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I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
I have played Inf for a time now, but never online. Being around the forums, i also noticed that some real cool features were bugged and so interpreted as cheating (proning, leaning) so i ask you online vets : what are the "forbidden" moves online ? (at least until 2.86)


New Member
Jul 14, 2001
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If it can be given a keystroke by default in game w/ no console commands buggy or not it can not be cheating. People say on 2 or 3 servers I've been on no proning. Proners are a pain in my arse but it is part of the game learn it, use it, or die by a wOrm. Leaning has an invisable bug if you lean in a certain manor online. I say online because bots know where you are no matter what. They say it is a cheat and that is pretty much accepted universally. Although I see many use this tactic on every server I have been on w/ very little effectiveness. There are so many bugs w/ a larger impact than proning and leaning I find it funny that the rest are not either known or just excepted. ie: The P90 and penetration w/ a scilencer, shotgun scoring. And many more.

My opinion,


oldfartis nongratis
Jun 4, 2001
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Sentry Studio's Mantra repeat after me...

2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86

Now... don't you feel better... aahhhhhhhh

Seriously though, I find "proning" to be effective and mildly abusive of a bug. One thing that really wrankles my crank is "Insta-proning". now I know this feature will still be available in the next rev, but once the hitbox issue has been addressed insta-proning will be more acceptable. Nothing tick's me off more than a guy running up six feet from you, insta-proning and capping you. It's not a "real-world" technique, and is used by those that have no honor.
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New Member
Mar 20, 2001
why wait two weeks? Might as well learn by jumping in the fire.

Besides, it'll help my score with some easy kills in the meantime.;)
I like leaning. its second nature to me offline. but until its fixed online I fell bad when I do it. I try not to but habbit dose make me slip (edit : from sleep, to slip) ^_^;;

I find leaning a better way to peek around and bust a few rounds out.

I wish they would modify the lean and make it so your aim is off on leans and fix the hitboxes so it will be more widley accepted.

as fore moves I dislike. umm prone is ok, but now its flawed.
feign death I really dislike. its seems to unrealistic in its current state and seems to uncommon in conventional war to be used which IMO takes away from realism.
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[AFA]'s unoffical godfather
Apr 4, 2001
United States of America
Originally posted by Uppity
...and prone only at long ranges.

And have fun. Online is loads better than bot-matches.

I never understood this argument. Do have any idea what it's like trying to shoot inside that aimbox from a hundred meters with iron sights? I'm not knocking ya Uppity, I'm just wondering about where the line was drawn on this. I prefer just to not ever prone, just to avoid possible nastiness from others. But, then again, I only seem to be able to tolerate public servers for 10 minutes before I quit. :D


New Member
Apr 17, 2001
NE England (We hang monkeys)
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Originally posted by St0rmcaller

I never understood this argument. Do have any idea what it's like trying to shoot inside that aimbox from a hundred meters with iron sights? I'm not knocking ya Uppity, I'm just wondering about where the line was drawn on this. I prefer just to not ever prone, just to avoid possible nastiness from others. But, then again, I only seem to be able to tolerate public servers for 10 minutes before I quit. :D

Well, I draw the line there because at long range, when you are shooting at a proner who is facing you, the hitbox which you can hit is pretty much the same as your view of the model from the front. So if you hit the model, you hit the hitbox - he dies.

But up close usually means that you are looking down on the model so 2/3rds of it will be un-hittable as the hitbox only covers the central third.

Also the insta-prone up close means a big adjustment in your aim - by then you're dead, but an instaprone at long range needs only a slight adjustment in your aim.

Yes, it IS difficult to hit the prone hitbox with iron sights at long range, but its no more difficult than hitting the model itself. And yes, that shot SHOULD be difficult - that's why real-life soldiers go prone.

Thats how I see it anyway. I hope it makes sense ;)


Soon! ©
May 27, 2001
In some maps there a sniper post who gives you invicibilty if you prone. Only your head and your gun is visible and the sniper is above you. I call that cheating.

Max: you will probably play on Gamblexx servers who gives the best ping for euros and are the most busy. I've been whining a lot about proners (they cheat, why can't I ruin their life ?) and even killed an insta proner, using the lean bug (ok, I shouldn't have done this but I warned him before and he continued to instaprone, bad for him, I was in bad mood this day).
I had the big surprise to see insta proners changing their tactics, like Wirret, Misty of SethGecko. Last time I played with them, they told me: "hey look mad, I don't prone anymore!" and they started to whine against others proners... Misty has even suppressed his prone key from his configuration.
The funny fact is that they acknowledged that they have a better score (no debate about score plz, I'm against it but only to explain here) since they don't prone anymore. Except Wirret maybe who has always high scores.

Don't prone, don't lean and don't use the P90 suppressed to fire through walls.

Camping (but not prone clipping in walls), nading or using shotties are valid tactics. The only things that upsets me in nading is the ff. I generally die from a blind nading of my mate.
We can speak also about running and aiming but well, you will need a real teamplay therefore, etc,.. and everybody is doing this for the moment...

See you soon ;)


monkey spanker
I agree with Uppity. You have to draw the line somewhere, and i think that is a fair way to go about it. Especially considering most of the time you come under long range fire, its from a guy who's prone anyway.

Regariding Misty, have u seen our webpage, regarding Misty's rehab? :D


Soon! ©
May 27, 2001
Originally posted by monkey_hanger

Regariding Misty, have u seen our webpage, regarding Misty's rehab? :D

lol, don't be tough on him. He amended himself, so plz don't disgust now...:p

There is still a lot of players instaproning out there...
Seen some recently from the $$$ clan. Still work to do...:rolleyes: