Unreal PSX

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Mar 8, 2010
Abbotsford BC
Well I hope masterunreal shows up,but if you have to fill the gaps yourself,I'm sure it will still be fine.Kudos to you and Qtit and anyone else working on this and I'm still looking forward to the release so please don't give up on it.And thanks for the update.


Mar 8, 2010
Abbotsford BC
I know this is none of my business Leo but I wish you and Delacroix could settle your differences because you both have helped me a lot in this and the UnrealSP forums(as have others) and I hate to see you two or anyone else fighting in the forums,especially if you respect those involved,and I do respect anyone involved in these projects who spend a lot of their time and effort just so I(who knows nothing about all that's done on a project) can play it .Just my two cents worth.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I sure hope MU shows up to me too at least. It would be shame his work would go to waste to say the least. The idea was that I would feature some of his unreal alpha rework/reimagination stuff in his project, this was agreed upon year ago and we thought it would all go well, except there came issues, MU joined other projects and worked on more coding stuff outside of Unreal etc etc, in the end rather than few months it took year to get it fully started again and all issues solved and now it's left on ice again and I have no idea where he is or what's going on. But if he doesn't show up too soon, I will have to start working on filling the gaps, even though that means the quality won't be as good, since I cannot make meshes myself or additional animations. So instead of the enemies like red dragon you will probably get a modified gasbag as a replacement or something like it. Can't help it really. Or I would need to use the old mesh MU made but that was before the real mesh was exported.
So the plan was to add anims to the original dragon mesh instead and make a new skin. This is just an example of what was "in the store" for the release and I hate seeing that plan gone because it was really gonna be cool.
As for Delacroix, that is an old dispute which got rather resolved but before I left to live in another country we completely stopped talking to each other either way, over some things like that in fact he ashamed me at some thread at USP, about the Teridax's entry. Everyone guessed the "friend" he is referring to was me, besides it was him who asked me to take the screenshots to begin with, which he conveniently forgot to say and then said that "I was wrong", no matter the real argument I had which got lost in the context and the way he posted it. I am sorry but I don't tolerate such things. I had other things to deal with, the preparations to move and he insisted me in taking those screens and stuff and then in the end he balked out at me, I am sorry but that is the last straw I could take. I told him I don't have time for his pity games. Besides it wasn't something I found or knew about to begin with, I knew of the cave and other stuff from day one. I would say it was more than heavily inspired, part of
the geometry must have been "heavily" modifed/copied over etc, but that cave in particular was just a secret room either way, so it's not like it ever mattered to me anyway, what happened is that I mentioned the stuff in a more casual conversation, because of Teridax's post elsewhere saying something about map copying being bad etc which I found a bit ironic since so much stuff in his map looked like a copycat of the original unreal/rtnp maps. That was my only point, but Del went like "WHAT??! OMFG" and wanted to make it "blow like a bomb" over there in USP, which I told him I have no intention in participating. It sure "blew" in the end. Don't mind me if I stay mile away from him, even because of other stuff from past. I made clear I do not want to be part of the petty dramas, yet I was again dragged into it. Or him claiming that I took the screenshot with the "hacked" All rights reserved server. I only showed it to him, but I did not take the screenshot myself, that's not a resolution I use and one of the
servers I was unable to see at the time, in fact it was MasterUnreal who took the shot and showed it to me, (he even said later that I could have said it was him so I suppose me revealing this is fine). And all the post Illhaven release drama, please give me a break. I did not participate in it yet my name was mentioned everywhere in these threads and stuff brought up over and over again, including lots of false and "unfounded acussations", just like they would say of me back then when I said something not "nice" about them. But some of these things were just plain lies and slander. But hoo hoo now I am making unfounded acussation again I guess because it's awlays ME who is evil, right? You see why many people are outright tired of the community? I am not surprised because I am one of them as well. In fact the "227 ruined my life" guy even threatened me online in Unreal coop to begin with. Yet Casey was absolutely sure it must have been me. Sure, I go make fake names and post over USP about how bad "227" is
and then go play online with myself and send threats to myself and and and I probably was also responsible for the world trade center attacks in 2001, etc etc.


Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
To be true, I cannot even counter that, because I already forgot half the shit we said, so I can only assume that's what happened.

In fact, I'm already like "whatever" about all this and I'd be happy to set the differences aside under the condition that one fact is respected: I barely remember the entire drama and don't want to be reminded about it. I was right? Fine. I was wrong? Another damn fine. I left it behind me, hell, I practically left the entire Unreal scene as is behind me and I am no longer interested in actively participating in the entire Unreal-related "social life" or whatever.

