UT3DOM - The (Unofficially) Official UT3 Mod

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Jan 20, 2008
Are there any solid proof about the beta leak other than the info from your post, Ronin?

Anyway don't be discouraged.


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
CTF-Omicron BONG
I have a suggestion:

Look into doing overdose form UC2, and dropping one of the hordes of DOM gametypes.

Just getting single DOM to be successful is gonna be a trick in and of itself Ronin.;)


Unreal/UT Vet from Day 1
Alright, I do apologize for my outburst, but that was not a very wise thign to do. Doesn't matter if it's beta or not.

Anyway...on to better news. xD

With all of the critism of the bonus packs, I'm jsut thinking of revamping the entire mod, leaving the 4 base mod gametypes alone, and the other 8 gametypes will get a major overhaul.

And tbh, i'm thinking of bringing back the release date to May 1, 2008. But then again, I am still thinking about it. :)

@Mr. UglyPants alright, i do admit that I lack to give you guys information and I do apologize. I'll bring up more info as she comes by. ;) And btw, abotu the loosing up thing, we shall talk on msn for that. ;)


I also apologize to everyoen for the outburst I had. I was not expecting my mod to leak.

I have gotten over it, and new testers are welcome.

Again, my apologizes to the UT3DOM crew and everyone else. :(



I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006


(sorry had to do this joke, most of people won't understand this one, it is a joke to one situation what happened in USP forums)

However I am looking forwards this project!
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Jan 19, 2008
In my opinion you're being a little overambitious with all of the gametypes. How can you possibly create quality maps for all those gametypes? I think you should stick with 2 gametypes in the "base mod", classic domination and either vehicular domination or double domination as the second choice, and use your remaining resources to enhance those as much as possible. I don't foresee many people making maps for custom gametypes like those(especially the more complex ones), not because your mod doesn't look promising, I just think that most people would rather map for a default gametype, so it's extremely important that your mod ships with several quality maps instead of a few for 12 different gametypes.

That being said, I'm glad domination is coming to ut3 and wish you the best of luck with it.
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Unreal/UT Vet from Day 1
Alright people, listen up! We have a major update for UT3DOM. :D

We UT3DOM staff members care about your critism and reccomendations. We heard your cries for less gametypes, and we've finally done it. We've merged all the Vehicular domiantion gametypes itno the main gametypws, we deleted King Domination and it's Vehicular gametype, we switched the names for Omega Domination and Beta Domiantion due to popular demands, and We've deleted the one bonus pack, making the base mod and only 1 bonus pack available. We also renamed the Bonus Pack 1 title, and added the title for the base mod. :)

So now, we have five gametypes for UT3DOM in the base mod and 1 bonus pack, compared to 13 with 1 base mod and 2 bonus packs. Do the math. ;)

However, the vehicular gametypes are still there, but are imbedded itno the regular gametype. We never relaized this before that Epic made Unreal Engine 3 have vehicular combat built into the regular gametype. Therefore, you have a choice (as a mapper) to not place vehiclues, or to not place vehicles.

Also, for the late maps that won't make it when UT3DOM get's finalized, there will be a map pack, which will include the leftover maps from the UT3DOM base mod.

So there you go ladies and gentleman, you've got your wish come true. :)

Best Regards, :cheers:

Mr. UglyPants

2007 never existed, it was all a dream.
Aug 22, 2005
Canada... eh
We have Ignotium working on a version of Cinder if i'm not mistaken, as well as his DOM-Lament is almost in full beta stage.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
P.S. Btw, does anyoen like the UT3DOM Soundtrack at all? I haven't recieved any critism/compliments/suggestions for it yet. Just make sure they are consturctive posts and not flaming posts. xD :D
I have to confess I don't like it at all. Maybe I'm spoiled with all the great UT and UT2004 music remixes in UT3, so I don't know. The problem I'm having with it is, that it's basically the original music plus some filter/reverb effects.
I have a great Razorback remix in my Winamp playlist almost all the time, which probably has UT3 quality. It's #9 from the top on this website: http://www.ssh.ne.jp/file/mp3_main.htm


New Member
Feb 7, 2008
Hmm... I'm thinking- wouldn't it be more logical to give interplay to DOM and PDOM maps, especially when PDOM is a subset of DOM?

