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member since Jan07... didn't survive
Jan 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Steam beats the hell out of other forms of DRM. At least it's all consolidated into one program and you have the ability to install on multiple machines, as well as the nice community tools.

All your points are more than true, but it's stepping past the main issue. Given that Steam fails at it's only true purpose (preventing piracy), why the F should a legitimate user be forced to use it?

I'm sure it would be fine to use, but I refuse out of principle. Hell, I use xFire. I'm sure Steam is a better program, but oh wait - it's not optional.


Official Photography Thread Appreciator
Apr 29, 2001
Visit site
Given that Steam fails at it's only true purpose (preventing piracy), why the F should a legitimate user be forced to use it?

I'm sure it would be fine to use, but I refuse out of principle. Hell, I use xFire. I'm sure Steam is a better program, but oh wait - it's not optional.

It's mandatory in order to prevent piracy. Your logic here is fairly circular. I'm not sure what you mean by it failing at its purpose to prevent piracy... you're not talking about non-Steam games are you? What kind of absurd argument is that?

There has to be some way to prevent piracy or PC developers won't be able to make games for this market. Pick your poison. Xfire sure as hell doesn't do it. Steam offers a trade: have a program running in the background to verify your account while you play. The resistance to it imho is based around an oldskool mentality of how things are supposed to be, and is pretty unrealistic. Personally, I'm more than willing to make that trade to encourage developers to actually release their goddamn games on the PC.
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New Member
Dec 16, 2009
It's mandatory in order to prevent piracy. Your logic here is fairly circular. I'm not sure what you mean by it failing at its purpose to prevent piracy... you're not talking about non-Steam games are you? What kind of absurd argument is that?

There has to be some way to prevent piracy or PC developers won't be able to make games for this market. Pick your poison. Xfire sure as hell doesn't do it. Steam offers a trade: have a program running in the background to verify your account while you play. The resistance to it imho is based around an oldskool mentality of how things are supposed to be, and is pretty unrealistic. Personally, I'm more than willing to make that trade to encourage developers to actually release their goddamn games on the PC.

:lol: What are you talking about? Steam is more about Digital Distribution than DRM (digital rights management).

I have never seen somebody so confused about things so obvious. The discussion I have been hearing is not about DRM or piracy. What I have been reading is that people don't like running some bogus program in the background. Epic doesn't ask me to why should I go with some secondary BS digital distribution source? :stupid:

True story I installed Steam to play L4D2 after putting up with steams trauma I left it for DEAD :flame:

Console Piracy has run rampant. You just don't hear about it because they keep a lid on it. Do you not think that software companies know that their games will be pirated why do you think you have to pay so much for your console games? It doesn't cost anymore to make them! Go online and search for a modded Xbox 360! Do you know how many people have the software to burn any game borrowed from a friend or rented right on to their PS/3. Wake up and smell the reality.

I'll let you in on another little secret here, As far as developers saying they will not release certain titles for the PC (supposed console exclusives) there is more money in it for them if they can sell there games for $70 to a xbox or ps/3 owner and then turn around in 6 month - a year later sell it for PC for cheaper. A few games they did that with the major ones would be: Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, Gears Of War, Star Wars The Force Unleashed & I could go on but I think I made my point.

Just My Humble Opinion :D


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
I agree with 1x. and LordFarqWad. I have never used Steam, but the more I hear about the more I want to continue staying away.:)

Anyway, they really need to offer ALL the Unreal-based games if they're going to do it right.
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New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Makes me think, will there ever be a day when Steam closes and renders all games unplayable?

I think (I read it some years ago) they have a "patch" for that making all your games playable without logging in to Steam. I undersand it as an "enhanced offline mode".


member since Jan07... didn't survive
Jan 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
It's mandatory in order to prevent piracy. Your logic here is fairly circular. I'm not sure what you mean by it failing at its purpose to prevent piracy... you're not talking about non-Steam games are you? What kind of absurd argument is that?

...but it doesn't prevent piracy. At all. MW2 is a Steam-required game, and I could easily pirate it right this minute and even play multiplayer. I just searched for Audiosurf (which, last I checked, was only available for download from Steam - I wanted the game but refuse to use Steam) and found a pile of torrents for the game.

