A sad day for one unlucky server owner named Nickar.

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Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA
On the SF servers one of the most known is a server set up by a player and I can't believe this bullshit happened. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif This is directly from Nickar's statment:

This message is meant for the one SF player out there that is the biggest asshole on the planet. I have been running an SF server almost since the day it came out. One particular SF player decided it would be funny to go to my IP address, hack my system and delete all of the files on my drive. Save to say, all was lost. The good thing however is I run an IP monitor that tracks all activity to my server. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Know full well that you have committed a federal crime. This is not a joke and I am not kidding. I have contacted the approriate people and will be making sure that this little stunt does not go unpunished. If you think deleting files off of someone elses PC is not a crime, think again. The list starts with the destruction of private property and goes from there. I am in the process of contacting ISP's and the FBI and FCC. You made the mistake of fucking with the wrong person. I am a systems engineer and Technical manager for a computer company and well aware of what can be done to track you down. What I can't understand is why assholes like you screw it up for the rest of the world. Well, see how you like it when they come to your door and arrest you for your stupidity. I know you read these forums. I highly doubt I will continue to run my server after this incident. Is this the thanks I get for taking my time, machinery and isp to put something up only to be repaid in this fashion? I apologise to the SF fans that had nothing to do with this and I apologise for my offensive behavior to those fans. I just wanted the one person responsible to know that you fucked with the wrong guy.
Nickar's Urban Warfare Server.


Jun 6, 2000
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sf........hmmmm....sf.......ummm....does that stand for infiltration or something? otherwise why is it in the infiltration board?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif



New Member
Dec 13, 1999
this IS the OT board, so I think we can forgive him this one (this kid's actualy posted much farther off topic crap than this)
Also this is kind of a useful warning to other server admins (UT, INF, SF, TO or any other mod for that matter).

damn, I don't believe I actualy came to Ballistophobia's defense. /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif

Well don't get used to it bucko /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif



Aug 14, 1999

this is exactly the reason why I don't put up public servers. yeah I know if someone wanted to hack me, they could real easily, but at least I am not just giving the info away.




Forum Drifter
Mar 15, 2000
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ooh my condolences to him...
If there's one thing i can't stand; it's hackers... I tried putting up a home page once and it was hacked 2 or 3 times before i gave up... one even went so far as to fill my page with profanity... At any rate, I really hate hackers and I feel for Nickar... he tried to do something nice for his community and this jackass has to spoil it for everyone... These kind of people shouldn't be allowed near computers... /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

It is impossible for the glass to be half full or half empty for you see: there is no glass


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999

I'm startin' up an Unreal INF server when I get DSL (8 days w00t), can anyone point me to some anti-hacker tools?

Want to learn how to map? Email me!


Apr 27, 2000
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black caps (or hats), Galaddin. the term "hacker" used to be used for the programmer elite, the best of the best. Today, the ranks of the elite have swelled and includes a large number of immoral, unscrupulous or just too curious people - quite a number of digital kleptomaniacs. hackers used to be generally anti regulationists.

these days you got the black caps, white caps and grey caps. Black caps were generally people that used to be termed "crackers". white caps are the "good guys". And the grey caps have their supposed own moral code of honor that is in tandem with what is usually "morally right" and law abiding.


Maybe someday the world will learn, to be kind to someone who makes a fault..
Snakeye <IMG src=http://unreal.infopop.net/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif>

Hell, I'd settle for having the world learn anything at all.


Forum Drifter
Mar 15, 2000
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well that just sucks ass don't it... some people out there really don't know how to use their skills properly... aw hell it's the same everywhere (except with the inf team of course /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif) that's why the world is such a screwed up place...

It is impossible for the glass to be half full or half empty for you see: there is no glass


New Member
Lurn ya a lesson or two...

As a former "Hacker" (one of the morally upstanding ones, honest!) I can say that there are definately two types of "Hackers". One uses their skills to find loopholes in programs, or help patch webservers. if they hack a web site, they'll simply e-mail a copy of something secretive on the drive to the admin, and tell them how they got in. I've been "hacked" like that several times, it's pretty cool, providing they stay out of my porn directory. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

The other type, are affectionately known as "Skript Kiddiez" or "Packet Monkies". They usually use a script put together by someone who figured out a certain hack or security loophole, because they can't do it themselves. They delete everything on a drive, completely deface a site with something profane, and generally make a nuiscence of themselves. (Last week one of these skript kiddiez managed to take down a live broadcast of a puppet show that puts on free performances for children's hospitals and the like. How... nice of them.)

Unfortunitly, it's usually the former group of hackers that take all the bad publicity for what the skript kiddeez do.

You also have the ones that straddle the line, they'll deface a web site with a political message, but leave the original contents in a link so viewers can still get to the normal page... I'm not certain how I feel about that.

anyways, just more crap from me. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I wanna be an elven ranger, I want a life that's full of danger,


Apr 27, 2000
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hmmm... me thinks me outdated from whut Doccers jes said. Crackers = person who uses other programs to do usually malicious stuff. White caps = that first one Doccers explained.


Maybe someday the world will learn, to be kind to someone who makes a fault..
Snakeye <IMG src=http://unreal.infopop.net/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif>

Hell, I'd settle for having the world learn anything at all.