Mr. Pants' Excessive Overkill for UT3

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Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Once, twice, three times a lady... or a UT Mod. The popular Excessive Overkill has made its way to UT3. Let's see you dodge those rockets now, heh heh...

Excessive is an over-the-top mod that makes all the weapons super-powerful, turns off self-damage, gives all the players regenerating health and ammo, and makes every game into a wild and crazy frag-fest! In the fast and furious bloodfest that is Excessive, it's not about staying alive; it's about taking as many people as possible out with you.

You can download the mod from the official site; the mod will require UT3 patched to Version 1.2.

Sorry, but it's still not as great as the UT version. It seems since UT2k4, the EO mod has been dumbed down or "cut in half".

How many goo balls do you actually get in this one? I know in UT you had atleast 20.

I'll have to download it and check it out to make sure, but it still doesn't seem to have the uniqueness that the UT version had.

Perhaps I've played too much UTEO :/


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
It's more like the UT version, IMO. Interestingly enough, there is essentially no framerate hit for all the added projectiles.