What would revive the UT franchise?

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May 12, 2008
You can rampdodge in ut3. You just have to use a phys material with extreme low friction for the ramp.

The DM-Rankin remake uses phys volumes. It works but not really well.

The only map I know of that successfully pulled off ramp dodging in UT3 the "propper" way" is DM-Q3ProTourney4

Not the 1 vs 1 version. The author closed tat part of the map.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Where the heck did you people sniff up the crap that indie games cost anywhere near the amount to make that a AAA title does to make? -_- Not trying to start crap just curious where you are getting your facts :B

maybe it's because when given equal results the amount of resources required to create the game does not change.


XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
Hmm...I come from a 3D Realms and id Software gaming background from back when, so attempting to bring back classics that I've done back in the '90s to UT3 may probably be okay, since 3DR had that policy where levels were meant to be great for DukeMatches, WangBangs, what have you. However, with UT3's stock textures, meshes, etc...these may be a good way to introduce old-school multiplayer with newer technology. May work. An L-shaped city block with a couple of buildings that you can cruise around...yeah, might be good enough for deathmatch here.
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