Mechs getting the short end of the stick

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Us And Them
Sep 12, 2004
I loved playing as a Mechanic in the original DAUT but now he's got the short end of the stick it seems.
Machine guns have preselected spots, same with ammo crate and the mech doesnt need to supply ammo anymore either. As far as I can tell we dont get any points from the sentries we construct and we dont even have mines anymore? All mechs seem to do is babysit the AI guns and sometimes repair the ammo crates! The class is pretty boring, and we dont get very many points for it.

How about giving mechs 1 point for every 1600 hitpoints repaired (twice the health of a turret) so they arent always at the bottom and dont have to leave the defences to get any action. What about atleast letting us make mounts for the machine gunner that we can place and they can setup on them so the machine gun nests arent always in the same spot! And mines, or claymores, something with explosives!

The mod looks and plays great, and cheers to whoever did the particle effects, they are definitely at a professional level.


DA2 Project Lead/Level Designer
Dec 10, 2002
Redmond, WA
actually, you can build the turrets anywhere there is room :)

*edit* there is also a limit to how many turrets can be built , so it may just be that you currently have the max load of turrets out and that's why you can't place them elseware, try deconstructing turrets using "Z" and build the turrets in new spots. Hope this helps!
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old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
Hi, yes, the reason why there are alredy pre placed guns in DA2 are to help people playing offline and also people who are new to the game.

As Bot mechs cannot place their own turrets yet, this is an effective way for the AI to build turrets offline and online and save you from games where no one has built any turrets.

Currently in Beta 1.0 a mech can build two types of turrets and the ammobox.

If you think the mech is still boring, then dont worry. (this has not been finalised yet. and Dante will probably kill me for saying this, but...) Mechs in future releases we hope will be able to construct a lot more strucutres in the same way they can build pre-placed turrets, such as bridges to help you cross a valley or ladders to access new areas.

Also I have a map idea which you would see the mech as the vital class in winning by completing the construction of an item whilst the other team try to stop them.

Btw, check the Online Manual for more information about building turrets.
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Us And Them
Sep 12, 2004
I wasnt aware the mech could build turrets anywhere, the V command didnt bring up a build menu so I assumed it was only for repairing.


...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
We will add new structures (at least one new turret and a barricade - useful both as cover and blockade). And iam thinking about per-class grenades. The mechanic would get his mines that way.


New Member
Oct 6, 2005
First, hi everyone. I finally registered for the forums :)

How about to count the kills caused by turrets as kills for the mechanic that built the turret? In NaturalSelection, if anyone knows it, its managed the same way. And if the mechanic gets too much kills that way, count five turret kills as one kill for the player or something like that.

By the way, for me it seemed like the bots dont attack unfinished turrets. Is this purposed to be so?


Us And Them
Sep 12, 2004
But that makes turrets more of a build and forget kind of weapon, which means the mech can still go out and kill points by killing but also stack that on top of the points he gets from the godlike turrets mowing down dozens of people, were as giving points for repairing the turrets motivates mechs to actually maintain and repair the turrets, instead of just building them and running away. The original mechs had to literally stand next to the gunner and that was alot of fun having conversations while the gunner just held the trigger down and pointed down the chokepoint.


old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
MozTS said:
The original mechs had to literally stand next to the gunner and that was alot of fun having conversations while the gunner just held the trigger down and pointed down the chokepoint.

Ahh good times :)


Us And Them
Sep 12, 2004
Nothing like pelvic thrusting the gunner from behind either.
Are taunt animations included in DA2?


New Member
Apr 4, 2002
Later this afternoon
Visit site
FluXs said:
Hi, yes, the reason why there are alredy pre placed guns in DA2 are to help people playing offline and also people who are new to the game.

As Bot mechs cannot place their own turrets yet, this is an effective way for the AI to build turrets offline and online and save you from games where no one has built any turrets.
I see. I'm sure you guys have already thought of this, but why not code "TurretBuildSpot" points for the bots? That way they can run out there and build the turrets automatically.

Of course, there could also be an option/mutator for converting all pre-placed turrets into "TurretBuildSpots"...

I dunno, that's just teh UT99 coder/mapper in me rambling :D