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UT3 JB Mapper
Jan 18, 2010
Jailbreak Bloody Mappack
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: UT3 Patched 2.0+, TitanPack and Jailbreak RC+ installed
After seventeen years of developping, 4 divorces, 14 index finger tendinitis, triple brain cancers, two suicides, one detox stay, and been kidnapped by a female skaarj during six months on a strange island I'm finally able to release my mappack. It contains 55 maps for the Jailbreak mod on Unreal Tournament 3, I hope you have fun and enjoy!
(Credits in readme)



Part One:

Part Two:

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New Member
Nov 10, 2009
-JB-ColdSpace: Fog looks a little weird, maybe add more at the bases. Remove goliath sound effect from executions. Maybe use leviathan primary effect and sounds.
-JB-DesRock: Execution effect doesn't work everytime.
-JB-LostCause: Suicides when rounds is just about to start, weird. 1out of evert 2 times. Execution effect doesn't work everytime.
-JB-KaneRules: Execution sequence needs to be improved. Maybe attach movable spotlights to the ends of each JB turret. So that the spotlight slowly follows and kills each player. Needs a working arena. JB Locks are 2 close to enemy jail escape points. Not easily defended, nearly impossible. Jail escape spawn locations sometimes spawn u facing the walls. Some starting spawn points face you own lock. Needs Kane's entrance music.
-JB-SnakePerish: Freezes at weird points. 1 time when suciding in arena, other times just random.

I can't remember which map, I think Lostcause. There were little targets that you could hit with weapons fire that acted as switches. I have to replay to find out what they switched though. I like the idea but needs an instant result. Like if you transform into a titan in jail and hit the target with rocketfire it will release your team.
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UT3 JB Mapper
Jan 18, 2010
hi and thank you euchreplayer23 for your freeback
-JB-DesRock: Execution effect doesn't work everytime.
-JB-LostCause: Suicides when rounds is just about to start, weird. 1out of evert 2 times. Execution effect doesn't work everytime.
-I've never noticed this bug, can you send me a screenshot or specify which effect dont work? (jb-desrock has two executions which one without effect)
-There isnt suicides when rounds is just about to start in JB-LostCause (or so I dont understand what you say)

-JB-KaneRules: Execution sequence needs to be improved. Maybe attach movable spotlights to the ends of each JB turret. So that the spotlight slowly follows and kills each player. Needs a working arena. JB Locks are 2 close to enemy jail escape points. Not easily defended, nearly impossible.
Jail escape spawn locations sometimes spawn u facing the walls. Some starting spawn points face you own lock. Needs Kane's entrance music.
-About execution; ok Ill try but I dont see how make it. (at this time)
-Ill try to forcepaths into arena to fix it. (escape fixed in next release)
-"nearly impossible" so is possible, seriously i have no idea to improve it but layout may still be subject to change if I decided to add one or two levels to the map.
-I am not even on the face of the event, one music, why not, an idea?

-JB-SnakePerish: Freezes at weird points. 1 time when suciding in arena, other times just random.
is this really a problem or not?
I can't remember which map, I think Lostcause. There were little targets that you could hit with weapons fire that acted as switches. I have to replay to find out what they switched though. I like the idea but needs an instant result. Like if you transform into a titan in jail and hit the target with rocketfire it will release your team.
-Thank, its a good idea ill try to make it, but I have some difficulty to configure switch when it has more than two entries,

JB-ColdSpace played with bot isnt really fun.
Finaly, have you suggestions to improve gameplay in jb-coldspace and jb-snakeperish, you perhaps like their current layout ?
(personnaly i dont find their layout cozy)
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New Member
Nov 10, 2009
coldspace - The turning colored cylinders are the best part of the level, it just that you/bots don't go down there that much 2 see it. Maybe if you attached the "lock" to a moving elevator like in CTF-strident. It would get you movement on more levels.
Desrock- is the best of the bunch, love the arena at the bottom. Good open layout with some great sniping spots.
Kane - The ring is the best part, make it the key feature, have more windows looking at it. At each base move the lock towards the ring on a walk way, like a cat walk or maybe a luxury box. Something to get the lock out of the main corridor. If were moved nearer to the ring, prisioners would be able to
shoot at campers protecting it. Or campers blast prisioners. I like the ability in other maps to shoot people in prison to boost my totals when I use titan. And it gives people in prison something to do.
Snake- I take it that it has never froze for u in your testing(?) if not then it's just me. Another weird thing is the bots standing over health looking at their feet. Will try to post a pic. Layoutwise: At the locks there is a 2nd level, but nothing really is there to pick up or do. I like the corridors keep them. The bots/me tend to not go into the very centre section where the vest/udamage is (I think that is right). Maybe open that entire centre area by taking down some walls. So you go into the jails, maybe half a walk way right over the pit. Think "Raiders of the lost Ark".


UT3 JB Mapper
Jan 18, 2010
hi nero! ready to be jailed?)))

thank euchreplayer23, I will provides a large update in some week taking into account your remarks.
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UT3 Jailbreak Coder
Dec 11, 2002
Bolivar, Missouri
Thank you for the hard work you've been putting into custom Jailbreak maps! I'm not going to push hard for anyone to set up public Jailbreak servers until the final version is released. Until then you'll likely have to host a listen server.


UT3 JB Mapper
Jan 18, 2010
Be patient, I work to make jails more fun, to optimizing layout, to fix and fix again my maps.
Thanks all for your patience!


UT3 JB Mapper
Jan 18, 2010
I see that you are an JB expert ! :D

Edit: I forgot to say but it's obvious: they are more fun in UT3 than Quake3.^^
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