2 probs :mouse wheel and lights ! Please Help me!

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New Member
Dec 16, 1999
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1)I must have disabled something : I don't have my wheel on my mouse working anymore.
I had it working before i patched my game to 402. So i reinstalled it but NOW ,it doesn't work with the v.400 either.

2)I also can't have the lights to work in d3d;(i got the latest drivers :3.65)

Here is a link to see how my game looks like : http://www.multimania.com/swep1/utprob.jpg

and another link to see my preferences(advanced) : http://www.multimania.com/swep1/Config.jpg

In the preferences (not advanced) , i got the game set in 32 bit mode, high details for textures and for skins.

PLEASE, help me!

[email protected]


New Member
Dec 26, 1999
naples florida
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Im not an expert but ill try to help ya.

Now, for the mouse thing. Try reinstalling the software for the mouse. It will probally work after you have done that. And for me, to get that software, i just put in my System CD and that that isnt the Windows 98/95 CD just to let you know.

Now what the graphics, you might of selected the wrong drivers to install UT to. Im on a voodoo3 2000 pci, and what i did it selected the GLIDE drivers when i was installing UT. For you, instead of glide, it should be maybe OpenGl. You must of selected software rendering by mistake because that TNT2 card SHOULD be producing some NICE eye candy for ya.




New Member
Dec 16, 1999
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Thx guys. I tried the directinput things but it didn't work. I downloaded a patch for my mouse and it's now working.

I still have the prob with my card.Can anyone with a TNT ultra compare his settings to mines please?
