Alternate DUP Change Utility

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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
The Alternate DUP project is still alive, but in a different form now.

I`ve written some small batch-files, which allow switching between the offline Single Player switched DUPs upls and the Online Multiplayer compatible upls.

It`s really nothing special, but it does the trick \o/
The only thing remaining is improving the batches, adding some new (eg BackUp-function) and making them choosable in a menu via a simply mouseclick.

I`ve made some recolored characters in the past to be the new DUP, but why not take the best from our community? Beneath you`ll find a list of all used DUP-Bots in SP (but I think some are not mentioned but still spawned, but don`t quote me on that, I`m not sure), there you can place your suggestion for a well fitting skin (it need not to have the same model as the original DUP if it fits better).

The skintextures will not be changed in any ways, but I must add another upl and bio for that skin (original upl and bio keeps unchanged!). The same skin will be in the DB 2 times with 2 different names but I figured out how I can make the 1 only for SP, and the other only for practise :)
Maybe I also ad a new (uniform) Background for the skins for a whole new UT-experience (but I`m not sure if this will definitaly be done)

Enough talked/written for the moment, here`s the current list - it`s the list with the planned skins from the beginning, not the actually used ones.
[FONT="Courier New"]Name       - Race       - Team         - New ALT-DUP

Avarice    - Nightmare  - none         - [URL=""]Rajesh/Vore[/URL]
Darkling   - Nightmare  - none         - [URL=""]Calith (from the Deadly Duo)[/URL]
Hathor     - Egyptian   - none         - 
Huntress   - Merc       - none         - [URL=""]Leena[/URL]
Jackhammer - Juggernaut - none         - [URL=""]Theory[/URL]
Medusa     - Juggernaut - none         - 
Sunspear   - Egyptian   - none         - 
Mortis     - Nightmare  - Black Legion - [URL=""]Aias[/URL]
Samedi     - Nightmare  - Black Legion - [URL=""]Lord Azrisk[/URL]
Succubus   - Nightmare  - Black Legion - [URL=""]Rabid[/URL]
Brutus     - Juggernaut - Goliath      - [URL=""]Gorobei[/URL]
Bullseye   - Juggernaut - Goliath      - [URL=""]Devastator (from TST - Wing Baker)[/URL]
Clangor    - Juggernaut - Goliath      - 
Fury       - Juggernaut - Goliath      - 
Misery     - Juggernaut - Goliath      - 
Outrage    - Juggernaut - Goliath      - 
Rampage    - Juggernaut - Goliath      - [URL=""]Zeus[/URL]
Titania    - Juggernaut - Goliath      - 
Mystique   - Merc       - Iron Guard   - [URL=""]Anna (from TST - Wing Baker)[/URL]
Xantares   - Merc       - Iron Guard   - [URL=""]Kolman 1.1[/URL]
Ariel      - Merc       - Super Nova   - [URL=""]Karena (from Panz0rs Skinpack)[/URL]
Dragon     - Merc       - Super Nova   - 
Faith      - Merc       - Super Nova   - [URL=""]Adae (from Panz0rs Skinpack)[/URL]
Nemesis    - Merc       - Super Nova   - [URL=""]Caige (masked version)[/URL]
Nova       - Merc       - Super Nova   - [URL=""]Nikki[/URL]
Perish     - Merc       - Super Nova   - [URL=""]Stefanie (from TST - Wing Baker)[/URL]
Phantom    - Merc       - Super Nova   - [URL=""]Bane[/URL]
Imhotep	   - Eygyptian	- Sun Blade    - 
Isis	   - Eygyptian	- Sun Blade    - [URL=""]Selket[/URL]
Nafiret	   - Eygyptian	- Sun Blade    - 
Ramses	   - Eygyptian	- Sun Blade    -
DUPs - not used by SP:
[URL=""]Mocli Reborn[/URL]

ADSU version 0.90b(eta) is now available
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
If anybody has better suggestions or better fitting chars, please tell me :)

@rex and Slaughter:
is it ok, if I use your skins for that?


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
the original files are kept totally untouched :)

I will only add a "new" upl with slightly diffrent stats and ev. a new portrait but this will only affect SP and will not affect the "normal" char selection (practise matches still work the same way with your original upl, even if the "SP-mode" is activated).

I will describe it later how it exactly works, but it works fine right now :)

The main thought is to make the SP intresting again by adding the community`s (and my) favorites and finally get rid of that d*mn*d DUPs ;)

and THX for the permission! I think Theory should also replace a Jug ;)

Starry Might

Interesting idea! :D

I think Kolman would be better suited for "Xantares" than "Dragon", though.

BTW, are the DUPs you didn't list part of the "Wing Baker" pack?

MäxX said:
I wanna know how the heck Slaughter got away with using that name (if he did), considering that it belongs to one of the Hellions! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: (I don't have that skinpack, BTW - is she the skin for Prism/BlackJack in that pack?)


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
OK, here`s a small shot of the menu interface so far. I still have to fix some things, but this is the current state:

1. This version is now offical ADSU 0.75b(eta)
2. The Menuinterface is simply a html-doc refering to the subroutines. Simple but working.
3. OK, and at this point I tell you what each button does:
+ Switch DUPs: Deletes all original upls from the system dir (max 3....) and adds the new upls to the dir
+ Restore Orig.: Restores the 3 original upls to the system dir and deletes the new upl
+ BackUP: Backups all your current upls, this should be your very first action here!
+ Restore BackUP: Just in case many things went wrong.....
+ Characters: All Characters used for DUP replacement are linked to download (of course from SkinCity)
+ Deny other Char: renames all upls to xx*.upl, so they won`t be taken for SP any more but still keep unchanged!. Warning, this cannot be undone automatically so be sure to BackUP! This is necessery to avoid again 2 same chars in SP. This step should be done before switching the upls.
+ Disclaimer: If you`re bored
+ Start UT2004: This is a surprise, this should be checked out by everyone him/her/itself

That`s my progress so far, hopefully we can fill the DUP replacement list and I can try to implement that.
Of course there wil be a better description of all that stuff

Do you have any other suggestions or wishes?

Shall we make that installable via Umod?

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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
thx, good tip


OMG, did I write Kaela? yeah I wrote it. Sorry my fault - fixed
and it`s a skin for the Satin-model
to be hones I also didn`t like Kollman as a Dragon ;) - fixed

thx :)

Is it ok if I use some of your skins too?

This list is only a small suggestion, please tell me your favorites! Maybe we should switch the other (not in SP used) DUPs too? Just to have all the best skins linked ;)
I`ll contact the other authors later if it would be ok to use their work.
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Turret 49

Doomer at heart
Jun 26, 2004
Don't the skarrj, robots, and gen'mokia (I think that's how you spell it) have DUPs?


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Turret 49 said:
Don't the skarrj, robots, and gen'mokia (I think that's how you spell it) have DUPs?
Yap they have, but AFAIK they are not used by SP mode. If there are some cool, we could also replace them!


Link(gun) Lady
This one looks really great, this interface should do the trick!

Personally I would switch every DUP in game even if not used :tup: just to have a "database" of links to the greatest skins ever.

I suggest to include some of the UC2-skins, they are all great!
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
UTGirl said:
Personally I would switch every DUP in game even if not used :tup: just to have a "database" of links to the greatest skins ever.

I suggest to include some of the UC2-skins, they are all great!
good ideas :2thumb: