Fun with mines

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Dec 30, 2003
I have found a new found fondess of mines lately as there are a couple good places you can drop them that is almost certain to boom. They really are quite usefull if you know how to use them.

Some general points. Just like forcewalls and turrets dont spam them needlessly. I don't know how much energy they consume (its less than turrets and walls though) but you don't want to waste energy. Also they are impact weapons (either by trip or contact) so you need to drop them smartly.

Personaly I have found that they can be just as effective as turrets with a little forethought and a good situational awareness of whats going on and how things are progressing. The major con of the mines is that you rely on the other guy not seeing it or forcing him into it usualy. On the plus side if he doesn't they do nice damage. It is not a con that they are 1 shot items, this is a two sided issue yes its gone, but on the other hand they dont sit around draining energy.

1. Spawn points reg mines, Self explanatory drop a bunch of them they spawn and boom they all go off. If a group of people spwan they all go boom. So they either are forced to go to thier other spawn point (giving you tactical advantage) or somebody has to go get rid of them. Either way it ends up making them take extra steps to get rid of them.

2. In the gun turrets. In some trurrets the path to the pod is just barely wide enough for one guy, and has a sharp 90 degree turn, if you place a laser mine right there and a mine right by the pod... then get out and start firing at the turret. If they oppenent has any brains he will get out of the turret hopefully right onto the mine and get obliterated. Or if he gets out past it most times they will walk right into the trip mine. Both mines explode so big that they will detonate each other.

3. Hacked doors. its generaly pretty easy to tell from which side the other team will be a proaching. On any hack able door drop a laser drip mine low to the ground as close to the door as you can with the mine side opsite where there hack panel is located (laser is smaller than mine) most people I have noticed once they hack open a door charge straight through looking at eye level for enemy's. The blast wont kill (if they are at full health) them but will let you know somebody is coming and wound them pretty good. For added impact drop a floor mine mid way through the door. While they won't walk on it the blast from the first one should set it off adding more damage. This works really well in conjuction with just 1 auto turret. As it will shred whoever makes it through the blast alive.

There are also some cruel ticks you can pull on defense in narow indoor choke points. Basicaly around the principle of shooting your own mines for larger splash damage and area. Its fairly simple and obvious. Put the mine some place that they can't see it but won't hit it. You know they are coming fire off your shot at your mine and fun results.

Anyways I will write more if I get bored later but I am hoping other people have some good tricks to.


Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
Saito said:
1. Spawn points reg mines, Self explanatory drop a bunch of them they spawn and boom they all go off. If a group of people spwan they all go boom. So they either are forced to go to thier other spawn point (giving you tactical advantage) or somebody has to go get rid of them. Either way it ends up making them take extra steps to get rid of them.

Also known as the cheapest, lamest tactic in XMP. Its understandable if someone drops one or two as they are escaping with an arty, but to be one of those people who drop a whole bunch, then stick around waiting for people to go boom just proves you should go back to playing Deathmath.

Not trying to insult you or start a debate, just stating what needs to be said :)


Dec 30, 2003
same as waiting at spawn points with a turret, or the sniper aiming straight at a spawn point waiting to blow your head off.

Personaly I find them all equally bad. The point of all 3 tactics is simply to deny the oponent an option. IIRC each team has a minimum of two spawn points they can chose between, I always take a look at the spawn points and whats around them. You can also always choose to call in for help and ask somebody to get rid of them, I agree its cheap and dirty but its very affective.

I don't stalk the spawn points but if I walk by one I will mine it and keep going. I know people hate it, but people hate camping, people hate getting speed rushed... if they cry about it I just say nothing and smile cause I am not the dead one.


Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
FYI, Siccoro has only 1 unhackable spawn point per team. Also, if you jump right as your spawn, you can avoid the mines. Usually, if thats a problem, whoever laid them is still sitting in the base. I stalk the deploys in Garden. I turret the hell out of them usually. If people would learn to just let me hack their doors, I'd quit spamming the place with turrets. :lol:


Dec 30, 2003
Also, if you jump right as your spawn, you can avoid the mines

true its not invincible, the point is to anoy people and make them go out of there way to stop it ;)

and for somebody who doesn't like mine spam, turret spam can get just as lame ;)


Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
turrets at least give you an opportunity to give away if you dont have time to scout the location before deploying. With landmines, its mostly "Deployed..opps, I'm dead again"


International Seahorse Inseminator
Apr 5, 2000
If you dodge away then you can avoid the mines. I find mines particularly useful on sunsetbeach (the teleports are usually unusable once I've got my landmines online ;) ). I like this post, I'll shove it in the library :). And spawncamping is considered lame in other games, but in XMP you shouldn't let the enemy get so entrenched in your base that they can do this - defend, people, defend. Snipers can't kill you in a single shot if you're a gunner, and if enough spawn at the same time you can gang up on defenders and get behind turrets where they can't track you... that kind of thing.


Jan 17, 2004
yeah, mines are the bomb, the gunner is my favorite character for most maps right now. could this game get any better ? :D


yeah right...
Jan 4, 2004
Dude Saito.. what you said about placing mines in turret exits.. that is not really a good idea.. Why dont you blow his ass off while he is in the RC-sphere with a rocket? in stead of placing a mine... walking outside.. and waiting for him to come out..


Dec 30, 2003
Andr01d said:
Dude Saito.. what you said about placing mines in turret exits.. that is not really a good idea.. Why dont you blow his ass off while he is in the RC-sphere with a rocket? in stead of placing a mine... walking outside.. and waiting for him to come out..

LOL you don't understand. From a turret you can tell when somebody goes down the walkway to pod Frag you.

Look at this example:

1.Map XMP garden
2.Tech in turret (or gunner what ever)
3.You running up on turret as a gunner.

The turret posses the ablity to see when you are going for the passage to kill him while in the pod. Any non moron will simple get out the turret and come up to you and either shotty you to the face or some other crap. By simply dropping a mine and backing up odds are he will walk into it, while you can frag the now sitting turret incase he does realize what you did.

Only a ****ing moron stays in a turret when he sees you aproaching the path to the pod...So while yes your stratt works on players to stupid to get out of the pod and frag you, a competent player will simply get out the pod and shoot your ass.

A large part of this game is learning to out think your oponent. The first time I ran down a turret stair on Garden only to die due to shotty through the face it hit "Smart players get out of the pod cause they aren't stupid". So the second time I ran up on him I dropped a mine, and he ran smack into it.


yeah right...
Jan 4, 2004
Ah that way.. I thought your tactic was based on being sneaky to get in.. and then getting the enemy to come out.. Btw as a gunner i always just make em burn.. They dont survive a flamethrower in that sort of small areas


New Member
Jan 17, 2004
I like the mines too and here is another useful tactic.....

For the Tank shoot it 3 times with a rocket so its no smoking
then step to side nearest wall and attach laser trip mine they jump in drive and boom DEAD

with raptor shoot once and the attach mine in same process as above again dead

you can also lay them on the floor under the raptor if there is no wall handy

works with all vehicles some times though the tank will need 2 attaching to it even with shooting it 3 times but 4 makes it smoke :mad:

great for getting frag bonus especially if there are two arti carriers trying to get away lol


Suicide King
Jan 25, 2004
And the people who go "i wonder if..." will stay in the turret and attempt to telefrag you with it by swinging it into you if you happen to be approaching from the correct angle.

Aaron Leiby

Salamander Saver!
Sep 4, 2003
Seattle, WA
Note, since you have 1 second invulnerability after spawning in, decorating a spawn point with mines is generally wasted. It's only useful for keeping the other team from coming up and hacking your deploy point back... but then they'll blow up when your own teammates spawn in.

That said, wait until you see Scott's new map in the upcoming CBP release. Long grass around icon node == mine haven. :)
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