GoW for UT3 Mapping Contest

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Jan 19, 2008
Gears of War for Unreal Tournament III Mapping Contest


The top contributions will be put together in a bonus map pack to go along with the GoW Contents release for UT3.

Post your contribution here. Include download link and screenshots.

Compatible to the latest official full version of UT3. At the writing moment v1.3.

Allowed gametypes are Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Vehicular Capture the Flag and Warfare.

Only the GoW resources are allowed in the entire map. No custom made content, no standard UT3 content. UT3 pickups and other game relevant artifacts are allowed or else the maps would be unplayable.

Use the archives from FileFront. Link, Link and Link. The Caves archive is still under development and probably won't work, it might even screw up your editor. Include any resources used from it in your map package and make sure it is fully functional. The rest of the contents is supposed to be installed in your UT3 directory under Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\CookedPC as indicated in the archives.

Any other GoW resources must be released publicly and linked to through this thread before it can be allowed in the competition. Specifically contents fabricated for maps made for the regular GoW game, also for resources not included in the above archives originating from the GoW game. This is for fairness, ease of use and for avoiding duplicate resources thus saving disk space everywhere and also download bandwidth.

All contributions will be pitted against each other in several voting threads on this forum and the winners are ultimately chosen by you.

18:00 Central US Time preliminary. I am reasonable, let's hear what the mapping community says before it's decided.


For further information regarding the GoW contents release feel free to visit the following link.
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Jan 19, 2008
There have been 250 views of this thread.

I take it there is a huge interest in GoW maps for UT3. There simply must be mappers out there willing to work with this material and there is an eager horde of players wishing to play GoW themed maps.
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Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Feb 24, 2006
I thought UT3 was GoW for UT3 >.<.

Also, hope you get more replies. I hate to see the only reply be a negative one.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
This interests me, but i have to say you probably wont get too many submissions because of the severe limits you are putting on what you are allowed to do. This kind of contest only works if there is some sort of huge reward at the end of it, otherwise people will look at the requirements and go *blegh*. So it sounds cool to me in concept, but i don't know....... There is a lot of hate for GoW on these forums, with everyone getting all worked up about it becoming epics new baby in every second thread.

With that said, i can't wait to see the submissions. I never played GoW so this can be my demo. :lol:

Oh yeah, ask hal to pimp this on the main page if you want more coverage. It worked for me.


Jan 19, 2008
Gears of War is a success because Microsoft have a winning development philosophy, wast experience and a huge budget. UT3 vs GoW is an unfair comparison.

What I want to achieve is to gather a bunch of maps capturing the GoW theme and bring it to the UT3 gameplay by using resources originating from GoW.

Another cool idea would be to let the two universes collide in a map where you have parts similar to the GoW game and all of a sudden you have parts similar to UT3. This is just about what would normally happen when you use resources from two games anyway, but you put emphasis on the contrast between them and make it obvious and still smooth. This is for another type of challenge or contest. Still something I wish to see, but not in this thread.

Ideas for maps.


If you are familiar to the game you probably know which part of the singleplayer experience I am referring to. An easy way to find the resources is by using the GoW editor to find the package used in the map and then load it in the UT3 editor.

If someone wish to contribute with a grand prize for the winner of this competition please let us know.

Another question is... Who is the best and most adaptive mapper in the GoW theme?

People have put lots of effort into bringing the huge resource archive to UT3, we should make good use of it.


New Member
Oct 5, 2008
Only the GoW resources are allowed in the entire map. No custom made content, no standard UT3 content. UT3 pickups and other game relevant artifacts are allowed or else the maps would be unplayable.

But it not the truth, all remarkably works in aggregate with UT3-Content. The truth would be to bad idea to mix GOW and ASC, LT, NEC, and here to stir industrial resources GOW and HU, it is possible, I sometimes so itself do


Jan 19, 2008
Of course the rules are negotiable up to the start of the competition.

Using UT3 content could still be allowed as long as the majority of the resources come from the GoW theme. The purpose of this competition is to gather great maps for the GoW contents release. At the moment we players have paint, but no canvas, so lets change that.

If you are a mapper and absolutely love to make a GoW map for UT3 please let us know what's holding you back.


New Member
Oct 5, 2008
I will refrain from promises, but I will tell, that, at present, is occupied by creation of map WAR-GOWMP(?)_Academy. (East Barricade Academy)

Epic Games Concept Arts:

[SCREENSHOT]http://www.beyondunreal.com/staff/hal/gow/gow0.jpg[/SCREENSHOT] [SCREENSHOT]http://www.beyondunreal.com/staff/hal/gow/gow2.jpg[/SCREENSHOT] [SCREENSHOT]http://www.beyondunreal.com/staff/hal/gow/gow1.jpg[/SCREENSHOT]


Jan 19, 2008
Small update. I played some deathmatch and I realized that music is a huge part of the game, so I think I'll have to allow music from UT3 or GoW. Preferably GoW if it's possible, it's a GoW map pack we are looking for after all.

Also, if you are working with the GoW contents in any way, not just mapping then you can tell us about it, so you don't have to think you are all alone. Maybe you need to enlist beta testers for a private release or just for some guidance. Remember there is a release thread for the GoW contents, it's right here.


Jan 19, 2008
Moving past 400 views.

Any suggestions regarding a deadline? Like December this year for instance. Close enough to the holidays or maybe after, so you will have lots of spare time for this.

Are the rules acceptable? I mean, we want something as GoWish as possible, we have already seen UT3 so many times.

Anyone interested in participating or are you just here looking for maps? I could make a few maps myself, but you would not like it, might still win thou unless other, real mappers, show up.


Jan 19, 2008
Good to have you in the contest.

We got some momentum right now, 500 views already.

After a few ounces of reasoning I set the deadline to 2009-01-04 18:00 Central US Time, that would be the 6:00 PM on Sunday the 4th January 2009 in the common tongue. Add another six hours and we have Central European Time if someone wish to know.

This will give people most of the Christmas for mapping and maybe some time for the rest of us to enjoy playing before we go back to whatever we do.

Anyone else interested in being the best GoW for UT3 mapper around these days?