Ballistic Weapons Weapon Wallpaper

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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
Fresh off the press.

1440x900 version:

Fun Fact: All of the weapons in the wallpaper are ones that are included in the vanilla Ballistic Weapons mod.

Fun Fact 2: The weapons in the wallpaper are all the weapons that, for one reason or another, were the most memorable to me. In other words, my top 16 of the vanilla pack. So, I actually made it more for me than you guys. :p

No, I certainly do NOT have any problems with the modded weapons. In fact, I wish I could have included some in there but it just would have been too much for me to find all the pics I needed. Besides, I kinda wanted something that represented just the original BW. What we all started on.

Anyway, that's all. You stay classy, Ballistic Weapons.