Looking for maps with weird colors.

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Active Member
Jan 19, 2006
The name is totally lost on me but there was a period where one guy was retexturing monsterhunt maps in ways that the terms "whorish and garish" fall incredibly short in describing. I remember he did DeadCity in complete technicolor with Coke logos and Michael Jackson all over the damn place. It looked like a unicorn chewed up the original Wizard of Oz movie, washed it down with skittles and poster paint, then shit it out all over the texture pack. No kidding, you have to see it for yourself.

Spronx! That was his name. Find any of his maps. I spoke to him in-game a few times. Nice guy, just one of those 'artistic' type dudes I guess.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
The name is totally lost on me but there was a period where one guy was retexturing monsterhunt maps in ways that the terms "whorish and garish" fall incredibly short in describing. I remember he did DeadCity in complete technicolor with Coke logos and Michael Jackson all over the damn place. It looked like a unicorn chewed up the original Wizard of Oz movie, washed it down with skittles and poster paint, then shit it out all over the texture pack. No kidding, you have to see it for yourself.

Spronx! That was his name. Find any of his maps. I spoke to him in-game a few times. Nice guy, just one of those 'artistic' type dudes I guess.

'artistic'? To me that spronx sounds as if someone who can't draw took a piece of paper, scribbled some lines on it apparently depicting anything resembling..anything...
Post some of his "art" on the UT forum....I'm curious.

Edit: I remember that deadcity map. Think it was an Unreal original. Day/night thing going on. It had these ultra fast ehm..zombies. Way too fast and srong. Wasn't a looker to begin with anyway :p
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I have balls of Depleted Uranium
Mar 15, 2005
Waco, Texas
What! We're not going to make jokes? :eek: Well fine....

Ut3 is so under-saturated most of the time, maps with much color are few and far between. Here are few UT3 maps I have that have more then the average color or are sorta 'weird' at least.

DM-RB-Gray Matter
Super Mario Kart - Battle Course II


Active Member
Jan 19, 2006
I remember that deadcity map. Think it was an Unreal original. Day/night thing going on. It had these ultra fast ehm..zombies. Way too fast and srong. Wasn't a looker to begin with anyway :p
Here's a link to a zip I found. Not sure if it's complete or not:

I'd check it to be sure but we are leaving shortly for a day trip down the coast. I'm almost sure it's correct though given the zip size. If you do take a look tell me if my description was very far off. I'd be interested in what you think.

Spronx, if you see this I'm not crapping on your work. Admittedly I don't get 'artsy' at all. My wife likes walking through the starving artist galleries around here and most of the trip I spend totally oblivious to whatever message the art is trying to convey. Your map is some sort of pop-culture statement but all it does for me is make me thankful I don't have epilepsy.


Jan 20, 2008
Good luck. Having color variation is a breach of the UnrealEngine3 licensing agreement.