UE2 - UT2kX How to access with unrealscript to keys set in user.ini ?

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New Member
Jun 5, 2013

I would like to intercept a key that is defined by the player to temporary disable his function in my gametype.

I found that I should use Interaction and somebody tells me to look at the KeyEvent function.
But I have to know what key is affected to this particular function as it's user defined under the [Engine.Input] section.

I thougt we can access object internal variable via MyObject.MyVariable.
So I check if we can access variable from a Input object, I have extracted the Engine package and I don't found any Input class file.

Also I looked to Input bytes/floats in PlayerControllers but they only are about movment or view.

Do you have any idea about I could achieve this?

Thanks in advance