explain this techno jargon and help me play unreal 2

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New Member
Mar 16, 2008
i used to be able to play but i added unreall 2 to steam and now i get this i tried reinstalling but the same thing happened could you explaain his or tell me whta i can do to fix i i took it off steam fyi also my os is vista basic

General protection fault!

History: GetEventTool <- GetMusicManager <- GetMusicScript <- DMCallRoutine <- AMusicScriptEvent::execCallRoutine <- UObject::execClassContext <- (IntroGameInfo CS_Intro.IntroGameInfo0 @ Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd : 0075 line 744) <- UObject::processEvent <- (IntroGameInfo CS_Intro.IntroGameInfo0, Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd) <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

Build: Jan 7 2003 18:16:21

help appreciated ta


Jan 20, 2008
Try uninstalling, clearing out the registry and deleting any files left, then re-installing.

That message is a typical Unreal engine message that doesn't quite give any info. They give these errors whatever happens. The log would help more though.

Like, another example of an error :D
General protection fault!

History: UFireTexture::ConstantTimeTick <- UTexture::Tick <- (FireTexture NaliFX.flames1) <- UTexture::Update <- URender::DrawFrame <- URender::DrawWorld <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop