Fanatics of Realism Mods

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Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by Ballistophobia
Jesus fuckin Christ, Nemephosis. You're pretty good at whining and complaining about free mods, why don't you actually try and make one? Atleast spend more time on what's important, like the mods you do enjoy playing instead of wasting time bashing the mods you don't. :rolleyes:

Who's bashing!? I never said it sucked, I said I didn't like it! Where do you see bashing there? Point some out please, and I will gladly take it back. Otherwise, kindly get off the "let's bash Nem" bandwagon.

G-Fresh: :rolleyes:

opinions are not wrong. Facts can be wrong. An opinion is just what people think.

Lieles: I already do that. I'm obviously not gonna review a mod I don't like or have no interest in, because it wouldn't be a fair review. It would be a personal bias, and that is certainly not the point of a review.

Madwoofen: It's not Jean-Claude Van Damme, it's Rob Van Dam, a professional wrestler. Even says so in my status: Mr. Monday Night, Rob Van Dam-like. ;)


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Way to got the whole (IF) group in here :D Now you'll hear from one bashes INF without our say in it :p

...mindless drones are all out playing Infiltration/SF/TO/CS/whatever.

You equate INF not only with CS (BAD! BAD!), but with TO, SF, AND that we're mindless drones...How about taking that back? ;)

realism lovers. I just wanna smack every one of them with a copy of Rainbow 6 and say "YOU'RE PLAYING UNREAL TOURNAMENT! WRONG GAME SUCKA!"

How about taking that back? I like Infiltration for it's gameplay and community. I like UT for it's gameplay and community (Instagib-CTF rocks!) You might not have expected that one...


Aug 6, 2001
Western Mancunia
Originally posted by Nemephosis
opinions are not wrong. Facts can be wrong. An opinion is just what people think

Double :rolleyes:

You think maybe I wasn't 100% serious with that. Yes, I probably shoulda put a smilie in there, but I thought it was obvious. Nevermind


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
Keg, I beg to differ. I simply posted here because now that I see how certain people review a MOD, I wouldn't want to see the same happen to any other MOD. People that actually trust in your reviews may be turned off on downloading a great mod, simply because the reviewer doesn't like the genre. I did not post here at all because "someone was bashing INF". Bash INF all you want, just don't bash it in a review because you're not a fan of the genre. That's almost ranking up with companies paying you to review their product well.


Master of Dagoth Lies
Feb 2, 2000
Chicago, IL
The game gradually started heading towards a more realistic path after version 2.75. I myself hated 2.75 so I never really played it, and I don't remember the download size...

When Infiltration started having greater file sizes, it already had a decent following. Sure, not one as large as CS. But, most of us were ready, able, and willing to download a file that large.

But how much has the community grown since the file sizes increased? I guess I just question the need to have the wide variety of weaponry, items and maps that most of the new realism mods seem to be going with. Don't see why large mods don't have a smaller core download and then additional packs for people who really want to get into the game.

I think CS is an example of this too. How weapons does CS have? How many are really used? And how many maps are really needed? Why download 20 maps for a game that I am just testing out?

I think Urban Terror is kinda interesting...has a pretty complete set of features, but comes in at just around 70MB. Which is still large, but nowhere near the 250+ of SF (if you can't tell, I really think SF is the big culprit here)

Oh and on Nemo's opinions. I think mod squad's review basically speak for themselves. They're pretty good. Nemo should be allowed his own biases outside of his role as a reviewer.

rgx :sniper:


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
Visit site
Lets review:
Step one: someone mentions Infiltration.
Step two: Phatcat picks it up with his ever present radar.
Step three: Infers look up from the trenches.
Step four: enjoy :D


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Originally posted by LifesBane[4C]
Keg, I beg to differ. I simply posted here because now that I see how certain people review a MOD, I wouldn't want to see the same happen to any other MOD. People that actually trust in your reviews may be turned off on downloading a great mod, simply because the reviewer doesn't like the genre. I did not post here at all because "someone was bashing INF". Bash INF all you want, just don't bash it in a review because you're not a fan of the genre. That's almost ranking up with companies paying you to review their product well.

:eek: Um...I hope you didn't think I was bashing inf! I was being rather sarchastic there... :( I still feel strongly about defending Infiltration. If someone in a position to review mods starts saying a certain genre is 'teh gei', and someone has never tried it, how do they know that it's bad? Hey, what is it, 40,000 CS players can't be wrong! If they're having fun playing CS, good for them. I'm having fun right now playing INF with the community we've got. Good for us. the CTF-4, UNF, U4E groups all too have their groupies and enjoy their games. Good for them. But ... oh wait ... we do have the same point :D

Originally posted by Yurch
Lets review:
Step one: someone mentions Infiltration.
Step two: Phatcat picks it up with his ever present radar.
Step three: Infers look up from the trenches.
Step four: enjoy :D

Hehe...Well, with a postcount of almost (over??) 4500, Phatcat has to get that somehow... ;)
Originally posted by yurch
Lets review:
Step one: someone mentions Infiltration.
Step two: Phatcat picks it up with his ever present radar.
Step three: Infers look up from the trenches.
Step four: enjoy :D

see, that was my bad

I was browsing the MODSQUAD fourm after making a suggestion. and found this thread. I found it amusing and made the mistake of sharing it over in the INF front. :D

oh to be fair here is the INF bitch&moan thread I thought would be fun to start, which caused the influx of INF posters :p



Jun 17, 2001
Ocean Grove, NJ
Visit site
Nemephosis: I don't have a problem with U4E actaully, I think it's pretty fun... But, the point is, the good realism/crazy/unrealistic/tfc/whatever mods will survive. The bad ones won't. One only needs look at the failure of so many CS-Clones to realize this. Infiltration is doing better and better because it is unique and fun. CS isn't really realistic, but it's fun. I fail to see how someone can be a "mindless drone" for ENJOYING a frigging game.

