The story of the space Station "Deep Space Proxima Alpha"

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taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
While climbing up a maintenence tube to deck 4 my team discover a large group of monks and Demacore's elite guard battling it out.
'No, we must secure the deck above.'
We continue up, 2 more of my team get to the deck above, the fourth member is shot by crossfire.
'Ensign.. Holdon, Jae to Hydran Transport, another medical for you guys, lock on to Ensign Bennett'
The Ensign is transported out before he losses grip.
'Jae to Captain 8472, We've made it to deck 4, what are your orders?'
"Deej, look out!"
I draw my blade narrowly missing the Lt.
'What the hell is that?'
A laser appears through the smoke, a figure walks through a nearby fire. We watch as the fire interupts with its shield.
'Laser weapons will have no effect.'
"Thats not even one of Demacore's?"
'Too thin, heads too small..'
"If you have a plan implement it now."
We start to run as a loud bang and bright light fills the corridor slowly, at that instant the Lt. fires a shot at the creature. It freezes there, as does the creature.
<<Orbs have been re-united. Darkness unleashed. Your greatest task is at hand my Servent.>> I hear the Hydran Princesses voice.
<<You will do my bidding, smash the blue Orb so i can be free once more. I will reward you again.>>
'I just had a vision.' I get up and look at the Lt. 'Aggggh, My eyes.'
"What? Let me look..." She moves to try and see what happened.
All i see is shades off green.
'I think my sights gone now. Its all green.'
"Always thought you were wierd."
'Thought thats what you liked about me?'
"Well if you can make out who to shoot at you ok."
'Jae to 8472, Please respond.'


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Again I wake up with my head hurting. The chronometer shows that I passed out for 13 minutes. I must stay awake. Summoning all my power, I make it to the retreat point on deck 5. This place was meant as a safe refuge for injured crewmen and as defensive position in the case of a full retreat. Sentry phasor cannons were placed on all entrances. As I approach the place I can already hear people screaming. In the dark light I see ensigns cuddled in corners, fiddling around with hyprosprays. Medical supplies were brought here. I take a medical tricorder and scan myself. There we have it...I'm suffering from a grade 2 brain concussion. In a medkid I look for a tissue regenerator and use it on my head. This feels better. An injection of 20 units Dihydrotetraphenylcyclotupine will supress the pain.
The whole time I think about Galaxia's message. If this ship has a selfdestruct sequence I must find a way to activate it. This ship is too powerful for anyone to posses. It must be destroyed. At all costs. And then she called be "lovedone", but no she is dead. At least it seems so. She used her last mental energy to send me a telepathic message. Suddenly my communicator beep. I press my hand on it.
"DeaJae to Captain! Respond!"
"Captain 8472 here"
"We are pinned down here. Demacore's Troopers are closing in. We need backup"
"If I'm right this ship can be destroyed from the bridge. Get there"
"We will try it"


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
'Acknowledged captain'
"Its not like you to retreat Deej."
'We'll destroy the power core, thats the only way we can stop things gettin worse.'
We proceed to Engineering avoiding Demacore's troops and a few of them creatures. Climbing back down Tuyrbolift shafts and through maintenance tubes eventaully arriving at the engine control area.
"How are we gonna close the engine conduits without power?"
'Blow them.'
"And the main core?"
'Flood it.'
"Any way of a less dangerous way out?"
'Not entirely, internal sesnors report sercurity forcefields around the bridge. I don't think we have time to pick at the encyption.'
"Starting Core ejection sequence."
Warning: Main Power Core reaching critical levels. Starting Ejection sequence.
"I didn't do that..."
'Nor me..'
I look down the Core to see the hatch blow off and something organic clinging to the bottom of the core.
'Get back!'
I push the Lt. back as the core jets out and sprays plasma everywhere. We both look down to see the Core pluge into space. I see a small mass on the bottom, like a egg of some kind.
"Now what the hell is that attached to it?"
'Dunno, bet it was killing the ship though. Noticed that half of this ship is metal?'
"Yes.. Would that thing be chewing up the organic part?"
'Oh that reminds me. Jae to all Starfleet and hydran crews, brace for impact!'
The whole ship shakes as the Core explodes outside.


Mar 29, 2001
"Now it is time to begin the final purification." We all think in unison. "The evil must be destroyed, the Goddess shall not have gone in vain. We will finish her work. We shall destroy the Heart of Darkness, we shall destroy Demacore."

That was positivly the weirdest thing that I've done. Now it's time to find Demacore so I can get this dream/nightmare thing over with. I thought I could track Malice to him, but I can't sense Malice anywhere. I can feel Demacore himself now though, he is like a pure evil moving around at the other end of the ship.

"Ok guys, lets each go seperatly to him. I'll take the starboard halls, Halo on the port, and SB in the middle."

They all look at me with an expression of "Who died and made him boss?"

"Well . . . If you have a better . . . "

"No, he's right." SB says flatly "But we must not be too far separated, if Demacore finds one of us by himself, we're done for. We must confront him together."

Halo chimes in "Yeah, and this way we can flush . . . er, cleanse . . . the ship of all of Dema’s troops and those pesky Goshens.”

“I think the Goshens are all gone” I say “But Demacore has re-cloned some baddies, THOSE one we can “cleanse.”

With that, we head off to do battle.


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
"More troops!"
We run down the other way as troops charge after us.
"We are surrounded Deej."
'No problem....'
I point my rifle at the keryanide tanks above.
'Move any closer and this section will be blasted into deep space!'
"You wouldn't dare....!"
"Yes he would..."
Shots are heard behind one of the surrounding parties, they turn and get blasted by beerbaron. Shots richeot everywhere and hit one of the tanks.
'Crap, .....'
at that point myself, the Lt and Beerbaron are beamed off the bioship. I rematerlize in front of Beerbarons strange gun.
'Watch it !'
"How the ?" says BB
A Hydran General walks in and greets us.
"Was we too late Commander?"
'No Rel'chek, just in time. Some of our people are still over there and i need to go back. Wheres Lt Sevram?'
"We transported the female to sickbay, she was wounded during transport."
I look at beerbaron.....
'General, has all the Hydran colonies been accounted for?'
"Yes, even our ships came back fine."
'I think the Princess is trapped in a cystral..'
"Its possible, but the Princess dissappeared before the great accident."
'We'll need a lift soon General.'


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
After resupplying, I constinue my way through the sparely lit corridors of the bioship. Everywhere are sign of battle and fights. Dead Starfleet officer, monks, Demacore's troopers, burst pipes, lose cables, and molten bulkheads. In areas with breaches of the inner hull, the biogenetic metal is regenerating, producing new structures at an immense rate. What valuable knowledge this would be for the Federation. But it's too dangerous in evil hands, and I can't let it happen to fall into the wrong. The ship must be destroyed. For the good of the whole galaxy.
Several decks upwards, I reach the bridge. A massive double door opens to a circular room. As for the exterior hull, it's a piece of art. Each line a nicely swung curve, no crude edges anywhere. A holographic projector takes the place of a viewscreen on normal starfleet ships. One chair - doubtlessly the Captain's chair - is elevated over all other consoles. With the crew in total view. An efficient design. With my tricorder I scan the area trying to identify the tactical station. A swift scan identifies the one right from the Captain's chair. Instead of a touchscreen interface the console is operated by luminescent crystals, probably wired by a nerve system into an artificial brain serving as bio-computer. Most impressive. The tricorder translates the buttons and code sequences to access the subroutines. Within a few minutes I plot in, a 30 minute self-desruct sequence. That should give the crew enough time to leave the ship, via the still docked escape pods and shuttles from the destroyed Guardian.
When I want to leave the bridge, the double door suddenly opens, and I hear the clinging of metal boots, on the biometal deck plates. Lord Demacore!
I see a rather funny looking guy dressed in a black leather uniform, and wearing a goatee. I don't know if he tries to look intimitating with it.
"Ah Captain! Finally we meet! Seize him. Secure the bridge!"
Several of his trooper surround me, taking my equipment.
"Now you will witness my uprising to power. Under my rule the Galaxy will become a realm of terror and fear"
"I wouldn't couldn't on that Lord Goatee"
"Don't dare to insult me. What have you done? I can torture it out of you"
"The ship will self-destroy in 26 minutes"
"NOOO! That can't be true! My trusted Lieutenant: Check the computer if he speaks the truth."
"Yes my Lord. The ship will detonate as he says"
"I told you so. Now release me or we will go down together"

