Hey everyone, welcome to BeyondUnreal.
When you signed up, you read a EULA. I hope you read it because we hold you to it. For more fun reading, check out our Terms of Use.
We've been at this for about seven years now. This messageboard, its staff, and its members originate from the old PlanetUnreal forums, way back when. We do things a little differently around here.
Unlike many forums, these forums are moderated. However, we believe that the best moderation is the kind that you don't even see.
What that means is we expect more out of our users than most. We expect civility and reasonably intelligent conversation. You won't see flaming and trolling go on here because they don't generally get to stick around long enough.
The end result is a forum that allows people to discuss things without resorting to name calling and juvenile behavior. It's pretty refreshing, actually.
There's a lot of good stuff to discuss here about Epic's latest and we all want to get our opinions in. So, as you're posting, remember one simple guideline and you'll be fine.
Don't be an asshat.
When you signed up, you read a EULA. I hope you read it because we hold you to it. For more fun reading, check out our Terms of Use.
We've been at this for about seven years now. This messageboard, its staff, and its members originate from the old PlanetUnreal forums, way back when. We do things a little differently around here.
Unlike many forums, these forums are moderated. However, we believe that the best moderation is the kind that you don't even see.
What that means is we expect more out of our users than most. We expect civility and reasonably intelligent conversation. You won't see flaming and trolling go on here because they don't generally get to stick around long enough.
The end result is a forum that allows people to discuss things without resorting to name calling and juvenile behavior. It's pretty refreshing, actually.
There's a lot of good stuff to discuss here about Epic's latest and we all want to get our opinions in. So, as you're posting, remember one simple guideline and you'll be fine.
Don't be an asshat.