Auran Games. the developers behind the original Dark Reign game, was showing off their new MMOFPS at E3 this year, entitled Fury. The game is running on Unreal Engine 3, and apparently will require "No Ganking, No Grinding, No Waiting, No Wimps".
Fury is the ultimate competitive online RPG. It takes the best elements of an MMO - combat, advancement and teamwork - and blends them with the best elements of an FPS - instant action, fast pacing and diverse game types.
The dynamic gameplay cycle lets you fight, earn rewards and use those rewards to customize your character as much as you want.
Get ready to unleash the Fury!
You can find some screenshots and more information about the game at the official Fury website.
Fury is the ultimate competitive online RPG. It takes the best elements of an MMO - combat, advancement and teamwork - and blends them with the best elements of an FPS - instant action, fast pacing and diverse game types.
The dynamic gameplay cycle lets you fight, earn rewards and use those rewards to customize your character as much as you want.
Get ready to unleash the Fury!
You can find some screenshots and more information about the game at the official Fury website.