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Feb 3, 2003
Yeah we only had 4 people on for a little while. I got bored and left. the game is no fun that way :(


Feb 3, 2003
Well, I'd say anywhere between 7-9pm to start, til I get bored of playing with 4 players :lol: (This is Eastern U.S. time, GMT -5)

Tonight, I hope to get more people, it being friday night and all. Then again I may have friends coming over or dragging me out so who knows?


New Member
May 1, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
TF2 is awesome. Not as fun as a ut3 ctf scrim for me, but a great casual game.
My top classes are sniper/soldier/scout/engineer. Sniper being the most satisfying - downing heavies in 1-2 shots.

What are everyones top scores?
My record is 30 points between deaths as a sniper. Only 17 kills, but 13 headshots.


Wangosaurus Rex
Feb 26, 2002
In a Nuclear Missile Silo
I figure, since my birthday is coming up (and I got 60 points higher on my Physical Electronics exam than I thought I would) I would pick up a game. This is ignoring the fact that I purchased Soulstorm last week and am already planning to order a few older games I never picked up.

Anyway, the Orange Box comes to mind. But, the main selling point there is going to be TF2 (since I know Valve will force us to repurchase everything again in two or three years when Episode 3 comes out). I figure, Call of Duty 4 was like a defibrillator for the multiplayer gamer inside of me (I thought that had died with UT and XMP...), but I am sick and god damn tired of all the sniping and camping. Yes, I realize that this is a pseudo-realistic FPS and ambushes are important. I have no problem with people who stop in a spot to cap someone coming around the corner or defend an area. I am pissed off when kids camp behind a spawn and kill everyone, or when half the enemy team are snipers.

Err, that being said, I just have three questions for you guys regarding TF2
  1. Are the ****ing snipers so god damned annoying that if you even pop your head up you are dead?
  2. Is there any real sense of achievement with the achievement/statistics? I know there are no unlockables, but I still like the proverbial pat on the back for killing massive numbers of people. Just no fist bumping.
  3. Are there any decent SWEPS for GMOD? I actually purchased Day of Defeat Source for GMOD, but there are no sweps that let me deploy my MGs (or are even remotely close to the guns from DoD). Not a major point, but it would be nice to have some more stuff to mess around with as I reeneact Starship Troopers (the movie), right down to the gratuitous shower scene where we get to look at Dina Meyers boobies.

Jordan L

New Member
Jan 20, 2008
TF2 is pretty diverse. Snipers aren't really ever bad. If there are a lot of them, the opposing team will change classes most suitable to take on the snipers, until they thin them out a little. Theres lots of teammates on the mic, which keeps the game lively. A lot of the times, Teammates look out for you, and will tell you over the mic if someone is behind you, or approaching, ect...

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
The sense of achievement comes from breaking through a really tough defense and winning the match. The actual achievements are laughable, any 10 year old can easily get them.

A professional sniper can be annoying if you are retarded. In 2fort for example, a really good sniper or two can do a pretty good job of holding you from crossing the bridge. But thankfully the design of the maps circumvents this problem by providing multiple routes into the enemy base. You need to take the sewer route. Problem solved. My whole point is that if you keep taking the same route that is guarded by the sniper, then you deserve to be headshotted over and over again. You gotta be unpredictable and switch up your routes.


Sep 17, 2004
Are they really homing? Or is it just an illusion since they seem to go in spirals.


Feb 3, 2003
Well, so far I haven't had much success getting people to play on the server. I'm also having issues with the server itself not doing what it's supposed to do. It always defaults to cp_well when restarted even though it's near the bottom of mapcycle.txt. I can't find a decent place for Team Fortress 2 server admins to get good information. The Steam forums are useless and full of bitching about the Custom tab.

If I were to, say, set a specific night we could all try to gather would that be good? Like maybe Tuesday or Wednesday night? I'm not generally available on the weekends anymore, but you guys are free to play on the server anytime you want. I like this gaming community, unfortunately I don't like the current iteration of UT :(