I'd be happy to rekindle my friendship with you, Leo, if you're willing to accept the fact that the past, at least for me, is buried and stays buried, along with all my mistakes, whether actual or not. I don't wish to remember it and I'd rather begin with a sort of blank slate.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Fair enough, to be honest I am not sure why I posted about it now, the fact is I wasn't exactly nice either and before you blocked me on steam I cursed you out and you said that I should see how I will cope with losing yet another friend or something like that. I had enough stress with the move and everything though and I am living really poor right now, the insurance companies trying to cheat me, other issues and of course money problems because I am no longer applicable for a benefit acording to them and the changed laws and other BS. I was told totally different things over phone and other ways and in the end it turns out there are many expwctions and that many laws have changed since and they fail to communicate with each other properly. Funny thing is the most screwups didn't happen on the czech side, yet over here czech is considered east europe country, yet it seems our base system works better, but over here everyone is happy with the system or pretends to be, while in czech everyone is pissed.
And they allow themselves to be taken freedoms with all the camera systems, chipped garbage bins connected with network so they can see who used it last time and charge you for every use, for eevry bag you haev to reuse it again. Yes I am not kidding at all. And they all blindly accept it.


Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
Well. It's just how life is, man. The so-called Progress is good for foolish people that fall for the "ooh, shiny!" features, not seeing what's beneath them. Yes, so much security... for the price of the little freedoms we used to have. Gradually taken away, until no freedoms are left. Yes, so much good graphics. And beneath them, shallow gameplay or no gameplay at all. Yes, so many professional opportunities... but what morals will you have if you take these opportunities. And so on, and so on. States of law... but what law?! Whom it protects?!

Thing is, in everyday life most of these faults are not seen. But the poorer, the more dependant on state help you get, the more faults come into the light of day.

Oh, well.

This should be discussed elsewhere, more private.

Where? Steam doesn't seem to let me readd/unblock ya.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I can't use Steam anyway, my laptop cannot be connected to the network still and my real machine is unstable as hell, reboots minimally after hour of use, at max these days. Right now I am using text only browser with no graphics to type this and do other stuff. If we had more money we could repair something but right now we are more like struggling to survive than anything else. We're running out of money pretty fast and the subsidies didn't arrive due to screwups too. But you know where you can eventually reach me, on the local IRC channel we have remember?


Mar 8, 2010
Abbotsford BC
Well I for one am glad you two are talking and becoming friends again.I respect both of you and the work you do,and of course the help you both(and others) have given me.Thank you.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2006
I've had my own personal issues lately and I've been greatly humbled by the experience. It's also shown me how utterly stupid and selfish I behaved, and I've been striving to make amends to those who I touched negatively. It's simply wonderful to see you guys who share such like interests putting the past behind you. Well done gentlemen.

I and others look forward to your contributions.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Btw, here are some screenshots I took for Matthew Kagle out of the stuff he sent me, because he didn't clerly remember the enterprise map. It does not contain screemshots of the other maps though, it is one o the test/personal maps leftovers he sent me, most of them never finished. enterprise.rar Yes all the individual parts are separate brushes, it's not an imported model, basically all done by the brush primitives/deintersected/modified to fit all seamlesly together. it doesn't look bad certainly, I think I might use this enterprise ship as an easter egg in upsx rework somewhere later. :p
For what it's worth I peek in here often to see how it's going, just in case progress is mentioned and I enjoy all the pics you post Leo, be them restored stuff and those pulled from the dev days of this project. I think the stuff you've done here was really cool and it was amazing that you managed to get so many guys to contact you about it and even post details here. I don't think I expected you to even ever get a functional pack going out of the content, i was just jazzed to see it unearthed.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
It seems unlikely that masterunreal will provide even the reworked quadshot mesh to me, I will start working on creating content to fill in the holes and I am really sad about the whole thing. But..I'll do my best to make as quality content as I am able to do, no new meshes from me but at least other content will be there to fill the holes, already decided what to do and even made one skin which isn't looking too bad imo even if it isnt something too new.

Thanks for the reply Proph, I appreciate that. After all I still love this game and I'm trying to unearth as much as possible and work on stuff, even though life has been very hard on me lately.

Just too bad about MU, because I never tried to force him to do stuff, which was the case with some people before, it was meant as alongside his prophets vision(the alpha remake) project so almost everything he made for me he also used there, or vice versa more like. Except for the quadshot with the automag hand mesh, but he already did part of that for another project, sad to lose that though.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Just a quick question...
Did they ever make it working on a psx?
Yes, but that version only existed for the inner team and the contractors didnt have acess to that. I did speak to Jason VanDenberghe who was a producer for Unreal PSX and he told me he did see it running rather well and that it kept the Unreal feel, despite it being very low res and fuzzy.
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