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And as it was written, so it was updated.

Thank you Warren.

The gametypes could use some work.


hmmm- the game types could use some work.. OK! what, you want more detail? different strategies? {in a bad NY accent} gimme somethin' to work with here! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif that's what this forum is for-- lemme know what you want to see and I'll do what I can.


The gametypes that need most work is the VIP types.
You are playing with the idee of a VIP, but can't decide on the kind of scenario he is a part.
A similar tendency goes for CTD (capture the disk): Is it going to include a common disk or team disks? Will it be that different to UT CTF with INF weapons.
Then the more practical part of Random Spawn commes to mind: What will happen to the player and what shall/can the mapper do.

It is better to have a single good gametype, than 8 half bad. There is a need to perfect the gametypes. Don't forget to playtest.


It's quite simple, at least from my point of view- as far as capture the disk goes, we tried the single disk scenario, and it just doesn't work well. CTF is a proven game type and it's as old as it is fun to play. We're just altering the playability to be a little more 'realistic' so to speak, by adding the CD/laptop combo.

The VIP game modes take different scenarios- if anything to figure out which of them is the most balanced and fun to play. More than likely the VIP or the person needing 'rescued' will be a player rather than a bot. AI just can't be *that* good even with UT. Unfortunately a lot of the 'good gametypes' need great levels to bring out the balance and fun. What we want to do is go as far as we can and hope the community finds an equalibrium in creating maps that fit a gamestyle. We also want to make sure most maps don't have to be specially made for an individual gametype in order to be fun with another.

The random spawning thing will be as simple as we can make it. For instance, the level designer places all spawn points in the map for team 1 and 2. Well if the Random Spawn mutator is used, than either team may spawn at the opposite location in the next round. If the level designer places spots 1, 2 and 3 in the map and there are only 2 teams, than the 3rd spawn point is mixed in with the choices. I don't know what the limitations for this will be yet, but IMO it's better to max out on ideas and go as far as you can, than have to come up with something at the last minute- that applies to the whole roadmap.

In this point of Infiltration's life, playtesting is an obvious thing. We now have a wider base of players to help us test, and most important, a dedicated set of servers to run test games on- all of which we just didn't have 'back in the day.' We plan on taking version 3 one step at a time- yeah, there's a ton of content to be added, but it doesn't ALL have to be there for version 3- after all is said and done, I think this team is doing great for a bunch of unpaid game developer wanna-bees.

I'll do my best to squash any holes you find, so keep them coming!


Turning some thoughts:

The thing I was wondering on were if CTD would be done with 2 laptops and 1 disk, making it a bit different from CTF, or if it would be CTF in camo (as you say it will).

If the AI of the VIP were a "tag along": A player touches the VIP, there after the VIP tries to follow this player. As long as the VIP can see the player it tryes to keep up (slowly). If the VIP can't se the player, it will go to the spot where it saw the player last time, trying to find the player. If the VIP sees the player being killed it either runs away or lays flat saying "don't kill me". I don't think the player way will work.

Looking at the gametypes of UT, they are designed to make the game fair. The only one were the teams have different objectives, they change side (you could do the same).

What do you think about my scout gametype (5 posts, the first team to tag them all and report back has won)?

I'll have to agree - as an amateur team you'r doing quiet well. Don't stop. It's amazing how open you guys are, always ready to hear us out (344 posts!).


Having one CD instead of two is a good idea as well- I've written that down and we'll play with that idea when it comes time to implememnt game modes.

We still plan on testing bot VIP's since it'd be nice to have a 'capture the VIP' type deal for Rescue, instead of the tangos just trying to kill him, as well as keeping the player from having to be a VIP. But if it doesn't work, than we'll have to resort to using a random player from the specops team- which will require 3 people to join. We could make it so the first person to join the server gets to pick his team, but then everyone after that gets put on a team automatically so it stay's fair- then maybe if only 2 people have joined, let them play a regular StandOff style game until a third player jumps in. We'll do our best to make playing the VIP as fun and balanced as possible.

The scout game style is good too- it allows map makers to be able to create different style 'tag points' such as small buildings, hills, lookout posts, etc. That also is a great idea.

I'm glad you appreciate our work as well! It helps knowing that people look forward to our stuff- Thanks for the great ideas!