2 questions

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i hate you

7h3 1337 m0
Oct 31, 2001
Visit site
I dont know if this is advanced or not, but most people seems to go here.

How do I create (working) ladders?

And second, how do I make jump pads, such as those in CTF-Coret?


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
You can create a ladder by building the vertical ladder. Then use the stair builder to build a REALLY steep set of stairs. Have the step height at 16 or so and have the step depth as 2-3. Make sure it's as wide as the ladder. Now put it just infront of the ladder. It's a good idea to make it so that it does not touch the floor. Make sure it does not touch the ladder either.
Click the add special button and make it semi-solid (sothat you don't get bsp errors from the horribly small dimensions) and invisible.
now when the player hits the ladder, he/she runs up it. You can bot path it up the same way you would a set of stairs.

It's a good idea to make it so that you can't approach the ladder from the side too as this will make it obvious that there's an invisible brush sticking out from the ladder.

And for the jump-pad. Go to actors->triggers->kicker and add it. Set the collision radius to that of the jump-pad. Set the kick velocity.
Set bKillVelocity to true so that when the player touches it they always get kicked at the same velocity nomatter what velocity they hit the kicker to start with.