"Unlagged InstaGib" is a server-side mutator that should be used in combination with an InstaGib to compensate a client's ping serversidely.
Simply extract the content of the ZIP file to your server's System directory. The mutator does not have any configurable options and should NOT be added to the ServerPackages list. Clients will not be able to (or need to, anyway) download the package.
To start your server with Unlagged InstaGib, add the mutator and an InstaGib mutator to your server's startup commandline. The following line for example:
ucc server DM-Antalus?game=XGame.xTeamGame?mutator=XGame.MutInstaGib,UnlaggedInstaGib.MutUnlaggedInstaGib
...will start a TDM server on DM-Antalus with the InstaGib mutator and unlagging enabled.
"Unlagged InstaGib" is a server-side mutator that should be used in combination with an InstaGib to compensate a client's ping serversidely.
Simply extract the content of the ZIP file to your server's System directory. The mutator does not have any configurable options and should NOT be added to the ServerPackages list. Clients will not be able to (or need to, anyway) download the package.
To start your server with Unlagged InstaGib, add the mutator and an InstaGib mutator to your server's startup commandline. The following line for example:
ucc server DM-Antalus?game=XGame.xTeamGame?mutator=XGame.MutInstaGib,UnlaggedInstaGib.MutUnlaggedInstaGib
...will start a TDM server on DM-Antalus with the InstaGib mutator and unlagging enabled.