Honestly, stating that Steam is mandatory to prevent piracy is laughable. It's just another DRM with a shinier coating.


UT99 Instagib 'ladder' champion
Oct 25, 2009
U.S.A. (West)
...but it doesn't prevent piracy. At all. MW2 is a Steam-required game, and I could easily pirate it right this minute and even play multiplayer. I just searched for Audiosurf (which, last I checked, was only available for download from Steam - I wanted the game but refuse to use Steam) and found a pile of torrents for the game.

Honestly, stating that Steam is mandatory to prevent piracy is laughable. It's just another DRM with a shinier coating.

Well you make some interesting points i'm not sure if that last part is entirely accurate, i have to concede what has been said that Steam is more of a Digital Distribution Service than it is a DRM for 3rd party (non-Valve) software. (With the exception of Valve games and of course Valve owns and developed Steam) As i say other than the Valve games, you won't find Steam as a source of DRM on any other softwares other than those sold via Steam and digitally downloaded from Steam.

In other words; all Valve designed games are highly integrated with Steam.
Only Digitally Distributed versions of UT3 and various other games force end users to contend with Steam, a retail copy of UT3 (and other games) always either contain no DRM or a different DRM than Steam.

I view Steam as more of a DDS or CDS than a DRM, there are other DDS (Digital Distribution Services or Content Delivery Systems) such as Direct download, etc. (some publishers are implementing their own DDS) - While its a nice option; it's a mistake to think everything must go the way of DDS for publishers what about all the people with slow connections, in rural area's, no connection, etc. Even 'goofy overkill' MS realized this with an activate by telephone feature for their O/S. The entire world isn't online as much as it is assumed to be, it's not.

Which are also important key points here some not be aware of.

Bottom line:

IMO; doing away with physical copies is another 'brain-child' of the 'brain-dead' and would only hurt the industry, combine that a multitude of other headaches and you end up with a garbage product. I can't bring myself to appreciate or promote Steam for the reasons i've explained throughout this thread. (that's not saying i think i'm universally correct and anyone who has a different view is wrong - rather; it's my opinion based on my own experience and understanding) If you've bought UT3 (or other non-Valve games) via Steam and your not happy maybe buy a retail copy (or even a used copy on Amazon) next time. Unfortunately with Valve specific games it isn't possible - due to that they've lost my business, (i have a group of friends who feel the same way) for the most part unless its a must have item i do not intend to bother with future Valve games for the most part.
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Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
OMG get with the program ppl, Steam is fine for everyone else... its not for us. save the drama for your mama ;) it brings in some players who are not hardcore addict insane like the members on this and other game forums (yes those ppl do exist) give it a rest, it serves a purpose and its not necessarily for me n you, but bashing it just urns off ppl who might otherwise tryi it 'n join our games.


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
Klingon Honour Guard isn't on there either - and that's made on the UE1. That was a cool Star Trek game! :D

*edit* OOH, you mean the Unreal series, not games using the UE1! Sorry, by bad! :eek: :eek:
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New Member
Feb 13, 2010
Hi. Steam is fine and is used for a lot of competitive games. Valve's entire line is highly competitive and Steam is a great community builder for those games. It's no wonder TF2, CS and to a lesser extent L4D are all comp games with large communities. It's more of a mix between a social networking site for game and gamers/teams/clans and an Xfire type IM client.

I also love Steam because I CAN buy a retail copy of a game on Steam and then have both the disc and a digital copy in the cloud. I lost my UT3 disc and I can still play it because I had the game manual with the serial and I put it into Steam.
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New Member
Dec 16, 2009
Hi. Steam is fine and is used for a lot of competitive games. Valve's entire line is highly competitive and Steam is a great community builder for those games. It's no wonder TF2, CS and to a lesser extent L4D are all comp games with large communities. It's more of a mix between a social networking site for game and gamers/teams/clans and an Xfire type IM client.

I also love Steam because I CAN buy a retail copy of a game on Steam and then have both the disc and a digital copy in the cloud. I lost my UT3 disc and I can still play it because I had the game manual with the serial and I put it into Steam.

You been working for steam long? :doh: