2 quick questions

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Feb 15, 2004
Hey everyone. I'm just starting out with UT Infiltration. I'm used to playing half life and kicking the bots' A$$es in the JumBot mod. :lol:
So yaaa i'm a newbie at UT but hey...so were you at one time right? :rolleyes: I used to script and map in HL so i'm sure i'll catch on quick with UT. I must say though, UT is WAY DIFFERENT than HL, and a hellavalot better...100 fold!
Anyway heres my questions....

1. Ok VoicePaks.
I messed around with it alot and i kinda get the concept.
It's easy to modify and/or add V-Paks to the regualr version of the game. But how do you add or make one the the INF Mod?.....ya,ya,ya...it's different....i know! BUT....I was able to do it...well sorta lol.
I have a voicepak of Chris Redfield from Residend Evil made for the regular UT version. I know the scripting is different cuz i opened it in UTedit. but i was able to get it working somewhat, as long as you didnt goto character edit.
All i did was add INF_ to the chris.int & chris.u voicepak. I know i'm on the right track in a sense....But how would i go about making it so i can use it online ect?

2. Downloaded Maps form UTServers
OK, after a map is DL'ed from an online UTserver, it saves it in the catch folder. the names to the catch files are in the .ini file....gee thats hard. Now heres what i tried doing. I renamed the catch files according to the ini file and put the files where they should go....system, maps, textures, ect.
But when i clicked on the map in the missions menu..it just crashes the game. someone had mentioned a catch extracter to me on TS. but we didnt go too much in deph because we were playing a game at the time.
Anyways, I have all the files needed for the map, but how can I extract them to be able to play them?


Any Help Would Be GREATLY Apprisheated! And thanks for your time!



You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Okay, here is something for Question2, UT Cache Extractor. The only draw back is that it places the files into the regular UT Map, Texture, System, etc folders. But since they will all have a current Data/Time Stamp they will be easy to find and move to the correct places.


  • UTCacheExtractor130.zip
    342.1 KB · Views: 23


Feb 15, 2004
Odie3 said:
Okay, here is something for Question2, UT Cache Extractor. The only draw back is that it places the files into the regular UT Map, Texture, System, etc folders. But since they will all have a current Data/Time Stamp they will be easy to find and move to the correct places.
Thank you {GD}ODIE3
I apprisheate it...hey didn't you kick my A$$ lastnight online? :p~ lol
thank you again



You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Follow up:
When it gets to extracting the system files (.u) it pops up a message about causing mismatches on servers. Just Click No and it will extract them. However the files will be in the UT Root directory. You then copy the .u files into the UT/Inf/System directory.

I do recall you playing but I recall no ass kicking my me. I do recall getting my ass kicked. :lol: