UT2k4 and inf

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Jul 17, 2004
Wait a min.... does that mean that when INF switches engine.... it will be on UT2k4!?!?!?!?

*runs to go Buy UT2k4*


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
That all great! Interesting stuff... I'm also very exited by all this.

I really like the looks of these apcs. Anyway I guess that we are now fixed on the engine! I hope you'll get in touch with Angelhart... i'm sure he'd like to get some maps going for Infiltration again. Just imagine the EAS maps he could do! *droooollll*

I'm also very happy with the beta team news. I hope it gets things running smooth and efficiently! Good work guys... :D

Then I need to point something out. I hesitated to say it, because I know how it feels to get ones work critisized by this community. Nervetheless this is too important in my eyes to go on with mentionning it.


Please, no flying vehicules that can be player-drivable (which doesn't mean "no flying vehicules". I'm all for flying vehicule for insertions or things like that, but I honnestly think they should be AI driven or scripted).

All I can say is what ever you do, if you put flying vehicules (whether those are aircrafts or helicoters) in a game like Infiltration you must also change your motto: "As real as it gets". I'll be honnest, If such a thing happens, the changes that I'll close the book on this game and move on are considerably high. Just the fact that an airfield would take at least 10% of the largest map you could make with ut2004 makes is not reasonable. Anyway _ALL_ my experiences with aviation tells me this would be wrong (and I have quite a few).

ok ok ok... it's early, this is only an early concept and bla bla bla. But the fact that you guys decided to show this tels a lot.


I'm happy by the news, nontheless. I guess we are now fixed on the engine :p
I hope none of you takes this little comment personnaly. I just wanted to make my opinion clear. That is yes to flying vehicules, no for them to be user "drivable".


Jul 17, 2004
Hmmm, kindda Agree with you Geo.... but also Kindda disagree...

IMO, it should be either all kinds of Vehicules(Land, air,?submarines? :rolleyes: ), or none at all.

maybe just ome Specific types of air vehicles would work though : P


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Vahlemon said:
Hmmm, kindda Agree with you Geo.... but also Kindda disagree...

IMO, it should be either all kinds of Vehicules(Land, air,?submarines? :rolleyes: ), or none at all.

maybe just ome Specific types of air vehicles would work though : P

As I said, I agree with air vehicule, just none player controllable... Same argument goes to aircraft carriers and submarines :rolleyes:


1) Just a little clarification... I know nothing is final and it might well have been your (SentryStudios) intentions from start , but this screenshot is the reason of my comment.
Ok, I'm not here to tell you what to do with your product... it's your product after all. But I stopped playing Desert Combat after something like 4 hours. I've put around than 2000 hours in INF (it's higly approximative, but that figure looks right). I'm not looking towards DC again.

2) vahlemon, really, you sig. *ugh* could you please make it a little bigger? I still can see other text on my screen.
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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Screw disappointment with included air vehicles. I'm disappointed that crummy UT got picked as the engine. Stupid engine.


New Member
Oct 18, 2000
Central Florida
WOW! UT2k4. As a regularly gunned down mac user I cannot even begin to say how ecstatic I am that INF will continue to be available in a cross platform format. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Vehicles...who'd've thunk it. On a certain level I have to agree with Geobob though since the presence of a main battle tank in a map like cuban dawn or arab outpost would change things a bit...a bit. She has got a wort.



Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Visit site



As a regularly gunned down mac user I cannot even begin to say how ecstatic I am that INF will continue to be available in a cross platform format

I never even thought of that on the "next INF engine" poll. You should have mentioned it.

Wow, thats, funny. We aren't going to transfer into a BF1942-vehicle-style gameplay, now, are we? I don't mean to get any incredibly-early assumptions, but I certainly wouldn't want to see such powerful vehicles in-game without realistic controls or complicated usage.


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
ut '04 is a good choice.
but i agree. vehicles like choppers or MBT should be scripted.

if a player was up on the deck of an MBT or firing/riding in a chopper it would be nice to be able to direct the pilot via radio/shouting, but actual driving should not be an option.

as for other vehicles?
i wouldnt mind sitting in a HMMWV's passenger seat and firing my rifle out of the window, and it would be very nice to get a pair of guys one of those zodiacs and zip around. but i dunno about the bigger vehicals.

if there are MBT's and APC's tho, i would really expect some ATV's and recoiless rifles for my team to counter with.
can you say shoot-n-scoot?


Ai kotoba afuro to gunsou!
Jan 20, 2002
Visit site
I honestly can't understand why aircraft shouldn't be player controlled..

I'm happy to see vehicles included into Inf and somewhat happy for the engine part, since I ordered the game yesterday :D I don't know much of the limitations of that engine, but I hope it can handle vast maps that could really benefit from helos. Especially transport helicopters.

Keep up the good work SentryStudios!


that other guy
Jan 4, 2001
Zittau, Germany
th engine choise is far from beeing made, we test a few ideas with ut2004 because everybody got it and there are no true alternatives (yet).

don't expect any mbt or large aircraft, inf is still about infantery, so the m113 apc is about the biggest tank you have to expect.


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
fist_mlrs, im pretty relieved. but i still feel abit funky about those rockets being fired...

i would sure like to use a transport helo too, but thats because I want to be transported. i dont want to fly the damn thing.
a pilot would land on the roof, then the INFpeople would get off and sweep the building.
same goes for an APC, the driver crashes thru the lobby, then INFpeople run out. clearing rooms and advancing up stairwells.

point is, we dont drive the things. and we probably arent supposed to.

moving the game to an engine with more capabilities should not change the focus of the game. its about shooting people and tossing nades down hallways.
geogob is onto something, and that is...
**we shouldnt drive**

bot direction al-la-Raven Sheild could be a nice media to solve this issue.
voting for which player directs the bot could work if kills, deaths, accuracy, TK's, order of entry, etc were used to break ties.
...but i dunno, im just thinkin


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I'd love a more of a total war, but as long as the actual players still are the average grunts trying to complete a mission and more importantly surviving.


NT apprentice
Jul 4, 2004
Mountains of Calafornia
One question, can the guns from this INF be copied and pasted to the next inf? Cause I'd hate to see my mp5 gone. I strongly disagree with geobob's opinion about the air vehicles though.

I mean,
It would be awesome in EAS maps, people could disable AA guns and then call upon players for an airstrike. One thing is that crazy players will do crazy things if player- drivable. Just limit the weapons on the Airplanes and Helicopters to automatic machine guns thats all.

It would be too awesome using the UT2k4 engine. Too much to imagine to think what it would be like. It makes my mind go everywhere.


New Member
Dec 8, 2003
I have unreal2003 and I'm not a fan of futuristic games but if inf is made for 2004 I have no choice but to by it. I just hope things don't get too overboard trying to make a battlefeild like game, keep it simple a few humvees some g-wagons with heavy weapons would be nice. And heat seaking TOWs covered by a few eyrx launcers to keep those damn tanks in more than once peice:D


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
No worries folks... we do not want to make a BF type game and UT2k4 is 'just' our current platform we toy around on instead of doing nothing but waiting for the next engine. It's 'just' something to test out ideas on. If a mod that is releasable grows out of it for UT2k4, then will it be. But it is not decided that we stick to 2k4 if something other shows up and can carry us over.

To the vehicles and the way they are handled...
I don't want to tell too many details about our character and game setups, but I can tell you that a standard infantry guy cannot hop into his HMMWV, drive over to a Kiowa and then hop in to attack a base with its Hellfire missiles. If you want to fly a chopper, then you would need to be a pilot. Not every vehicle type is driveable by everybody tho. But I'm going into too many details already ;)
Apr 21, 2003
For me it is clear, that it is unrealistic asa normal soldier to fly helis, but driving cars is ok, with a M2 mounted, thats cool.

I think every soldier can drive a normal car, or do you have to activate a special 'able to drive a car', or 'unable to drive a car' option in the menues? :D

Or do you have to make a special training mission, to train car maneveurs, that would be cool.

Also it would be neat to have trainings, to train yourself as a pilot (sorry if I say too much).

But one i can say for sure, plz it should be all from 1st person. Maybe 3rd person only by having no HUD displayed or so. Could be neat fireing a minigun from a helicopter ;)
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PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Bah, neat and cool are playing a too big role in that :(

I think Beppo made it pretty clear they are screwing around right now trying to find something great. Anyway, I really REALLY hope players won't be able to drive vehicles in any way. When playing 6 vs 6 inserting through a Humvee, trying to avoid a patrolling vehicle attacking a base would be perfect. But when you need players to control those vehicles you won't have much more than 3 vs 3.

Just my thoughts on it, I would really love vehicles and such. It would add a billion to the atmosphere and would make the matches alot more tense. As maps such as Iraq have proven. But when you need people to actually fly those expensive toys then the realism will be gone sooner or later.

But I trust the team enough to decide best.


New Member
Dec 8, 2003
Could be interesting to see different ballistics in ut2004, hedp 40mm and such on top of a per poly hit system. Could do realistic damage to vehicles instead of having them just blow up and kill everyone. Sure hope boats aren't left out either, well just a couple rafts to sneak around on :D.


Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
Great news ,
I was hoping some vehicle support in the next step of INF .

On the BF subject, i don't think the simple addition of vehicle usable by players will make it arcad-ish.

In Operation Flashpoint as an example the vehicle support is very well thought, as each vehicle has a real purpose (memory of some great insertion in UH60 on a good spot or seeing a T80 coming to the rescue of a difficult position).

But what is great in OFP is that the vehicles will not win the battle without infantry, as the anti-vehicle weapons used by the OFP soldiers can put quickly an end to a vehicle-only team (as vehicle have a hard time to locate easily all those AT/AA-guys hidden in bushes , houses and forests;) ).

I am confident that Sentry Studios will add those vehicles very wisely, without killing the infantry purpose of INF.
Of course, the map size limit of the selected engine can be a big problem to solve, as in OFP the map sizes are certainly on of the reasons that prevent a BF gameplay too.

Can't wait to read some of their ideas about how to manage those pilots characters, good job !
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