Radar & health.

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New Member
Dec 30, 2002
Visit site
hello !
I have make a radar which see the players and i don't know how i can to do for see items (for exemple Minihealth or adrenaline).
For players the line is :
foreach DynamicActors(class'Pawn',P)
but i don't know for item.... :(
Thx :D
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New Member
Dec 30, 2002
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i have already unreal 2k4 Source , but the problem i don't know what i have to write for an item ....I now for a player it's Foreach but i don't know for an item . plz help me :s


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
You could loop though all the NavigationPoints and see if which ones are inventoryspots and which ones are PathNodes.

It would be something like this:

local NavigaiontPoint N;

for(N = Level.NavigationPointList; N != None; N= N.NextNavigationPoint)
    if the nav point is an invetory item
    You would also want to check the distance or something else as well   
    here, because this is going to give you every InventorySpot on the map.
       //do whatever



Also just an FYI: You may want to look at the NavigationPoint class and its subclasses,also the InventorySpot class which is a subclass of SmallNavigationPoint.
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New Member
Dec 30, 2002
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Thx for you answer but i have pb :( ... that's my code before (from Hudinvasion) :
simulated function ShowTeamScorePassC(Canvas C)
	local Pawn P;
	local float Dist, MaxDist, RadarWidth, PulseBrightness,Angle,DotSize,OffsetY,OffsetScale;
	local rotator Dir;
	local vector Start;
	LastDrawRadar = Level.TimeSeconds;
	RadarWidth = 0.5 * RadarScale * C.ClipX;
	DotSize = 24*C.ClipX*HUDScale/1600;
	if ( PawnOwner == None )
		Start = PlayerOwner.Location;
		Start = PawnOwner.Location;
	MaxDist = 3000 * RadarPulse;
	C.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	OffsetY = RadarPosY + RadarWidth/C.ClipY;
	MinEnemyDist = 3000;
	ForEach DynamicActors(class'Pawn',P)
		if ( P.Health > 0 )
			Dist = VSize(Start - P.Location);
			if ( Dist < 3000 )
				if ( Dist < MaxDist )
					PulseBrightness = 255 - 255*Abs(Dist*0.00033 - RadarPulse);
					PulseBrightness = 255 - 255*Abs(Dist*0.00033 - RadarPulse - 1);
				if ( Monster(P) != None )
					MinEnemyDist = FMin(MinEnemyDist, Dist);
					C.DrawColor.R = PulseBrightness;
					C.DrawColor.G = PulseBrightness;
					C.DrawColor.B = 0;
					C.DrawColor.R = 0;
					C.DrawColor.G = 0;
					C.DrawColor.B = PulseBrightness;
				Dir = rotator(P.Location - Start);
				OffsetScale = RadarScale*Dist*0.000167;
				Angle = ((Dir.Yaw - PlayerOwner.Rotation.Yaw) & 65535) * 6.2832/65536;
				C.SetPos(RadarPosX * C.ClipX + OffsetScale * C.ClipX * sin(Angle) - 0.5*DotSize,
						OffsetY * C.ClipY - OffsetScale * C.ClipX * cos(Angle) - 0.5*DotSize);

and after you post :
simulated function ShowTeamScorePassC(Canvas C)
	local Pawn P;
	local float Dist, MaxDist, RadarWidth, PulseBrightness,Angle,DotSize,OffsetY,OffsetScale;
	local rotator Dir;
	local vector Start;
	local NavigationtPoint N; //

	LastDrawRadar = Level.TimeSeconds;
	RadarWidth = 0.5 * RadarScale * C.ClipX;
	DotSize = 24*C.ClipX*HUDScale/1600;
	if ( PawnOwner == None )
		Start = PlayerOwner.Location;
		Start = PawnOwner.Location;

	MaxDist = 3000 * RadarPulse;
	C.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
	OffsetY = RadarPosY + RadarWidth/C.ClipY;
	MinEnemyDist = 3000;
	for(N = Level.NavigationPointList; N != None; N= N.NextNavigationPoint)
    if the nav point is an invetory item
    You would also want to check the distance or something else as well
    here, because this is going to give you every InventorySpot on the map.

  	if ( Dist < MaxDist )
					PulseBrightness = 255 - 255*Abs(Dist*0.00033 - RadarPulse);
					PulseBrightness = 255 - 255*Abs(Dist*0.00033 - RadarPulse - 1);
				if ( Adrenaline(A) != None )   // if ( Monster(P) != None )
//					MinEnemyDist = FMin(MinEnemyDist, Dist);
					C.DrawColor.R = PulseBrightness;
					C.DrawColor.G = PulseBrightness;
					C.DrawColor.B = 0;


but there is an error :
Error, Unrecognized type 'NavigationtPoint'

And i think it s not the only error :'(
If someone can help me ... :)

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
For players the line is : foreach DynamicActors(class'Pawn',P)
but i don't know for item....

What Mychaeel was saying in the post after this, is probably indicating that you don't actually understand what the foreach dynamicactors is actually doing, in which case you should have read up on it. To make life a little easier, I'll post what it does syntax wise.

Basically foreach will iterate through every actor within the level, and dynamicactors makes the list if valid actors shorter (You ideally do not want to sort through the entire list of actors at any given time, unless for initialization reasons). The syntax then follows as class and then variable. The class variable will then seed out the list of actors who class match the class you have given, and then references it into the variable you have put in. Thus to do it for inventory items you could do,
local Inventory I;
foreach dynamicactors(class'Inventory',I);