Greetings - I am new here.
I have to say that I really admire your work, therefor I would like to request a skin.
I've seen what you guys are capable of, and was impressed at the UC2 skinpack you're working on, pure ownage.
So anyways, the skin I would like is a Scarab based skin. I want him to be as badass as he could get
Here's Scarab ;
-What I would like to add some glasses; Chrome in the lenses.
-Take off a part of this arm (from right under the shoulders till the forarms; like malcom) so we could see some of his skin, and add some tatoos. Maybe a dargon
Change the color of the armor/clothes by using dark colors.
I don't really know what to ask, because I am not quite sure of what you guys are capable of with that kinda program (I never used it, so I duno what to ask really).
I would appreciate it if you would add me on MSN @
Much appreciated, take care all.
I have to say that I really admire your work, therefor I would like to request a skin.
I've seen what you guys are capable of, and was impressed at the UC2 skinpack you're working on, pure ownage.
So anyways, the skin I would like is a Scarab based skin. I want him to be as badass as he could get
Here's Scarab ;
-What I would like to add some glasses; Chrome in the lenses.
-Take off a part of this arm (from right under the shoulders till the forarms; like malcom) so we could see some of his skin, and add some tatoos. Maybe a dargon
Change the color of the armor/clothes by using dark colors.
I don't really know what to ask, because I am not quite sure of what you guys are capable of with that kinda program (I never used it, so I duno what to ask really).
I would appreciate it if you would add me on MSN @
Much appreciated, take care all.