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
This ship has fascinated me since I first set foot on it. The very nature of its architechture is intriguing, beautiful in its own right. Now it's a bit of a mess.....there's blood everywhere, and a thick carpet of corpses lies heavily on the biometallic floors in my wake. The monks seem to have become all but extinct, with the main opposing force now consisting of the sinister troopers that have infested the ship's corridors. As I step around another corner I almost walk right into another trooper-filled corridor.


With a quick check to make sure no StarFleet personnel or captives are around, I duck out of sight around the corner and holster my pistols in exchange for the PGC. The massive Plasma Gauss cannon hums to life in my hands as the power cells light up with green readings. I set the beam emitters for maximum power and spread. Then I leap around the corridor again, levelling the weapon and squeezing the trigger.

The PGC belches an enormous, continuous stream of scalding, electrifying, burning, white-hot plasma. It doesn't knock back, crush, or explode them. It simply consumes them. I hear them screaming for a few seconds, then all is silent save for the PGC's continuous "whooosh" of hot plasma. I hose down the corridor for a couple seconds more as the temp alarm goes fro green to yellow, then cut it off before it reaches red.

The stench of burned flesh, metal and alloys hangs rancidly in the air. A few fragments of the troopers' boots are all that remains, and the corridor is lightly scorched, the fixtures even melted in some areas.

But what's this? A small portion of the strange biometallic alloy that comprises the ship has been slightly discolored. It's about the same size as doors on StarFleet ships, so I decide "Well, what the heck..." and touch it.

The discolored metal pulses brightly for a second, almost as if my touch has made it....alive? Then it......disintegrates before me. The corridor on the other side is dark, but I weigh the pros and cons carefully and decide that checking this out will be the more worthwhile of my options. Moments after I step through the unusual door openeing, it rematerializes behind me, and I'm plunged into complete darkness.


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Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
I’m alone in complete darkness now. I’m expecting to be jumped by unknown hordes of something from all directions, but instead, there is nothing but silence. I hear an almost metallic “click” somewhere ahead, followed by another, and another. I see lights moving toward me from far away. I realize that the lights are coming back on.

It’s a strange purplish-green hue light, and what’s more, I see no receptacles or lamps whatsoever. It feels like the entire corridor, the ship itself, simply fluoresces in sections, continuing until the entire corridor is bathed in the strange light. I walk forward. At the end of the corridor is another door similar to the one I entered this passage through. Trusting my instincts, I reach out and touch it with the palm of my hand, and again, the door de-materializes upon contact. I step through into a somewhat large, circular chamber. A hangar bay. I say this because standing before me is quite possibly the most beautiful starship I’ve ever seen.

It sits in the center of the bioship’s illumination, seeming to be luminescent itself. About twice as large as the Brick, this incredible machine resembles a predator waiting to strike. The fuselage is slender yet solid in appearance. Instead of transteel, what appears to be the cockpit seems to be formed from a translucent crystalline substance which, like the rest of the ship, pulses with an almost surreal glow. Hawk-like wings extend from the fuselage, sloped gracefully and crescent-like in form, razor-sharp in apperance. I immediately take note of what appear to be cannons slung under the tips and roots of the wings as well as mounted beneath the nose. They resemble weapons in shape and form, yet they are nearly completely transparent, glass-like in nature, but the crystalline material of which they are constructed feels like cold, solid titanium alloy, and something seems to denote that they would be stronger than any metal.

The thruster array on the rear of the ship is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It appears to be a fusion of the crystal substance and the biometallic alloy from which the starship we’re on is formed. The materials weave into each other in a spiral pattern which forms six tubes which are far smaller than any engines of human or known alien design. Each tube terminates in a translucent crystalline disc, which seems to be created for focusing energy away from the ship. Nestled among the thrusters is another control surface which resembles a bird of prey’s tail more than a stabilizer. But the most curious feature of all is that the ship possesses no form of landing gear or undercarriage whatsoever, merely floating above the deck at the height of about a foot and a half. And unlike our repulsors, it doesn’t move at all, not even drifting slightly from side to side or up or down as our systems do. It is simply suspended, and yet it is so firmly fixed in its spot that it might as well be joined to the deck by rock.

A small portion of the ship’s hull flouresces in the now familiar discoloration I’ve come to recognize as a door or portal, so I press my palm on it as I’ve done before, and the door dematerializes like the others have done before. A small beam of light reaches out from within the ship to the level of the deck. I discover that the beam is solid, and walk up the beam like a ramp into the ship.

The ship’s interior, dark upon first revealing itself, flouresces almost immediately after I enter, this time producing a soft blue-green hue that seems pleasing to the eyes. I walk first to the cockpit, and discover that the crystalline cockpit plating is not only transparent from the inside, but is such that it appears almost nonexistent. I can tell that it’s there, though, because the ship – it seems to be powering up now, though I’ve done nothing – highlights the cockpit windows with what appear to be engine power, shield and weapon displays, much like I’m familiar with. At a closer glance – they are what I’m familiar with – they are the exact same displays that the Brick’s tactical systems use, and the readouts are in my language, plain as day. Somehow, this ship has configured itself to my mind and preferences – a fact that throws me on alert immediately. Is my mind being read, or is someone hacking the very core of my cybernetic existence?

I rise from the cockpit and search out the rest of the ship with increasing suspicion, but there is no one else onboard – at least not that I can determine. At this size, it’s a far cry from what the Brick had to offer, almost luxurious by comparison. Yet this vessel seems distinctly military – there are weapons placed in strategic stashes on the bulkheads, and the largest room on the ship seems to be a briefing room of sorts, with chairs placed around a centrally located table that is translucent in appearance and serves to project displays to each person seated. What intrigues me most, though, are the suits of armor on the walls. Clearly battle armor in their nature, they are formed from the translucent crystal that is prevalent in the ship’s weapons, hull, and engines. I focus my attention on one suit in particular. The style, though completely alien in origin, brings to mind images of ancient Sulamarian battle armor on display in museums throughout my homeland, and some in Starfleet museums as well. I think of what it would be like to wear this alien armor, and suddenly it disappears. An empty space is all that remains where it had been standing seconds before.

It takes me several seconds before I realize the armor is on me. I nearly fall over in surprise, and notice that the lifeless transparent crystal seems to glow brightly in a translucent blue hue. The plasma cannon that moments before was strapped to my back is now mounted on a bracket on my left arm, to the armor in such a way that all I have to do to bring it to bear is align my arm with the target. The armor is thick and solid in appearance, but doesn’t weigh down on me in the least. Shining crystal plates rise from the joints of the armor and lock into place around my wrists, elbows, knees, neck and other locations that are usually lightly armored and vulnerable in most battle armor designs. A helmet materializes around my head with incredible speed, and suddenly the world around me fades out a little. I blink once, and then I’m not alone – the image of a beautiful woman appears, and I speak the word that immediately comes to mind.



taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
"Sorry sir. Transporters are non operational for outgoing."
'Damn, fine let me at the controls.'
"No Sir." Says the brave ensign.
'Fine, locate me a surging energy source on the bioship and beam it to Physics lab.'
"That i am allowed to do." The ensign taps on the console and does a few things before transporting the crystal. "The crystal is in physics lab 2."
'Thank you ensign. Proceed with your duties.'
A few hours later i meet with the General in the Physics lab.
"Quite a capture, effortless, enemies unwitting."
'I'd doubt the Goshen monks knew she was the power source of the Bioship.'
"I meant you and your crew, rather than the Monks. Sercurity, Put commander Jae with the others."
'General... '
"For eternity, emperor after emperor has denied our empire expansion. I hope the Federation will forgive you knowing your race attacked them. If you even escaped."


Mar 29, 2001
The Final Fight

SaintBeam, HaloSupreme, and I meet up at the fore section of the ship, just behind the bridge. Demacore's energy flows out of the room like an evil fog.

"Well, this is it guys." I say with as much confidence as I can muster.

“Yeah. Dang, he’s strong.” Mutters Halo tensely. He’s sweating slightly, but is in control, gritting his teeth he looks ready for anything.

“Yes, the monster lies within. It is time to cleanse the universe of his evil once and for all.” Replies SaintBeam. His expression never changes, he’s always has a cool confidant exterior. I wonder if he was made that way and can’t have any other expression. I would imagine that such emotional displays could detract from his duties, and that Galaxia never gave him any. I could be wrong, but it doesn’t matter any more.

“Alright, on three . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!”

We all three burst into the room, not bothering to open the doors, but making a bang of of an entrance as we blast through them. The room we enter is a magnificent command center. A very spacious and high ceiling room pulsing with the fading life of the ship.

Roughly twenty of Demacore’s commandos are spread about the room, with the man himself standing next to a tactical terminal with Captain 8472 and a trooper with the Engineer rank on his armor.

“Self-Destruct in T-25 minutes and 7 seconds. All personnel evacuate the ship immediately and proceed to minimum safe distance.”

“Ah! I was expecting you.” Says the grinning man with a goatee, who can only be Demacore “Now, the Light and the Dark shall have their Final Fight through us! But I will win because I am whole, but you have split it into three pieces. SEIZE THEM!”

But his loyal troops don’t even move three inches before SB sends out a psychic shock wave. They are all dead in an instant, and hit the ground in unison.

Demacore doesn’t skip a beat and lashes out in full fury on Halo. I came in from the side to lend a hand to my fellow knight. Demacore’s speed is unimaginable as he proceeds to dodge and fight both of us at the same time. We dance around the room in that familiar waltz, that waltz which is fatal to those who miss one beat.

Demacore hits me a few times with his fists, and I return the favor with a kick. Halo is there to land a hammer blow after the kick. Demacore recovers for this and readies for another attack, when SaintBeam appears out of nowhere right behind him.

“DIE!” He yells, as a white light of energy is unleashed into Demacore’s back

When the light fades, Demacore is standing almost unscathed, with a growl on his lips. He wastes no words, but proceeds to create a well of Dark energy. The air around him solidifies into black fog, which begins to waver in an invisible heat. Soon the black is a fire that surrounds him.

“MWAHAHAHA! Now, feel the wrath of The Heart Of Darkness!”

He throws back his head in an unnatural roar, a roar that quakes you to your bone, a roar of evil, loud and vile it penetrates every corner of the ship. And as he roars his body changes, he grows larger and gains claws, his torso becoming like a great beetle with a shell and spikes, hard natural armor. His legs and arms grow claws and spikes at the joints and his head become that of a dragon.

“What do you think of me now?” He laughs.

“Not much.” Spits SaintBeam. Then he charges at the creature. Halo and I join in, throwing our punches when we can, and when the is a break and Demacore is a good distance from our allies, we would throw or energy at him. The explosions rocked the whole ship, but somehow the bridge stayed together.

”Self-Destruct in T-Nine Minutes and Fifty-Eight Seconds. All crew members, evacuate immediately, proceed to minim . . .”

The rest is cut off but a stray bolt into the speaker.

“RRRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!” Screams Demacore as he unleashes a large ball of explosive purple energy. He knows he’s losing. At least I hope he does. He can’t fend off attacks from three directions at once.

The killer blow comes a few minutes later, Halo lands a heavy elbow in Demacore’s back, breaking the shell-shield. He yells in pain and tries to muster a counter blast, but he is weakened and slow, SaintBeam comes in from the side and kicks him into the wall. Sparks shower out from the panel.

Before Demacore can fall to the ground we all three give our best to a final thrust of energy. The three beams combine on the spot and that corner bursts into fire, smoke and blinding light as a crater is dug into the thick walls. I feel our energy flowing through him, fighting the darkness and breaking him apart.

When the smoke clears we see Demacore slumped in the hole. SaintBeam readies for another blast but and explosion somewhere in the ship rocks the bridge and throws his balance off.

“That would be the first coolant generator.” Yells 8472 “It’s the first step to Self-Destruction, we have five minutes. Tops!”

“Leave him SaintBeam, he’s dead. His energy is totally gone. Surly you feel that.”

“I need to be sure.” But the ships rocks dangerously and begins to break apart. A heavy section of bulkhead falls across Demacore’s hole.

“Come on SB, you’re too weak to move that thing now. Not in five minutes. We KNOW he’s dead, and if YOU can’t move the wall in five minutes there’s no way he will either and he’ll be dead.”

SB glares at me, but sees that I’m right, there’s no point in his staying. So we all run as fast as we can down to the hangar, where a soldier (who I’m told in named Wolf) waits with a ship.

“Lets go!” He yells like a drill sergeant. And with that, we leave the dying bio-ship, and Demacore too.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
I move into one of the far corner of the bridge, not be heard by this superhuman clash of forces and pure energy. One false step and I'm dead. If this beams weren't so deadly one could marvel them in awe, but there an arsenal of death. Trakkath, SaintBeam, and HaloSupreme heroically fight. Freedom against Angst, black against white, good against evil. A battle, that for mankind's sake can only have one winner. Beams of light and dark energy are unleashed between the two groups, until after what seems like an endless time, Lord Demacore lies motionless on the ground.
Then an explosion rocks the ship, almost hurtling me off my feet.
"That would be the first coolant generator. It’s the first step to Self-Destruction, we have five minutes. Tops!”, I quickly shout accross the bridge. They want to check his body if he dead for sure, but soon realize the urgency and leave the bridge.
I walk over the motionless body, wanting to feel his pulse, when suddly his arm grab mine. He wrestles me around, punching a fist into my stomach. Still in pain, I manage to hold his wrists with both of my arms, trying to prevent another attack. He franatically tries to ram his knee into my ribs. In a desperate motion I move my head back, gaining momentum, and throw my forehead into his face. He cries out in pai, blood pouring out of his nose, and a big wound on his head. My gaze wanders of the bridge, trying to figure out if I should escape or finish him off. My decision is almost made up when my view hits a phaser pistol resting in a holster besides the Captain's chair. I swiftly run towards it, leaping over the last meters, when I sudden force stops me. Demacore got up, and grabbed my left leg, ending my jump. Only a hand's length from the pistol I summon my last strength and take it.
Suddenly Demacore leaps on me. I take no chances and fire. He collapses on me, with an empty look his face. I go to the Captain's chair and activate the communications console, hailing Commander Wolf.
"How are you doing up tere?", Commander WolfBlackstar says.
"Fine. Nice that you finally show up when the last work is done. now hurry. The ship will destroy in a less than a minutes"
"That's not enough time to make it to my ship. We need to use the transporter"
"Through all that interferences? If we make a mistake our molecules will get scrambled and up from here to earth"
"If we don't we'll die!"
"Damned if we do, and damned if we don't. Let's go"
"Two to beam aboard. Saftey overwrite. Athorization Wolf alpha-gamma-three-five-epsilon", I hear Wolf saying over the com.
The tickling of a transporter beam encloses my body, and my vision is filled with white and blue sparks. An instant later the sight clears, and I find myself on s strange ship with with Takkath, SaintBeam and HaloSupreme already there.
"Take us out of here"
The alien ship is clearly a oneman fighter, it only has one pilot seat, and four very small passanger seats in the cramped back. Wolf takes the pilot's chear, while we four fasten our seat belts in the back.
"What kind of ship is this?"
"I'll explain later. Hold yourself. This will be a hard ride. Firing afterburners!"
The sudden acceleration presses me into my seat, as the small ship launches forward, escaping through the shuttle hangar's doors. Seconds later another big explosion jolts the bioship, dealing it the final blow. The main reactor breaches soon after, creating a huge matter-antimatter explosion, burning brighter than a thousand suns going nova.
"Brace yourself for the shockwave! Impact in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.."
The ship is violently rocked forward, as the shockwave hits the ship and continues past it, losing itself in the vast distances of space. The small room is lit by dim emergency lights, but most systems are stable.
"We made it, the Brick held. Shields at 12%", Command Wolf announces.
"What is the status of the other shuttles?"
"Scanning....I'm picking up two, heavily damaged but intact. The third one was destroyed"
"Was that worth it? All this deads. All the lost lives"
"I hope it. I really hope it..... Bring us home", I answer grimly
Now I have time to complete. Time to think if this was really worth the deads. What I will tell their families. Time to think about how this all started. How I ended up here. How I won the heart of a woman - was she really a woman, or a godly entity? - and lost it soonafter. And time to imagine what advantures still wait for me here. Out on the frontier only won thing is sure: What the future may hold, noone can tell....


Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
The image of Galaxia flickers electronically in my mind. Here presence here is some kind of electo-psychic signal, no doubt made receivable by equipping the alien armor. Her voice, however, is crystal clear as she speaks.

"The armor you know wear was created for soldiers that served me in the past. These were an elite strike force very similar to your Marines, and they served in the fight against evil many millenia ago. I have brought you here because you possess an advantage over the StarFleet humans."

Of course. She knows about my cyborg abilities. I'm a bit skeptical about all this technology and this woman who calls herself a Goddess, especially since I get this feeling that I've met her before - but I've got to admit that this ship and its equipment are damn impressive.

"Your combiniation of cyborg body and human mind gives you an immunity to many of Demacore's psychic abilities, as well as some of his more powerful minions. Your mind cannot easily be controlled or manipulated as a human's - nor can you be overridden like a pure machine. You also have been engineered to endure superhuman pain and damage, which you will be needing if you take part in this fight."

Great, this just keeps getting better.

"This armor will augment your capabilities, and provide you with an arsenal of weaponry which you will no doubt find superior to your own. The ship has already coded itself to your personality and should be simple for you to adapt to. In time, you will also learn to master the sword."

"What sword?"

Before the words are out of my mouth I realize it's a stupid question. There's the slightest hint of a smile on her face as the weapon appears in my right hand. Like the armor, The sword is also made of the translucent metallic crystalline material. The damn thing is nearly six feet long and double-edged, but it seems to weigh nothing and balances perfectly in one hand, despite its hilt being long enough to accomodate a two-handed grip if necessary.

I think of ripping through thousands of Demacore troopers with this baby. As if in response, the sword turns an angry red in color and changes form before my eyes, jagged serrations forming on its already lethal-looking edges.

"Good! You are learning fast. You are indeed a wise choice to aid in the upcoming battles. You will fight well alongside my Lumen Knights - SaintBeam, HaloSupreme, and Thrakhath. You must get the ship prepared for launch immediately, for I feel them battling Demacore as we speak, and I fear the bioship will be destroyed."

"How are they doing?" I ask. I also mention the captain and crew.

"The fight goes well, but Demacore has become far more powerful than he was in the past. Even then he was difficult to defeat, but in the end good must always triumph over evil. Go now, for the self-destruct is counting down even now and it this ship will burn. You will find your friends when they are led down to you and the ship. I cannot remain here now."

Quick as a flash, she's gone. I rush forward to the cockpit. As I key in power to the reactors, I notice the armor has taken on a fuorescent blue hue and I seem to be moving faster now. I also have no memory of putting the sword away, but it's gone now. Not a problem though, for I am confident it will be back when I need it.

The engines come to life, and I lower the main boarding ramps. Just as I run outside to open the hangar doors, I see SaintBeam, HaloSupreme and Thrakhath with 8472 and a few others from the StarFleeet crew. The self-destruct's blaring alarm also confirms Galaxia's word, screaming that self destruct is imminent in under four minutes. "Let's GO!" I yell for motivation.

As they hustle onboard, I look up at my new ship's engine array in operation. Unlike the blue glow characteristic of modern warp-driven ships, the thrusters on the alien ship emit a series of brilliant blue-purple flames which seem to concentrate in a large disc just aft of the ship. The flaming disc seems suspended in space.

I leap back into the cockpit and seal the hatches, then I point the nose of the ship at the now open hangar doors and activate engine power. Acceleration like I've never seen before sends us out the door and through the space-hull forcefield in nanoseconds. I'm loving this new ship more and more. And the crew, some of which had experienced the cramped quarters of the Brick earlier, seem to like it better as well.

When the bioship explodes a couple minutes later, we're already well out of the damaging shock wave's radius.

"Well Captain," I turn and address 8472; "It would seem that we've not only done all that we could accomplish here, but very well saved the universe (again) in the process. Where do we go from here?"

The captain smiles and addresses us all in response.
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