Because, OBVIOUSLY, enjoying thing that other people enjoy in addition to you makes you a "mindless drone". People don't play CS to be cool or something, what drugs are you on? They play it because it's fun, just like any mod, be it U4E, INF, whatever.


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
But how much has the community grown since the file sizes increased? I guess I just question the need to have the wide variety of weaponry, items and maps that most of the new realism mods seem to be going with

Actually, it has grown quite extensively. I see new faces all the time.

I think if you played INF more (which you don't have to, lol), you'd see where I'm coming from on this next comment.

CS has many pointless crappy weapons. With CS's stupid "money system", the expensive weapons are really the "good weapons". What's that mean exactly? All the other weapons are just "in between" items to buy when you are low on cash. CS, I agree, has many many pointless weapons that no one uses.

INF on the other hand, with it's loadout system, lets people make their own loadouts they can use every round. All the weapons have their advantages and disadvantages. Sure, some people have a favorite weapon and stick to it. But usally, when playing on a server, almost everyone on a team has a different weapon. Some people just find a special something in a certain weapon, and they rock with it. It's not like CS where the "lower cost" weapons are just "lower power" and not used. So yes, I do think the weapons INF has are needed. Plus, with the completion soon enough of the Minimi, you can have a Sniper on the team, Grenade Launcher for area denial, Shotgun for clearing out enemies in buildings in CQ battles, and someone with an m16 for mid-range take-downs. Now, this doesn't necessarily happen on pubs where people are generally disorganized, but you probably see it often in Clan Matches.

Oh and Keg-- I just was just pointing out that not everyone was here to defend INF because it got bashed...Like myself, I just thought the review was innapropriately done.


Master of Dagoth Lies
Feb 2, 2000
Chicago, IL
Originally posted by LifesBane[4C]

I think if you played INF more (which you don't have to, lol), you'd see where I'm coming from on this next comment.

INF, a while back, used to be about the only UT mod I played. We played some U4E for DM fun. To be honest, and I'm not looking to get into an INF debate here (don't know why I think THAT might happen :) ) ... but I'm waiting to see if the next release changes the character/game load drove me nuts.

CS is even nuttier than that (I've become a bit of an ex-CSer ... v1.3 did me in ) . Some of the low cost weapons (AWP isnt that pricey) are the all powerful ones, and some of the high cost ones (any of the auto sniper rifles) are almost never used.

I'd say about 80% of the time on CS, someone is either using an MP5, AK, or Colt.

Weapons are one thing, I guess if they really add to the gameplay - good. If it's just a "this is a neat gun ... let's model it (which was early CS talk) " ... unneccessary. But how many maps are with the current INF download? Couldnt some of these be seperated out into packs?



BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
I like realism mods because ill never get to use a actual weapon in real life. how many of you get to use a real life M-16? not many... but to be able to do it in a game, with a force feedback mouse and know that it is very accurate of the real thing is pretty cool.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Couldnt some of these be seperated out into packs?

Actually, from INF 2.80 on and (I think...?...TO) has mulitpart downloads, in which you can download it part by part for the dialupers (like me :D). The INF team has been really good about supporting that end, IMHO.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Alright, I'll take back the "mindless drones" thing and the other one, I know I said something but this thread's too large. Whatever else I said, I take back :)

Now, I would also appreciate some retraction, namely about my reviewing skills, which I get into later.

Without getting into specific quotes (cause too many were made while I was at work :lol: ) here's my replies to the general thread.

Someone mentioned I should be able to have my own bias outside of being a reviewer. I've already said it, and I'll say it again: I do have that. I don't have any interest in Infiltration. But that doesn't mean I'll go out and stupidly review something I won't possibly enjoy. Where would the point of that be? Not only would I be making myself look stupid by doing it, I'd be turning away potential new players (which I don't want to do.)

Someone mentioned "the review" (thanks for telling us which version, I'm assuming 2.86) wasn't done too well. I didn't review it.

One more time: I have not, and will not, review a mod I have no interest in, such as Infiltration. To make assumptions on my reviewing abilities on something I haven't ever done is totally false. I don't feel those comments about my reviewing ability were warranted especially when said comments are based on something that will never happen. Sure I gave a bad review to Advanced CTF but that's not cause "I hated it" it's because it truly sucked. The creator thinks it's great (I guess all creators would think their stuff is great) but really, Advanced CTF makes you suicide upon returning your flag. And the creator of it can't see why this is not fun.

I was going to lock this thread but if we can all just keep the flames out of it *glances at Donnellizer and his drugs* then maybe we can actually have a civil, decent conversation about this. I'd like to hear more.

For example, someone said Infiltration was unique. what's unique about INF? What sets it apart from TO/SF? IF I were a realism fan, what would compel me to download Infiltration over either of the other two mods? What does it have/do that the others don't?


DB addict
Mar 25, 2001
aiming with the actual sights of the gun

stamina system

weapon collisions


prone position

breathing system

GREAT community:p

I think I'm forgeting something but I think it's enough:)