noAT4 mutator:

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Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
after watching bots frag one another I recently found myself wanting to get rid of the AT4 on small maps (Research Site).

well, I couldnt find a way to keep the bonus pack on, but disable the AT4 rocket, and i couldnt find any similar topic on this board, so i wrote a small mutator like NoACOG or NoClaymore.

If an admin wants to use this one online I do not believe it needs to be listed under ServerPackages. As for other possible problems, the code is almost identical to the other "no" muties, so i cant foresee there being any.

IMPORTANT: as mentioned later, the AT4 can be removed by adding the following line to your CheckLoadout.ini and then activating it.


this is how you should disable the AT4.


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Harper [Jgkdo]

New Member
Feb 8, 2004
Why don't you just use the checkloadout mutator provided by SS with the bonus pack?
It was designed to replace any weapon/ammo/attachment with another or just remove it. Basically this mutator makes things like NoACOG, NoClaymore or No*InsertLoadoutItemhere* outdated.
In the case of the AT4 your ini entry would look like:

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan
Good mut, but...

This is a good mut for those people sick and tired of being blown up into the air by 20 m. or more.

But I've learned, contrary to my online rant, that the rockets and their blast radius can be avoided. One just has to move like mad as soon as one hears one launched. ;)

My favorite aspect of it is that about half the time I can take out its user by rushing towards the shooter's position. Yes, even with my lowly skills I've gotten them about half the time, and I think this is due to the fact that most of the time these guys roam around the map without any support. Maybe the rocket launcher injects too much "macho" into their veins, and they can't handle it. :lol:

I'm perfectly happy with it not being in play though.



You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Harper [Jgkdo] said:
Why don't you just use the checkloadout mutator provided by SS with the bonus pack?
It was designed to replace any weapon/ammo/attachment with another or just remove it. Basically this mutator makes things like NoACOG, NoClaymore or No*InsertLoadoutItemhere* outdated.
In the case of the AT4 your ini entry would look like:

yes this is what I use. I give the users a nice Red Smoke.... :lol:


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
Harper, thanks for pointing out CheckLoadout :p I thought it was a little strange for them to include a new weapon without a way to disable it...
and apparently they did, with Checkloadout.

Ill setup Checkloadout on my LAN machine, and of course i dont encourage any admins to put this on their servers, but ill keep this mutator here.

previously searching the forum for: "disable" +"AT4", or similar, would have 0 results.
At least now it turns up this thread, and mention of Checkloadout. ;)

geogob said:
Odie! i have an idea. I'll do a new weapon mutator based on the AT4.. .only it explodes immediatly instead of launching :p
Id lobby for that mut. :D