New Marygold Skin

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New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Well, it took a while, but I finally (nearly) finished my first complete skin project! :D At last I have something to contribute to the Unreal Community from which I've been taking for so long.


A little background info: I've always liked Hide's Marygold model and related skins, but I wanted to create a skin that was my own. After permission granted by Hide to skin his model I went to work. I pulled various style cues from my own 2D works and some model kits created by Kip (mainly this model and this one) and started sketching out ideas. The finished skin is pretty close to the original sketch.

Her name's Felina Haynesworth, a member of an underground group named COABEL that's bent on finding a way to end the Tournaments. It seems odd that someone from this group would actually be a participant till you realize that she's there with the mentality that killing all the Tournament fighters will end the Tournament for good. Of course this is against the will of the COABEL superiors as Felina is acting on her own will.

Team skins are already prepared, and I have yellow and green versions on standby for CTF4. I don't know if I'll include those yet. I'm also pondering the idea of some special color skins. I've messed with her scale a bit, so she's actually a little shorter than her Cat 'sisters'. I may also do a voice pack for her if I have time and am able to.

I doubt I could ever make a living doing this... I'm waaaay too slow. :lol: I think I have about 40 hours in this one over the last 3 weeks, which is utterly rediculous compared to how fast some of you guys here are, but hopefully I'll get faster the more skins I do.

Hope everyone likes her. :)


Explosion Marks!
Oct 14, 2004
Thats one cute kitty skin you have there Tj!

I was wondering when we were going to hear from you again after you requested the sdk's from Hide. I'm looking forward to your LittleEris skin which I hope you will begin working on soon.

Please keep us up to date!
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Skilled Skinner
Oct 7, 2004
Nice one

Time well spent my friend. Your end result is a clean anime skin with a nice flow of accent color. Grrr baby. keep at it the more you do the easier it becomes.


New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Thanks you guys, glad you like what you see so far :)

As of late last night I've got 8 skins total (color variants) for the pack: Original, Red, Blue, Green, and Gold teams (for CTF4), a Dark suit, a Light suit, and a suit I've called "Pinky". Each skin has a different color head texture as well. I'm thinking the pack is going to be kind of big, so I might release it as 3 different sets.

I don't know if I'll do more skins for Marygold. I may do facial variants, at most, for now. I want to do a skin for Little Eris, though. It'll be similar to this one in terms of the outfit and possibly the color scheme since I have a little background story going already. :)

Ah, seems I forgot something else, too... Thanks, Hide! Without the SDK I don't know if I would have ever finished. It made things a lot easier to visualize.

I've got more last-minute Christmas shopping to do, but after Christmas I'll post images of the color variants and send the skin packs in your direction, SaD.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

-{SC}- Renamon

BigHead Bot Master
Jul 27, 2004
This is ridiculous, around five thousand female cats and not even single male, is anyone actually working on one?
The cats must be all lezbos.

How do you skin anyway?


New Member
Nov 30, 2004
I dare you to make a male cat skin using any of the available models out there. Also, show me those five thousand female cats. I'd like to download them. :rolleyes:

Believe me, if there was a male cat I'd consider making a skin for him.

If you want to learn how to skin, ask your friendly and helpful Google search engine, or use the links provided on this very page:


The Combo Whoring Yoshi
Oct 27, 2004
wow, nice job and drawings TJ :), ill definatly get it when its avalible ^_^

-{SC}- Renamon

BigHead Bot Master
Jul 27, 2004
-Tj- said:
I dare you to make a male cat skin using any of the available models out there. Also, show me those five thousand female cats. I'd like to download them. :rolleyes:

Believe me, if there was a male cat I'd consider making a skin for him.

If you want to learn how to skin, ask your friendly and helpful Google search engine, or use the links provided on this very page:
I'd love to but I don't have the .PNG or .PSK files nessecary for the model I want to do it for.

The Lezbo CAT Clan.
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Explosion Marks!
Oct 14, 2004
Your "Lezbo Cat Clan" is one model with 7 different skins thats still a far cry from 5000.

Also since its only one model I doubt its getting any lezbo action from itself unless your playing with bots then all you get is sweet sweet fragging action.


New Member
Nov 30, 2004
You know, for someone with "I hate furry haters" in their sig, aren't you becoming what you yourself hate?

If you wanted one bad enough you'd go and figure out a way to MAKE your own .png and .psk files. If you don't like what I've made, would you mind keeping yourself out of this thread? You don't see me going into your renamon request thread and saying it's a crappy-ass idea.

A big thanks to everyone who likes it :). As promised, here are some pics of the variants. Except for the original color, they are all individually selectable for team or non-team play so you can frag a green Felina or a Pinky Suit Felina as you please.
Larger images can be found here.

Brief descriptions of the suits:
Original: this is the basic suit assigned to lower-ranking COABEL fighters.
Red: red team variant
Blue: blue team variant
Green: green team variant for CTF4
Gold: gold team variant for CTF4
Dark Suit: a suit colored for darker or firey environments, usually assigned to COABEL special forces.
Light Suit: a suit colored for snowy and bright arenas, usually assigned to COABEL special forces.
Pinky Suit: semi-transparent areas replace the normal colors, for those who like that sort of thing (as going nude is going a bit far IMO, so I don't do 'em)

All that's left to do is complete the portraits and finish up the .upl files. I wanted to do a voice pack but that's going to have to wait. It'll be submitted as a model since Felina's smaller than the other cats.

Without the completed portraits, the ZIP is at 8.22MB. Is that too big? I'm guessing it'll be in the neighborhood of 9-10MB when all is complete. Just a short bit more everyone :).


Explosion Marks!
Oct 14, 2004
I'm sure most of us can't wait until you get done!

Its been said before but still it should be said again....Great job on the skins :)


sex boobs nude
Feb 7, 2004

I've been away for a few days(my computers mobo is fried :() and this happens nice job there Tj :D
Favors the dark one due to the UEngine's constant gamma probs but still a really nice pack :D