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Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA

The long wait is over. Epic has finally revealed just what will be in the Titan Pack. Does it live up to its name? Well, here's just what it contains - for PC and PS3:

  • Two new gametypes: Greed and Betrayal
  • One new mutator: Titans
  • 16 new maps: 6 Deathmatch, 4 Warfare, 3 CTF, 3 VCTF
  • Two new weapons: Stinger Turret and The Eradicator Cannon
  • Two new deployables: The X-Ray Field and the Link Station
  • One new powerup: The Portable Slow Field
  • Two new characters: Kana of the Ronin and Nova of Liandri
  • One new vehicle: The Axon Stealthbender
  • All due on: March 5, 2009. Two weeks! Really!

Sounds like an awful lot, doesn't it? It is! Possibly around 800 MB, according to the Epic guys. And no doubt you're hungry to learn more. Well lucky you, we just so happen to spill all of the juicy little details right'chere!


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
The Eradicator Cannon? I hope this'll be like a hand carried SPMA :D I'm ready for some gut-'splodin booms.

but anway,

Looks Great!!


Reigning King of DM/CTF Mapping
Mar 1, 2008
[*]Two new gametypes: Greed and Betrayal
[*]16 new maps: 6 Deathmatch, 4 Warfare, 3 CTF, 3 VCTF

Will the new gametypes have their own maps or will they use existing (DM?) maps. I get the impression they will use existing maps.

[*]Two new weapons: Stinger Turret and The Eradicator Cannon

Eradicator sounds good. Stinger is already available within the editor.

[*]Two new characters: Kana of the Ronin and Nova of Liandri

Ok I'll be the first to "WTF, no Malcolm?"

[*]One new vehicle: The Axon Stealthbender

Good to see its been finished. I drop a non completed stelathbender in all my vehicle maps just for the hell of it. So either my maps will soon have new content without lifting a finger or they will all be horribly broken very soon.

[*]All due on: March 5, 2009. Two weeks! Really!

Best news of all. Thanks for posting it.


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
hmmm, I wonder how big the download will be? I hope they release a torrent, that would be a smart move on their part.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Will the new gametypes have their own maps or will they use existing (DM?) maps. I get the impression they will use existing maps.
Titan is a mutator and works in all gametypes. Betrayal is a DM instagib mod. Greed is a CTF/VCTF mod.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
I am not impressed at all tbh.

I love new content, and this is all great, but I don't see how it is going to "bring people back" to ut3.
It isn't as "titan" as I thought it would be. It also annoys me that the expansion is keeping up the whole war BS in the map descriptions. Did i say expansion? oops, more like a bonus pack.

Titan sounds pretty damn gimmicky to me.
Greed is a great addition, (it almost sounds like bombing run too).
Betrayal is sounding awesome, i would prefer it if there was no instagib, but i don't mind really, the community can deal with that by making a NW version.
I wish there were more ctf maps.

Ok general confusion time: The Portable Slow Field? WTF? I thought that was already in the game? On kargo anyway. OR is this different to a deployable? Is it like a slow field that surrounds the player and doesn't affect him? That sounds cool.

I'm happy to see that the 360 maps are being ported, thank god for that.

But no malcom? And why aren't the necris getting more vehikals? Instead the axon are pimping it out in their new rides.

It's free so I will download this and enjoy it. And at the same time I will understand that my whining is ungrateful and pointless. But when push comes to shove it won't really improve UT3 imo. The only gripe with the game that this pack fixes is lack of content. There is still other stuff to be added that have been asked for various times:
1. Options for classic trajectories on flak and rocket launcher grenades
2. Options for classic rocket launcher firing modes (primary for rocket, secondary for grenade. Hold button for multi-rox/nade delivery)
3. Malcom. This isn't so big, but it just seems wierd that he isn't in the game when he plays such a major part in the story and he's pretty much ready to be playable anyway.
4. Bots are thinking 20% faster then they should be due to the default 120% gamespeed on the PC version. I love the gamespeed, but i don't like bots that are thinking 20% faster then they should because of that gamespeed.
5. The god damn war. Can't they just retcon the bitch and move on to a tournament already?
6. Tournament mode/ ladder. Soemthing that makes this a tournament.
7. An option to use the Classic way of switching back to previous weapon after translocating.

The list goes on.
Note that i use the term option up there a few times. That is because some people would disagree with me on those points. By making those features optional, people who like it can take it and people who don't like it don't have to use it. everyone is happy.

Although whiners will always find something to whine about ;)

Now can they plz do the ut2004 treatment and re-release the game with double the content and more fixes beside? I'd buy it.

and i laughed at the two weeks thing. :lol: Made me hope it was a hoax at first.


Reigning King of DM/CTF Mapping
Mar 1, 2008
Titan is a mutator and works in all gametypes. Betrayal is a DM instagib mod. Greed is a CTF/VCTF mod.

Thanks. Yeah I just read the details page. It all sounds good but I can't believe they're still leaving Malcolm out. More surprised than disappointed really. Was hoping for a new non-superweapon for DM (*Ripper*) but its free so I can't nitpick.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Titan fills a meter that you can activate twice to become a Titan and then a Behemoth.