UE3 - UT3 I need a wireframe editor help.

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New Member
Mar 13, 2008
Im working on a game mod using the UT3 engine and I want to add custom characters, but I cant impost to Maya. Should I be using a different editor, or do I need to download something? Any help would be appreciated.


I make things happen!
Jan 25, 2008
The Moon
What is 'impost'? Also as far as I know any 3d editor would be a 'wire frame' editor wire frame is a rendering mode and nothing more than that.

Six Ways

Third Contingent
Jan 23, 2006
L'Hotel FAB
I assume you mean 'import' and furthermore that you in fact mean exporting from maya, not importing to maya. And that by wireframe editor you mean a 3D mesh modelling program.

I would recommend Blender at www.blender.org which is free and very powerful, but will take you a little while to learn from maya depending upon your level of experience. You can get a .ase exporter plugin for Blender at www.katsbits.com which is the default import format for UE3.

But you may find you need some help using it - I made a sticky on how to import from various programs to UE3 but it was lost in the great BU crash, and I can't be bothered to redo it frankly. Basically, install the plugin (look up tutorials on blender), export to .ase and import in the generic browser in UT3ed.


New Member
Mar 13, 2008
I meant import, sorry. I was looking for somewhere that had the maya plugin to let me edit the unreal mesh/wireframes, but i couldn't find it. I was told that Maya would work better. Thanks for the info Six Ways.

Six Ways

Third Contingent
Jan 23, 2006
L'Hotel FAB
Maya PLE AFAIK currently does not work directly with UE3. If you have Maya complete or unlimited then you can use ActorX. It's a pain to get Maya PLE models into UE3 (and impossible to get PLE8 models in) - you have to get an old version (7 or below IIRC), export to UT2kx, export from there to a .obj, use another editor to export that to a .ase and then import manually into UE3.