Nick colors for xfire - need images

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New Member
Jun 19, 2005
Tired of colored nicks being a mess in xfire? Me too. I decided to fix that. Unfourtunately, xfire messes up color codes. All of them become 127 :mad:. So I had to write a python script to parse those nick colors, then include it in the xfire template. Not pretty, but it works.

Anyway, I used the ut2k4 template and edited it (yes, I'm lazy), so it still has the ut2k4 characters in the background :( Is there anyone out there with some nice images of xmp characters? 200x400 or so, format does not matter...

Now, to install the current (ugly) version of this little hax, download and unrar it in the folder Xfire\templates\infoview. That's it, you're done. Note that colors and layout will have to be fixed in the future, but I'm not really the right person to do that... :(


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
I ripped off the design from (stealing intellectual "property" rocks :D). I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. It sure kicks the ass of the standard looks, does it not? :)


It is still a bit slow, it takes four seconds or so to render it, but there's not much I can do about that...
The file "Thumbs.db" doesn't seem to enjoy being extracted (atleast not by me) any suggestions?


OMF also, I just got the OK from Omen and EQ to post this online server viewer that Omen made. This seems to handle the colors quite nicely (assuming the player or server you are trying to get the color for are using unicode colors).
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