(Sort of like DM maps with TDM interplay)

Just my $0.02 though. Really nice start! :)


Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
just a couple thoughts... its usually best to just work on a project and release it "when its done". having a release date means youre stuck and then just have to make excuses if something, anything doesnt allow you to meet your date (see the BU frontpage for example ;) ) either way, rushing to meet a deadline never does a project any good.

also like a few people have been saying, getting DOM and DDOM going as a start will prob help with release time and it will also let you get players testing the mod while youre working on other gametypes, if you deceide thats a good idea at all. in the end, less good gametypes is more (better), than more less finished gametypes :) having less to test and a more solid gametype to start with will prob get more ppl playing DOM again too!


Unreal/UT Vet from Day 1
The UT3DOM Tech Video 3: Vehicle Domination will be uploaded to YouTube within 2 hours :D

Edit1: Make that sometime this weekend. :( Sorry guys and gals, somethign major has come up. :(

Edit2: Nevermind, the tech demo for VDOM and VDDOM is postponed permantly. :(
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Unreal/UT Vet from Day 1
<Professor Farnsworth's voice> Good news, Everyone! </Professor Farnsworth's voice> :D

Because March has begun, some tech videos of certain UT3DOM's maps will be posted on Youtube within this month at any given date. :)

Also, I do apologize for not showing you guys and gals the Vehicular DDOM and Vehicular DOM videos. :( Too much has came up the past month and a half, and I've been drenched in so much work, that's the videos was postponed permantly.

On another note, some of way will complain (I knw that as a fact) when I tell you this, but our coder Snake.PLiSKIN (aka Snake) has recoded the ut3dom mod from scratch, and nwo it is more stable, effienct, and uses less memory. It is also a bit smaller as well. Also, he made Double Domination have 3 and 4 team compatbility. (and tbh, somethign I didn't originally want, because imho, it doesn't make sense, but Snake is a genious at gametype pannign, and I guarantee that you won't be dissapointed). And I do realize that some people will complain no doubt about that, but if you don't like it, oh well, not my problem. Just don't get any ideas, otherwise they'll be a problem. ;)

And finally, the DDOM and VDDOM extentions got trashed. Both regular and Double Domination use the DOM extention, and Vehicular regular and Double Domination use the VDOM. The reason by that: The Unreal Engine 3 has new capabilities that allow multiple gametypes inbedded into one extention, and what not.

Oh and before I forget, I'll give you some hints for mapping with vehicles with UT3DOM, just because I'm in a good mood today. ;)

Both the DOM and VDOM extentions support vehicles. If you decide to place vehicles in the DOM extention, you won't have a hoverboard, but you'll have a translocator, includign the vehicles improted in the map. The VDOM extention uses the hoverboard isntead fo the translocator. You can make VDOM maps without vehicles, but I'm sure peopel would think "Why the **** does this map not have Vehicles?? Isn't this supposed to be a Vehicluar Domiantion map?" Well, true, but technacly, UT3DOM supports Vehicles in both the VDOM and VDOM extention. However, I find it would be quite useless to not use vehicles in VDOM, but hey, maybe some people want the hoverboard instead of the translocator? You never know. Clans might do this. So yeah, because of this new customizibiltiy feature that UT3DOM has (that I'm sure no other mod has ever supported this kind of technique before), if you use a VDOM map that has no vechiles, I'd suggest placing in your readme:

Extention: DOM/VDOM (use the one your map is set to)
Vehicles: YES/NO (to let people know that you have vechiles in your UT3DOM map or not).

So anyway, I'll write a readme prototype that some people can use for UT3DOM. I'll also be releasing my RoninFX Readme v2 template that can be used for any UT (and it's not the long-ass-nonesense-type readme, this one is properly fitted xD :)).

And as a very last note, UT3DOM is almost at it's mappers final build. IT is currently in RC7.2 (v0.99B). Once the mappers final has been released, all mappers makigna map for UT3DOM, must PM me so I can send you the mappers final so you can build and cook your map for that version. :) And btw, the Mappers final is the final version, but it includes no maps. Just incase if your wondering. ;)

Other than that, not much more to say.

Take care everyone. If you have any questions, comments, critism, please don't hesitate to write it down. :)

RoninMastaFX. :)