UT2004 - Model - Hide - CalamityAngel

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Your opinion on this model?

  • :tup:

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • :hmm:

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • :tdown:

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Skin/Model Name: CalamityAngel
UT(99/2k3/2k4): UT2004 (patched to v3339+)
System Requirements: None specified / Not applicable
Author: Hide
Download: SkinCity 5.5MB



Model: Original
Animation: Default Human Female with Custom Animations
Voice: Modified Voice - Merc Female
Other: Custom Species, Custom Karma

Support (SP/MP/Both): Both - Single Player and Multiplayer
Support (Team Colours) (None/2/4): 4
Known Issues: None
Additional Info: From The ReadMe;

Fallen angel.
I named my model of a doll "Calamity".
The name "Calamity" has been used for those who brings about a calamity. Demon, fallen angel, evil deity and so on.
So, I made her figure as suitable for her name.


If you use "Species statistics" mutator...

She can fly like the "Space fighter" in "Assault".
And, in "ONS", "VCTF" and similar game types, Bots can use "Flying path node"s for "Rapter" in the maps to move.

To fly, you need to add a "key assign" to "User.ini" in UT2004's System folder.
Please assign "Taunt Fly" to the key which is vacant in "[Engine.Input]" in "User.ini".

For example...

NumPad0=Taunt Fly

...then, if you press [0] key of numpad, you can fly.
And, if you press the key again, you can stop flying.


Additional Info
Modelling: LightWave 8.3
Constructing PSK: MilkShape 3D 1.7.4
Skinning: Photoshop 6.0
Packing UKX: UnrealED 3.0

Polygons: 4050
Textures: 7x1024x1024 1x512x512 1x256x512

Build Time: Not specified.


Winged fallen angels in UT2k4 - ala Hide's newest creation! Who else but Hide can make a thing of such beauty and turn her into the ultimate killing machine? Death from above is the least you can expect from this scantily clad vixen.

The Good:

The model itself is great (perhaps not as good as Calamity in some ways but better in other ways). As with Calamity (see review) she dies in a blaze of glory with a small nuclear explosion, though being an angel she soon rises to dish out some revenge on her killers. Hide chose once again to have her eyes closed, so literally she can play this game with them shut! The voice also is the default game female voice (modified) which fits perfectly and adds to the notion that this character's a nympho-psycho killer.

What makes this minature beauty better then Calamity is the addition of beautiful wings and the way she's skinned with occult writings, silk undies and gold jewellry.

I really like the way the flying animation's done. The way she moves her legs as if manoeuvring through the air is great. I've rarely seen her walk or run. On the few occasions I have it's been up a wall :eek: before hovering around awaiting another victim.

She's of course available as the player's character in Single Player mode and the bio is written into the .upl file so no need for editing xplayers info (which later gets wiped with every patch).

All LOD's are set correctly (wasn't gonna' look as I know Hide's the consumate professional but chanced a peek) :lol:

Finally, the ReadMe instructions re. installation are easy to follow (no "I don't know where to put it" here) and all other necessary info about how to get the most from the character is included.

The Bad:

TCs could have been better but there's nothing wrong with them... My advice is if you see a little angel hovering overhead, shoot first ask questions later!

The Bottom Line:

Great modelling. Great skinning. Great coding/animating/voice editing... Shall I go on?

Note: Hide should be working for a major games company if he's not already :tup:

Slightly lower score than Calamity just because I feel Calamity plays better. Also, good to see the abilities lowered a bit for us noobs ;)

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Turret 49

Doomer at heart
Jun 26, 2004
One problem with the flying is that while you're flying, if you translocate, you fall back to the ground but can't jump at all. If you press the binded button you start flying again, though.


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Thanks for the info, Turret.

I tend to not use the Trans at all offline. While spectating her for the review as she flew I actually wondered did she even use the Trans. I wouldn't have seen the need given she flies :)

Still, it's no biggie and I'm sure people now know what to do. Muchos gracias :tup:

The Helios

Keeper of the Ancient Ones
Apr 17, 2004
I always give the max note to Hide's models (can't help it I love those XD) and this one is just another model to my "Models's Hall of Glory" I have built in my hard drive.:D

Turret 49

Doomer at heart
Jun 26, 2004
Klasnic, what do you the mean LODs are set correctly? Putting texture detail on lowest did nothing for me :(
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Random Elite

Put your feet up and frag.
Jul 9, 2005
Funny as hell on VCTF-AbbitoirIsland with Instagib Shock Rifles with Zoom.
Think she'd look better with her eyes open, but thats me.



ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Turret 49 said:
Klasnic, what do you the mean LODs are set correctly? Putting texture detail on lowest did nothing for me :(

It's player detail that is affected by those particular LODs, Turret (as it should be) ;)

Random Elite

Put your feet up and frag.
Jul 9, 2005
Then it wouldn't be unreal.

Does real have miniguns that spew out crystal shards? I think not.

Hopefully UT2007 will have UC2 style weapons, but with good grenade/flak grenade this time.


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Random Elite said:
Then it wouldn't be unreal.

Does real have miniguns that spew out crystal shards? I think not.

Hopefully UT2007 will have UC2 style weapons, but with good grenade/flak grenade this time.

Dittoed if I wanted realism I'd go play another game. Realism is just too boring for me ;)

Maybe a few like the Unreal II weapons too as I really love some of those :D

Random Elite

Put your feet up and frag.
Jul 9, 2005
Armour can still catch on fire (the flamethrower chucks out burning fuel, not pure flame) and it would stick to anything.

Right, thats rapped up, thanks to Klasnic, and we're back...