I understood Anti-aliasing once someone explained to me that it was either that or make pixels smaller, and I guess doing something clever like make the pixels itty-bitty takes the kind of genius beyond even Steven Hawking, but I still dont understand Bloom...
What's the point? I can get the same effect by not wearing my glasses, drinking four bottles of Bombardier, or smoking a few spliffs, so is that the point; Bloom was invented so that gaming nerds could trick themselves into believeing they have vices other than gaming?
Perhaps a better question is why do we need it?
What's the point? I can get the same effect by not wearing my glasses, drinking four bottles of Bombardier, or smoking a few spliffs, so is that the point; Bloom was invented so that gaming nerds could trick themselves into believeing they have vices other than gaming?
Perhaps a better question is why do we need it?