Rockets UT: first public version
Hi there!
I want you to test my new mod Rockets UT.
It's all about rockets:
- fast rockets
- slow rockets
- homing rockets
- rockets with whoop-ass huge explosions
You can download it RegularX' site: (3.8 MB)
Just unzip it to any folder and run the umod file.
Please check out the Mods menu in UT, especially 'Weapon Priority' and 'Configure EnhancedItems'.
Hi there!
I want you to test my new mod Rockets UT.
It's all about rockets:
- fast rockets
- slow rockets
- homing rockets
- rockets with whoop-ass huge explosions
You can download it RegularX' site: (3.8 MB)
Just unzip it to any folder and run the umod file.
Please check out the Mods menu in UT, especially 'Weapon Priority' and 'Configure EnhancedItems'.
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