A new way of interpolating: rotator problems

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design is flawed
Oct 11, 2000
Re: Re: Re: hmm..

Originally posted by usaar33
I always believed unreal used the standard pitch-yaw-and roll system as well?????
And I also thought it used a right-handed system as well.

I assumed that because property boxes give rotators as "pitch, yaw, roll", that was the order they're used in -- but I could easily be wrong.

However, I'm certain about the left-handed thing. Try setting an actor's position in UEd to (0,1,0). The Y axis goes the wrong way. :(
It's caused me no end of problems with brushbuilders, as directions are reflected.


If Unreal wouldn't have used the order Yaw->Pitch->Roll, then my interpolation script wouldn't have worked. But it works great! :D

There's one bug though: the weapon hand doesn't seem to accept rotation in the Z-axis (Roll). Look at the pics below. First pic shows the looping (made with tarquin's 1337 extruder! :D) with an (invisible) interpolation path running through it. (You can download the looping from my last post at this thread.) I took the second pic while riding that looping and looking sideways at the huge titan statue. You can clearly see my enforcer hasn't rotated in the Z-axis; it's still up-right! :mad:

Can you think of any way to access the weapon hand's rotation and adjust it to the player's ViewRotation?


Originally posted by usaar33
ya.. I suppose it is yaw, then pitch, or else pawns would look wierd when they turn.

Looks like I'll need to change the rottoquat and quattorot functions :(

If you need to use quaternions in UT, use my code. It's works perfectly. Just give me some credit. :)

const PIdivUU = 0.0000479369; // pi/65536
const UUdivPI = 10430.37835;  // 32768/pi

// Quaternion, a rotation in 4D space.
struct Quaternion
	var() float W, X, Y, Z;

// Add a rotator relative to the first one. Note: R1 & R2 != R2 & R1.
final operator(12) rotator & ( rotator R1, rotator R2 )
	return QuatToRotation( RotationToQuat( R1 ) * RotationToQuat( R2 ) );

// Multiply 2 quaternions. Note: Q1 * Q2 != Q2 * Q1.
static final operator(16) Quaternion * ( Quaternion Q1, Quaternion Q2 )
	local Quaternion Qp;

	Qp.W = Q1.W * Q2.W - Q1.X * Q2.X - Q1.Y * Q2.Y - Q1.Z * Q2.Z;
	Qp.X = Q1.W * Q2.X + Q1.X * Q2.W + Q1.Y * Q2.Z - Q1.Z * Q2.Y;
	Qp.Y = Q1.W * Q2.Y + Q1.Y * Q2.W + Q1.Z * Q2.X - Q1.X * Q2.Z;
	Qp.Z = Q1.W * Q2.Z + Q1.Z * Q2.W + Q1.X * Q2.Y - Q1.Y * Q2.X;

	return Qp;

// Returns the arctangent of a given sine and cosine in a range of [0,2Pi].
static final function float Atan2( float Y, float X )
	local float theta;

	if( X==0 ) // Divide by 0 check.
		if( Y<0 )
			return 1.5 * pi;
		else if( Y>0 )
			return 0.5 * pi;
			return 0; // Technically impossible (nothing exists).

	theta = Atan( Y/X );

	if( X<0 )
		theta += pi;  // 1st/3th quadrant.
	// Normalize (from 0 to 2Pi).
	if( theta<0 ) 
		theta += 2.0 * pi;

	return theta;

// Converts an Euler rotation to a quaternion.
static final function Quaternion RotationToQuat( rotator R )
	local Quaternion QQ;
	local float cp, cy, cr, sp, sy, sr;
//	local float L;

	cp = cos(R.Pitch * PIdivUU);
	cy = cos(R.Yaw * PIdivUU);
	cr = cos(R.Roll * PIdivUU);
	sp = sin(R.Pitch * PIdivUU);
	sy = sin(R.Yaw * PIdivUU);
	sr = sin(R.Roll * PIdivUU);

	QQ.W = cp * cy * cr + sp * sy * sr;
	QQ.X = sp * cy * cr + cp * sy * sr;
	QQ.Y = cp * sy * cr - sp * cy * sr;
	QQ.Z = cp * cy * sr - sp * sy * cr;

//	Normalize for higher precision, but not necessecary in my case.
//	L = Sqrt( QQ.W**2 + QQ.X**2 + QQ.Y**2 + QQ.Z**2 );
//	QQ.W /= L;
//	QQ.X /= L;
//	QQ.Y /= L;
//	QQ.Z /= L;

	return QQ;

// Converts a quaternion to an Euler rotation.
// Note that QuatToRotation(RotationToQuat(SomeRotator)) doesn't always
// return the SAME rotator, but it does return an EQUIVALENT rotator.
static final function rotator QuatToRotation( Quaternion Q )
	local float sinPitchR, cosPitchR, sinYawR, cosYawR, sinRollR, cosRollR;
	local rotator Ru;

	sinPitchR = 2.0 * ( Q.X * Q.W - Q.Y * Q.Z );
	cosPitchR = Sqrt( 1 - sinPitchR * sinPitchR );
	Ru.Pitch = Atan2( sinPitchR, cosPitchR ) * UUdivPI;

	if( cosPitchR == 0 )
	{	// Argh no! Gimbal Lock!
		sinYawR = 2.0 * ( Q.X * Q.Y - Q.Z * Q.W );
		cosYawR = 2.0 * ( Q.Y * Q.Z + Q.X * Q.W );
		Ru.Yaw = Atan2( sinYawR, cosYawR ) * UUdivPI;
		Ru.Roll = 0;
		// Yaw seems to be 32768 off if Pitch is 49152. This is a quick
		// fix as I'm too lazy to search for the error.
		if( sinPitchR < 0 )
			Ru.Yaw += 32768;
		sinYawR = 2.0 * ( Q.X * Q.Z + Q.Y * Q.W ) / cosPitchR;
		cosYawR = ( 1.0 - 2.0 * Q.X * Q.X - 2.0 * Q.Y * Q.Y ) / cosPitchR;
		Ru.Yaw = Atan2( sinYawR, cosYawR ) * UUdivPI;
		sinRollR = 2.0 * ( Q.X * Q.Y + Q.Z * Q.W ) / cosPitchR;
		cosRollR = ( 1.0 - 2.0 * Q.X * Q.X - 2.0 * Q.Z * Q.Z ) / cosPitchR;
		Ru.Roll = Atan2( sinRollR, cosRollR ) * UUdivPI;

	return Ru;

Now, does anyone have any idea how to make your weapon hand roll?


Mar 25, 2000
Originally posted by Astyanax

If you need to use quaternions in UT, use my code. It's works perfectly. Just give me some credit. :)

Now, does anyone have any idea how to make your weapon hand roll?

You're code is quite similar to mine. I suppose I will need to modify it slightly though. Anyway, you used some of my code (a variation of the atan2() I posted), so :p

As for weapon hand roling, you need to overload renderoverlays() in the weapon. You're problem is:

  if ( Hand == 0 )
    newRot.Roll = -2 * Default.Rotation.Roll;
    newRot.Roll = Default.Rotation.Roll * Hand;

  Canvas.DrawActor(self, false);

If you don't have access to every weapon, you can easily modify the default roll property at runtime based on handedness. :)