) while the other people walked away without a scratch, and then a Priest or other representitive of whatever religion they are tells them their family is going to burn in Hell, and that they are probably keeping a seat warm for them right now.

And yes, I really mean that. Go to Hell you ****ing no-talent, lifeless, conning, money-grubbing, rip-off hacks, your half-assed attempts at entertainment (I'm sure laughing your asses off all the way to the bank at the poor naive people who shell out money on your steaming horse shit is plenty entertaining for you, though) are wearing thin, and I'm not buying into that "final version will be better" bullshit anymore. If you can't release a demo that showcases an excellent game, you can't release jack shit.

Boy, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

I find it absolutely frigging hilarious that people today spend more time worrying about how long they're going to live instead of actually going out and living.

[This message was edited by Bad.Mojo on May 28, 2000 at 12:17.]